City of North Wildwood Municipal court
Local Supplemental Violations
Bureau Schedule
Pursuant to R. 7:12-4, the following Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedule of designated offenses and payable Amounts has been approved by the vicinage Assignment Judge and shall be in effect for offenses committed on and after May 1, 2011. The local Violations Bureau.
The Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedules that were prepared, pursuant to R.7:12-4, for offenses committed prior to the effective date of this schedule, are on file with the Municipal Court Administrator and are available for public inspection upon request.
Designated Offenses
138.5Parking or Driving a Motor Vehicle$ 85.00
On Beach
150.7Motor Vehicles on Boardwalk Prohibited$ 85.00
244.2No Parking in Fire Zone$ 35.00
282.7Parking on Lawn Prohibited$ 35.00
316.13CParking along Parade Route$ 35.00
322.11No Parking Between 10pm-6am
AtCityPark$ 85.00
322.4E (1)Parking in prohibited Area in a Park$ 85.00
322.8Parking at Boat Ramp$ 85.00
414.2Parking on Private Property$ 35.00
418.1Overtime Meter Parking$ 35.00
418.3Parking Over Meter Line$ 35.00
418.10Parking in Prohibited Area$ 35.00
418.11No Parking Area Around Margaret
Mace School$ 35.00
418.1545 Degree Angle Parking Only (Surf Ave)$ 35.00
418.1690 Degree Angle parking (Beach Colony)$ 35.00
418.16.1Parking in Handicapped Area$283.00
418.17Parking in Loading Zone$ 35.00
418.18Parking Overtime in ½ Hour Zone$ 35.00
418.38Unlawful Parking$ 35.00
418.72Prohibited Parking $85.00
Designated Offenses
11.3ABall Playing on Beach Prohibited$100.00
11.3CFlotation Devices Inflated$100.00
21.6Roller Skates & Skateboards$ 85.00
37.2Dogs Must Be on Leash$ 60.00
37.3Keeping a dog W/O a license$ 60.00
49.3Receptacles Needed for Trash$ 60.00
49.4Materials Too Large for Containers$100.00
49.5Construction Debris$250.00
49.13Illegal Dumping of Trash$150.00
52.1Obnoxious Growth Prohibited$ 85.00
56B.1Littering Prohibited$ 85.00
56B.12No Littering on Property$ 85.00
77A.3Recycling Must be separated$ 60.00
77A.5Receptacles out before 5PM$ 60.00
78.5No Lease Available on Premises$150.00
122.2B (2)Mercantile License needed for Arcade
126.6Allowing a Dog to Run at Large$ 85.00
126.8Keeping a dog Without Obtaining a
License$ 85.00
126.12Soiling and Defilement by Dogs$ 85.00
138.2Being on Beach between 10pm-6am$100.00
138.3BSwimming Beyond a Safe Depth$100.00
138.3FDisregard of Lifeguard’s Whistle
Or Signals$100.00
138.3GAlcoholic Bev. Prohibited on Boardwalk$150.00
138.3HClimbing on Bench/railing on Boardwalk$100.00
162.2Bushes, Grass and Weeds$ 85.00
162.3Removal of Brush, weeds, trash$ 85.00
202.7Dumpster and Debris containers$250.00
202.8Portable Toilets$250.00
202.10Construction fences, silt, fences required$250.00
217.1Permit Required for Dumpster$100.00
217.2Dumpster/Expired Permit$100.00
217.3Location of Dumpsters$100.00
276.40Illegal Sign$150.00
276.40AAdvertising Business off Site$150.00
282.10Construction Sites Must Be Kept Clean$283.00
292.8Mercantile License Must be Displayed$ 85.00
302.3Maintenance of Sidewalks$283.00
302.4Weeds in Excess of 10 Inches$ 85.00
302.4BWeeds in Excess of 10”, 2nd Offense$283.00
303.3Houses must be numbered$ 85.00
305.2Air conditioner /Carpet at Street$85.00
305.3.2Failure to Provide Sufficient Trash Cans$ 60.00
308.2A(1)Loud radio, TV between 10pm – 7am$150.00
308.2A(2)Loud noise, loudspeaker, public address or
Other, for non-commercial use$155.00
308.2CAnimal noise disturbance$ 85.00
308.2dNoise Loading/Unloading Dumpster
Between 10pm – 7am prohibited$155.00
308.2EConstruction Noise before 8 am$155.00
308.2IExcessive Noise over 3 minutes$155.00
308.6Horns & Signaling Devices$155.00
326.2Open Display of Liquor$183.00
326.3Sleeping in Motor Vehicle$183.00
326.4Unlawful Behavior $183.00
326.7Noise Regulation$183.00
326.10Loud Radio in Motor Vehicle$183.00
344.2Failure to Pay Room Tax$155.00
374.3Trash Regulation 1St Offense$ 60.00
374.3ATrash Receptacles Required$100.00
374.3BTrash Regulation 2nd Offense$155.00
374.16Recyclables out of Wrong Day$ 60.00
418.35For Sale Signs of Parked Car Prohibited$ 33.00