Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119
• 1005 Wilbon Road • Fuquay-Varina, NC27526 •
Meeting Minutes for: April 8, 2008
Prepared by Wally Chaplin, Recorder
Pre-Meeting Presentation:
The Meeting was called to order by GK Tim Hughes at7:35 PM.
- Warden’s Report on Membership Cards(Bro. Joe Esmond):
All present are in possession of a current membership card.
- Opening Prayer:The Lord’s Prayer was led byBro. Sean Mayefskie.
4.Pledge of Allegiance:The pledge was led by the Grand Knight.
5. Roll Call of Officers:
Grand Knight: Tim Hughes / PresentChaplain: Rev. Mark Betti / Excused
Deputy Grand Knight: Bruce Meyer / Present
Chancellor: Randal Sweeney / Excused
Recorder: Wally Chaplin / Present
Financial Secretary: Pete Majewski / Present
Treasurer: Sean Mayefskie / Present
Lecturer: Vacant / N/A
Advocate: Jim O’Donnell / Present
Warden: Joe Esmond / Present
Inside Guard: Ali Vurucuoglu / Excused
Outside Guard: Mark Leuver / Present
3 Year Trustee: Dave Dillman / Excused
2 Year Trustee: Tom Hokemeyer / Present
1 Year Trustee: Mike Wands / Excused
6.Opening Ode: Omitted
- Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Motion made by Bro. Jim O’Donnell and seconded by Bro. Joe Esmond to approve the minutes of the December and January meetings as published. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.
8. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications: No Report.
9. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, and reapplications): Not Applicable.
10. Reading of Notices of Application in other Councils: Not Applicable
- Initiations: Not Applicable.
12. Grand Knight’s Report(Tim Hughes):
The month of April for our Council is already off to a quick start and I would like to take a moment to recognize our accomplishments from the past month. Our Community accomplishments include the Quarterly Blood Drive, St. Patrick Day Dinner, Boy Scout Survey, and Pancake Breakfast. Our Church accomplishments include a Roundtable with Father Mark and participation in the St. Bernadette Capital Campaign by some of our Knights. Our Council should be proud of how we come together to make great things happen. Our efforts are the cornerstone for helping St. Bernadette Church to build a solid foundation for our Community, Church, and Families. Our council should be proud of the legacy it has created for our community, church, and current and future Knights of this Council.
For you, Knights of Columbus who actively participate in Monthly Meetings, attend your Council Events, volunteer your time, and create a sustainable and flourishing Council -- our Legacy, Thank You.
As mentioned in our last meeting, I would like to dedicate a moment of prayer for Pope Benedict XVI for his upcoming pastoral visit April 15 – 20th to the United States by praying aloud the “Prayer for his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI” (the prayer card was distributed at the February meeting and published in the February meeting minutes). Copies were also made available at tonight’s meeting.
- Chaplain’s Report (Fr. Mark Betti): Omitted in Fr. Betti’s absence
- Treasurer’s Report (Bro. Sean Mayefskie):
Prior to the start of this meeting we have $7562.04 of which $999.00 is for knights in need.
- Reading by Grand Knight of Receipts of Treasurer to Financial Secretary and Treasurer’s Voucher of Deposit: Omitted
- Reading of Bills and Communications: Omitted
- Financial Secretary’s Report (Bro. Pete Majewski, FS):
We have 164 members. We have met 242.8% of our membership quota and 0% of our insurance quota. We need three insurance members to reach Double Star Council.
- Report of Auditors and Trustees: No Report
- Chancellor’s Report of Vocations (Br. Randal Sweeney): No Report
- Report ofService Program Committees(DGK Bruce Meyer):
- Membership Activities: (Bro. Dave Onofrio, Director)
A Membership Blitz has been scheduled for the weekend of April 19 – 20. Deacon Tony and Dave Onofrio will be speaking at all the masses that weekend. Help is needed at the masses to get names and phone numbers of gentlemen interested in joining the Knights of Columbus.
- Church Activities: (Bro. Jim O’Donnell, Director)
No Report
- Council Activities: (Director To Be Determined)
No Report
- Community Activities:(Bro. Mark Leuver, Director)
LAMB Program (Bro. Mark Leuver):
Whatsoever you do to the "Least Among My Brethren (LAMB) “
Operation Lamb is a Knights of Columbus Non-Profit organization that supports groups that assist people with mental retardation, especially children.
Last month we raised approximately $175.00 dollars in our Council. Bro. Mark is collecting the cans he gave out for the “Take-A-Can & Fill-A-Can.” He will give the cans a rest for a couple of months. Bro. Leuver thanked all for helping to get LAMB started. He will hold a LAMB meeting on 22 April @ 7:30 pm at St. Bernadette Church. He will share the hall for his meeting with Bro. Dave Onofrio who will hold a B-B-Q planning meeting at the same time.
- Family Activities: (Bro. Tom Hockemeyer, Director)
Bro. Tom reported that he is working on a “Durham Bulls Night” for the Council members and their families. He will pick a night to get a block of tickets. He will send out an email to the Council membership to survey interest in such an event. It will likely be on a Friday or Saturday night during the 2nd or 3rd weekend of May.
Bro. Tom also said that he is looking at a July date for a council Family Picnic.
- Youth Activities:(Bro. Michael Zazzeri):
No Report
- Report of Standing Committees:
- Blood Drives(Bro. Dave Dillman, Excused):
No Report.
However note that aCouncil Blood Drivewas held at St. Bernadette Church onMarch 27th. The dates for our other blood drives in 2008 are: June 19th, September 25th and December 4th.
- Pancake Breakfasts:
Our most recent Pancake Breakfast was held on April6th. We had to hold it without someone in the Council stepping forward to Captain the event. We extended the Pancake Breakfast to include 3 masses. We served our normal breakfast after the 7:45 and 9:30 masses. We tried something new by serving pancakes and also hamburgers, hotdogs and chips after the 11:30 AM Mass. About 50plates were served after that mass. Tentative profits for all three masses totaled $437.68.
Fr Marco asked if we could extend even further and serve after the 1:30 Hispanic mass. He promised if we did this, he would get the people to come. Following considerable discussion at tonight’s business meeting, the Council has decided to also serve a lunch menu after the 1:30 pm Mass on May 4th,the date of our next scheduled Pancake Breakfast. Bro. Tom Hockemeyer volunteered to run the first two shifts following the 7:45 am and 9: 30 am masses. Bro. Jim O’Donnell will run the last two shifts following the 11:30 am and 1:30 pm masses. This means we will have 4 shifts and need more help than ever. We would like to see some new faces there. When you receive an email requesting help for our Pancake Breakfasts, please respond “YES” or “NO” so that those in charge know how much help to expect and whether or not the need for help will be fulfilled.
Please consider being a Captain in the future. The process is well established and, according to those who have stepped forward to Captain a breakfast in the past, it is an easy job. We can not expect the same people to always be Captains.
- B-B-Q(Bro. Dave Onofrio):
Bro. Dave will hold a B-B-Q meeting on 22 April @ 7:30 pm at St. Bernadette Church. He will share the hall for his meeting with Bro. Mark Leuver who will hold a LAMB planning meeting at the same time.
- Unfinished Business:
- Kitchen Microwave Hood:
The microwave hood needs to be mounted to a cabinet. A cabinet currently mounted in another location in the kitchen needs be moved so that the hood can be attached to it. Bro. Mark Leuver will take care of getting the work done. The project should be completed by the May 13th Council Business Meeting.
- St. Patrick’s Dinner (Bro. Jim O’Donnell, Chairman):
FS Pete Majewski reported that receipts were $1299.00 and expenses $781.72, for a net profit of $517.28.
- Council By-Laws Revision: (Bro. Dave Onofrio)
Brother Onofrio presented the proposed changes to the Council By-Laws at the March business meeting. Bro. Onofrio made a motion that the By-Laws be accepted as proposed and posted in last month’s meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Bro. Mark Leuver. The motion passed by unanimous verbal consent. The new By-Laws will be sent to the Supreme Headquarters Advocate for approval.
- 2008 State Council Vacation Raffle (Bro. Sean Mayefskie):
Bro. Sean has provided tickets to Council members to sell or purchase at $5.00 each. The Council has a total of 300 tickets to sell. All unsold tickets must be returned to Br. Sean. The Council can keep half the proceeds from the ticket sales for our programs and activities.
So far, 33% of the tickets have been accounted for (sold or returned). There is about two and one-half weeks remaining before all tickets must be sold or returned to Bro. Sean so that he can turn in his report and receipts to the State Council by April 22nd. He must account for all 300 tickets, whether sold, returned or lost.
First Prize is an Alaskan Cruise for two, plus $700.00 cash. Second Prize is7-Day Hawaiian Vacation for two, plus $500.00 cash. Third through Seventh Prizes are $200 cash each.
- State Convention Delegates:
GK Tim Hughes and DGK Bruce Meyer were approved at the March business meeting as our Council delegates to this yearsState Convention. There were no volunteers for the two alternate delegates.
- New Business:
- Nomination of Officers :
GK Tim Hughes appointed the Council Trustees as the Nominating Committee for Council Officers for the 2008 – 2009 Fraternal Year. The committee will present their proposed slate of officers at the May 13th Council business meeting. Nominations will be kept open until the June business meeting when the election will be held.
If you are interested in serving your Council as an officer, contact GK Tim Hughes or one of the Council Trustees -- Bros. Tom Hokemeyer, Dave Dillman or Mike Wands.
Asummary of the major duties ofyour Council‘s elected officers is attached at the end of these minutes. Each Council officer must be a third degree knight.
- Report of Fourth Degree:
- Fr.H. Charles Mulholland Assembly #2983 (Bro. Jim O’Donnell):
Sr. Knight Bill Malefant, a Council 12119 member, passed away this past week in Texas. He was a charter member of the Assembly. We will recite tonight’s closing prayer in his memory.
A motion was made by FS Pete Majewski that the Council donate $100.00 in Bro. Malefant’s memory to the Diabetes Association and if possible for children with diabetes. The motion was seconded by Bro. Dave Onofrio. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
- Fr. Paul of Graymoor Assembly #2446 (Bro. Jim McNally):
The Assembly held a Mass at St. Michael’s Church to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Knights of Columbus. The Mass was well supported.
- Insurance Field Agent’s Report: (Bro. Michael Martin, FIC)
No Report. Bro. Martin did not attend the meeting. Set up an appointment with Bro. Michael to put an insurance and investment plan in place that will help your family when help is most needed. Business Phone: 919-303-2930, Cell Phone: 919-244-3969, and Email:
- District Deputy’s Report: (Christian Podgurski, DD)
No Report. Bro. Podgurski did not attend the meeting
- Good of the Order:
Prayers were requestedfor:
- Bro. Jim McNally’s brother Hugh McNally
- Bro. Jim McNally’s son who will be going to Iraq for a couple of weeks
- All military at home and abroad
- Vocations for the Priesthood
- Pope John Paul II
- The Bill Malefant Family
- Chaplain’s Summation: (Fr. Mark Betti) – Omitted in Fr. Betti’s absence.
- Closing Prayer: The closing prayer was led by Bro. Jim O’Donnell.
The Lord’s Prayer, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be were prayed in the memory of Bro. Bill Malefant.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by GKTim Hughes at 8:20PM.
- Attendance drawing:
You can only win if you attend your Council meetings. The name Brad Bolandwas drawn for the $10.00 award. Bro.Bolandwas not present at the meeting. Next month’s attendance drawing prize will roll over to $20.00.
Summary of Duties of Council Elected Officers
Brother Knights,
Following below you will find a summary of the major duties of your Council‘s elected officers. Each Council officer must be a third degree knight.
The Grand Knight is responsible for the overall welfare of the council. The Grand Knight must provide thoughtful and inspired leadership to the Council officers, the Service Program directors and chairmen, and to the members of the council. His duties include, but are not limited to: presiding over all Council meetings; acting as an ex-officio member of all Council committees; appointing the Membership and Program Directors and working with them on the selection of Service Program activities; appointing any special committees; and making sure that all reports and reporting forms required by the State or Supreme Councils are submitted on time. The Grand Knight also interacts with the Financial Secretary and with the Treasurer to ensure the Council is meeting its financial obligations to the Supreme Council and the State Council, and others as necessary.
The Deputy Grand Knight is the second in command of the Council. He assists the Grand Knight in the operation of Council affairs and is responsible for any duties assigned to him by the Grand Knight. In the absence of the Grand Knight, the Deputy Grand Knight presides at Council meetings and functions as the Grand Knight would.
The Chancellor serves the Council in a variety of ways. Primarily, he assists the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight in the execution of their duties and takes charge of the Council during the incapacity or extended absence of both. With the cooperation and support of the Grand Knight, the Chancellor has the important duty of strengthening the members' interest in council activities.
The Recorder is responsible for keeping a true record of all the actions of the Council and maintains all correspondence of the Council. He should incorporate the meeting minutes into the "Recorder's Minute Book" (Supreme Council Supply Item #1403), obtained by contacting the Supply or the department of Membership Records.
The Treasurer is the elected official in charge of handling all council funds. He receives money from the Financial Secretary and issues a receipt for such. He is also responsible for depositing all money in the proper council accounts and providing a voucher or certificate of deposit for each transaction. The Treasurer is also responsible for issuing payments to the Supreme Council on all assessments made by it to the Council and for all orders of the Council. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the monies in the general expense fund of the Council and the amount of money in any special funds established by the Council. He must be able to provide up-to-date records on these accounts to the Grand Knight, the Financial Secretary or the Board of Trustees.
The Advocate is the parliamentarian for the Council. He need not be a member of the legal profession; however, he should be familiar with the laws of the Order and also have knowledge of "Robert's Rules of Order," and the Supreme Council flyer, "Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting" (Supreme Council Supply Item #1937). An understanding of both of these will help keep Council meetings on track. When needed, the Advocate shall seek legal assistance from the State Advocate.
The Warden is responsible for supervising and maintaining all Council property, except that which belongs to the Financial Secretary. He sets up the Council chambers for meetings and degrees. The Warden should also oversee the Inside and Outside Guards and make sure they are fulfilling the duties assigned to them.
The Inside Guard and Outside Guard attend the doors of the Council chamber, checking on current membership cards before allowing entrance to the meetings of the Council.
The Council Board of Trustees consists of three members elected by the Council. The Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as the auditors for the Council semiannual audits and oversee the work of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer. The Trustees are elected for terms of three years, two years and one year respectively. At each regular election, the position of each Trustee will be voted upon, and the current three and two year Trustees move on to become the two year and one year Trustee, respectively.
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