Joseph Gerson

Summary C.V.

Joseph Gerson, Ph.D.

American Friends Service Committee

2161 Massachusetts Ave.

Cambridge, Mass. 02140, USA

Phone: (w) 617-661-6130 (c) 617-216-0576

Fax: 617-354-2832


Education: B.S.F.S. Georgetown University, 1968

Ph.D., Politics and International Security Studies, Union Institute, 1995.


Director of Programs, American Friends Service Committee – New England 1978 – 2012

Director of Peace & Economic Security Program – AFSC 1976 – 2010

* Tufts University Experimental College 1996 (course on Moral Imagination and Human


* Regis College (courses on Japanese, Middle East and Post-Soviet Russian Political Dynamics

1991- 96)

* Holy Cross College (Peace Studies Capstone Seminar 1994)

Books: * Empire and the Bomb: How the US Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World – Pluto

Press, 2007

* With Hiroshima Eyes: Atomic War, Nuclear Extortion and Moral Imagination - New

Society Publishers 1995

* The Sun Never Sets...Confronting the Network of U.S. Foreign Military Bases, South

End Press, 1991

* The Deadly Connection: Nuclear War and U.S. Intervention, New Society Publishers,


Partial List * NATO in Crisis and Agendas for Chicago, International Network of Engineers and Scientists

Of Publications * Don’t Believe the NATO Hype, Huffington Post and others

* The Grim Implications of Obama’s New Defense Plan, Counterpunch and others

* Libya Conflict Highlights NATO’s Imperialism Mission, TruthOut and others

* Tucson Terrorism: A Deeply Rooted Assault on American Democracy, TruthOut, Statesman

Journal and others

* Compensating for Decline: Revitalizing US Asia-Pacific Hegemony, TruthOut, Jan.2011

* Guest Editor, special edition on military bases Peace Review, May, 2010

* “Japan: Offensive Military Bases and a Troubled Alliance”, Peace Review, May, 2010

·  “Obama’s Nuclear Credibility Gap”, Common Dreams, March, 2010

·  “Obama’s Afghan ‘Strategy’ another American Tragedy”, Capital Times, Madison, WI. January, 2010

·  “Obama, Nuclear Weapons and Abolition”, Common Dreams, 2009.

·  “The Politics of Escalation”, with Tom Hayden. The Nation, 2009

·  Obama, NATO, and Restoration of U.S. “Leadership”, Neues Deutschland, 2009

·  “U.S. Foreign Military Bases & Military Colonialism: Personal and Analytical Perspectives” in Katherine Lutz, Empire of Bases, Pluto Press, 2009.

·  “Afghanistan, Socks, and a Moral Compass”, Common Dreams, December,2008

·  “Obama’s Election Triumph: Paradoxes of Hope” Japan Peace Journal,2008

·  “Obama in Global Perspective” Organization of American Historians, November, 2008

·  “Imperial Geopolitics, China and Article 9: Forces Driving the Possible Revision of the Japanese Constitution”, Sekai Magazine, December, 2007

·  "Enduring" U.S. Bases in Iraq: Monopolizing the Middle East Prize, Fellowship, Winter 2007

·  “Siddhartha: Contradictions and Enlightenment”, Peacework, Summer 2007

·  “Preventing Nuclear War in Korea”, ZNET, October, 2006

·  “Why I was Arrested (On Cambridge Common) For Protesting The War”, Common Dreams

·  “With the Hibakusha: From the Inferno, Toward Survival” Just Commentary, January 2004

·  “American Icarus”, ZNET, Oct. 2003

·  “U.S.-Japan Alliance for 21st Century Hegemony”, Peace Review, June 1997

·  “Asia/Pacific Peace and Security Issues", Interhemispheric Resource Center, Jan. 1997

·  "Asian/Pacific Realpolitiks", Z Magazine July/Aug. 1996

·  "I Refuse" - Voices of Okinawan Women”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July/Aug


·  "Achieving the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons", Peacework, June 1996

·  "Hibakusha Memories", Boston Globe, August 1995

·  “The Smithsonian’s Final Act”, Peace Review, 7:2, 1995

·  "Desert Storms, Deadly Connections", Peace Review. 6:3, 1994

·  “Legacies of the Storm: Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and the Diplomacy of the Israeli-

Palestinian-Arab Conflict",Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives, June -

September 1993

·  “The U.S. Should End Its Military Alliance with Japan”. In American Foreign Policy: Opposing Viewpoints, Greenhaven Press,1993

·  “The War and the New World Order”, Peace Review, Summer 1991

Public Speaking:

* Keynote speeches: International Counter Forum to the Nuclear Security Summit, Seoul, March

2012; International Conference, Bikini Day Commemorations, Shizuoka, February, 2012: International Peace Day Conference, Dalian, September 2011; Guam Social Work Conference: Human Rights and Social Justice, Micronesia, March, 201;, United for Justice and Peace, January, 2011, Boston; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Annual General Meeting, London, October, 2010; Counter-NATO Summit Conference, Lisbon, November, 2010; Japan Peace Conference, Sasebo, December, 2010

*Talks on Peace and Justice Issues at more than 50 U.S. colleges and universities and in countless

community forums

* Keynote Speeches World Conference against A- & H Bombs, Hiroshima & Nagasaki

1989, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 2001-2003, 2005-20012

* Peace Forums in association with the Chinese Peoples’ Association for Peace and Disarmament,

Beijing, Washington, D.C., Changzhou, 2008-2010

* Conference on Ideas, History, and Political Action, Harvard University, 2009

* Japan Scientists Association 2009, 2007

* Keynote Speech, International Conference on Afghanistan, Berlin, 2009

* Peace Forum, Beijing, 2008

* International Afghanistan Congress, Hanover, German 2008

* Global Article 9 Conference, Tokyo 2008

* National Peace Studies Association, June 1997 “US-Japan Mutual Security Treaty Alliance:

Military Keystone for New World (Dis)Order

* International Symposium: Fifty Years since the Atomic Bombing ofHiroshima and Nagasaki,

Hiroshima, 1995

* Crossroads 1991: Conference for a Bases Free, Nuclear Free Philippines, Manila 1990.

* European Nuclear Disarmament Conference, Lund, Sweden, 1988.

* North Atlantic Network Conference, Bergen, Norway, 1984.

Major * Co-Convener 2011- 112Network for a NATO-Free Future: Counter Summit for Peace and

Organizing Economic Justice

Initiatives * Initiated Budget For All Massachusetts Referendum Campaign

* Co-Convener 2010 NPT Review International Planning Committee: International peace

conference, mass rally and march Times Square to United Nations, presentation of 17 million

petition signatures to NPT Review Conference

* New Strategies for the Obama Era, New England Conference, Tufts University, April 2009

*U.S. Peace Movement Delegation to China – April 2008 & Reciprocal Visit of Delegation

From Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament, March, 2009

* Security Without Empire, National Organizing Conference on Military Bases, American

University, February, 2009

* Co-Founder United for Peace and Justice – 2002

* Founder, United for Justice and Peace – Sept. 11, 2001

* Global Hibakusha Delegations to Hague Appeal for Peace Conference 1999, United Nations

NGO Millennium Conference

* Historians Committee, Smithsonian Institution 50th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki –


* The Nuclear Weapons Freeze Movement - 1979-83

* Organized numerous peace and justice conferences at Harvard University, MIT, Tufts University,

and Simmons College 1976-2010

* Organized numerous speaking tours of Palestinian, Israeli, Japanese, Korean, Filipina/o

European Peace advocates

* Committee to Protect Boston Harbor – Prevented Homeporting of the nuclear armed Battleship

Missouri in Boston (Rhode Island and New York) - 1983

* Boston Campaign to Prevent, and Oppose, the Gulf War 1990-91

Consultations/ * International Coordinating Committee (No to NATO/No To War)

Boards * Korea Democracy Foundation

* Massachusetts Civil Liberties Committee

Honors: * Champion of Peace Award, Salem State University Peace Institute, 2010

* George Kennan Peace Award, New Jersey Peace Action, 1995

* Edward Douglas White Award, Outstanding Student Service, Georgetown University, 1968