Madame Cynthia Tiedeman French I-IV

Welcome to our class! I am pleased to have you as my student. I have three R’s that make up my rules for my G rated classroom. Responsibility, Respect, and Results.

a.I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat me.

b.Do quality work.

c. Be intellectually honest.

  1. You may engage in any behavior which does not create a problem for anyone else in the world. I would prefer you not engage in activities that create problems for yourself, but realize my finite ability and desire to control another person.
  2. Cell phonescreate split attention and/or attention away from the task at hand. This is a problem for you and creates a problem for others when the group has to take their learning time to catch you up. Therefore, it is expected that cell phones are turned off and remain in your purse or backpack unless otherwise instructed.
  3. If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means which does not cause a problem for anyone else in the world.
  4. You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or learning of yourself or others. Unkind words and actions are not tolerated.
  5. If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.
  6. If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something.
  7. What I do will depend on the special person and the special stiuation.
  8. If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me, “I’m not sure that is fair,” and we will talk.
  9. Please refer to Rochester Public Schools Rules, Rights, and Regulations.

Grade Calculation


Results will be graded and added together for your quarter grade based on:

Grading Scale






Testing90% of grade Final exam policy per building policy.

Participation 10% of grade

Be prepared, attentive, responsive, and respectful during class time. Haveyour book, supplies, binder and something to write with in class everyday. Homework is complete and on time. Even if you are unsure that you are doing it right, check with me at the beginning of the hour and do it anyway!

Being tardy or skipping class can put you behind. Absent? You are expected to check the website to know what happened and to make up any work. Late work will get credit, but it is noted as late. The natural consequence of irregular attendance and/or late work is that your grade may suffer b/c of possible difficulties in trying to catch up.

Honors OptionInformation is located by clicking the Honors button on the left side of my webpage.


pens, pencils, yellow highlighter

2 notebooks—1 will remain in the classroom for the year

1 folder for French only

3x5 notecards white for vocab flashcards (your choice: lined/unlined)

jumbo white notecards for grammar flashcards

rings to hold cards together (paperclips/rubberbands/baggies will not be accepted)

ziploc baggies for each set of flashcards

1 brown grocery bag for book cover (we’ll do this in class for a grade)

Learning Philosophy

This class is designed to acquire language and not just memorize words. Thisrequires students to be in class as much as possible to receive exposure tothe language as it is presented. High frequency words, phrases andstructures are taught in a repetitive manner proven to help students acquirethe language and not just memorize phrases (although they will do that too).

Contact Information & Website

I am a traveling teacher, so it is best to contact me via email: . I post class information on my rSchool site: Your high school should be linked to this site. If you need extra help beyond a few minutes after class, please come before before or after school according to my travel schedule. CN and MA students can also seek further help from the other French teacher in building.

I have read, with the opportunity to ask questions, the classroom procedures and evaluation system for my French class this year, and I understand how I will be evaluated.


(parent/guardian printed name)(parent/guardian signature)


(student printed name)(student signature)