Quality First Teaching – The Inclusive Classroom

Inclusion Audit – Specific Visual Impairment

Class……………….. Year Group………………. Date of Audit………………….. Carried out by……………………………..

Key Question: How does this classroom environment support inclusion?

Area of focus / Fully / Partly / Not yet / How is it done? Comments. Future Action
Is your classroom well lit?
Does your VI pupil have good access to models, specimens, visual teaching aids?
Are potential hazards for VI pupils clearly identified?
Do you verbalise what you are writing on the board?
Do you always provide good, clear, well contrasted visual information?
Do you give clear, concise, instructions and directions?
When direct teaching do you stand in a favourable position? (e.g. Not in front of a window)
Do you give VI pupils the opportunity to use alternative writing implements? (e.g. black felt tip pen, 2B pencil)
Do you check that pupils are wearing glasses when necessary – and that they are clean?
Do you always ensure that the VI pupil is sitting in an appropriate place?
Do you always ensure that VI pupils have their own copy of learning materials?
Are you aware that some VI pupils may need extra time to complete tasks – do you provide this or modify the task for them?