October 25th – 29th, Marriott City Center in Charlotte, NC
Please complete this form and include payment to: Southern Management Association (Federal ID # 58-1295483)
Exhibitor Terms:
- Exhibitor set up is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/26, from 1:30-3:00 p.m. Exhibits will be open Wednesday from 3:00-6:30p.m., Thursday from 8:00-5:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00-3:15 p.m. (A “Café SMA” networking coffee Thursday and Friday mornings is planned from 7:45 – 8:45 in this area, and networking breaks may be scheduled for mid-afternoon(s) in this area. Exhibitor break down must take place between 3:15-4:30 p.m. on Friday.
- Regular booth space is approximately 8’ wide and 8’ deep but will not have side and back draping. SMA will provide 1 6’ table (toppedand skirted) and 2 chairs per booth space.
- Exhibitors who cannot attend the conference may submit up to 20 titles for display in the SMA Shared Exhibits Booth. Two (2) copies of each title and up to 400 brochures may be displayed. Materials left from the conference will not be returned to exhibitors.
- SMA has not scheduled an official exposition services representative for this conference. The SMA Conference Coordinator and hotel staff will work with each individual exhibitor to make arrangements for shipping materials to and from the conference and arranging other requests. Specific information is provided below. Exhibitors are responsible for their own AV arrangements.
- Contracts will be processed only when payment is received in full. Orders will be numbered consecutively on a first-come, first-served basis for space assignment.
- Contracts are due onlineby Friday, September 16, 2016. Contracts may be canceled with a 100 percent refund until Friday, September 23, 2016. No refunds will be provided after this date.
- The Southern Management Association (SMA) and the property will take special precautions to safeguard
each exhibitor’s property during the show. However, SMA and the property specifically disclaim any and
all liability.
Exhibitor Booth Space Reservation:
Number of Regular Booths______x $400 each booth =$______
______titles (max 20) for the SMA Shared Exhibit Booth______x $50 each title
(Note: A complete list of titles and authors must be attached.)= $______
Total: = $______
My booth’s identification information should read (please print):Exhibitor Contact Person (Please print, providing all information requested!):
Phone: Fax:
By clicking SUBMIT, Exhibitor agrees to comply with the policies and guidelines of the Southern Management Association; details available upon request.
Name (printed) ______
Title (printed) ______
List of Exhibitor's representatives attending: ______
Greetings, SMA 2016 Exhibitor!
SMA 2016 will be held October 25 - 29 at The Marriott City Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.We are delighted that you will be exhibiting at this event! As a reminder, per the Exhibitor Terms on the contract:
- Exhibitor set up is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/26, from 1:30-3:00 p.m. Exhibits will be open Wednesday from 3:00-6:30p.m., Thursday from 8:00-5:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00-3:15 p.m. (A “Café SMA” networking coffee Thursday and Friday mornings is planned from 7:45 – 8:45 in this area, and networking breaks may be scheduled for mid-afternoon(s) in this area. Exhibitor break down must take place between 3:15-4:30 p.m. on Friday.
- Regular booth space is approximately 8’ wide and 8’ deep but will not have side and back draping. SMA will provide 1 6’ table (toppedand skirted) and 2 chairs per booth space.
- Exhibitors who cannot attend the conference may submit up to 20 titles for display in the SMA Shared Exhibits Booth. Two (2) copies of each title and up to 400 brochures may be displayed. Materials left from the conference will not be returned to exhibitors.
- SMA has not scheduled an official exposition services representative for this conference. The SMA Conference Coordinator and hotel staff will work with each individual exhibitor to make arrangements for shipping materials to and from the conference and arranging other requests. Specific information is provided below. Exhibitors are responsible for their own AV arrangements.
- Contracts will be processed only when payment is received in full. Orders will be numbered consecutively on a first-come, first-served basis for space assignment.
- Contracts are due onlineby Friday, September 16, 2016. Contracts may be canceled with a 100 percent refund until Friday, September 23, 2016. No refunds will be provided after this date.
- The Southern Management Association (SMA) and the property will take special precautions to safeguard
each exhibitor’s property during the show. However, SMA and the property specifically disclaim any and
all liability.
If you wish to have electricity and/or other audiovisual items at your exhibit space, you will need to make arrangements with the hotel's A/V unit.
Please ship your exhibit items to arrive no earlier than Wednesday, October 20, as follows:
Hold for the (Client Name)
SMA Exhibits, 10/26/15
Charlotte Marriott City Center
100 West Trade Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
Box Number of Total (i.e., Box 1 of 2, Box 2 of 2, etc.)
Note: Be sure to number each box and put Box# of NUMBER, etc. on each one
The phone number for the hotel is:704.333.9000.
Please let us know if you have questions or need additional information. See you in Savannah!
Dr. Joy KarrikerDr. Jeff Pollack
SMA Conference CoordinatorSMA Sponsorship Chair