South Central Coast Regional Consortium (SCCRC) Planning Meeting
June 11 – 13, 2017
Cambria Pines Lodge, Cambria, CA
Monday, June 12, 2017 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM SCCRC SWP Planning
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 8:30 – 11:30 AM SCCRC Business Meeting
SCCRC SWP Regional Plan (submitted to the Chancellor's Office):
SCCRC Strategic Plan (Basis of the SWP Regional Plan:
The Strong Workforce Program Incentive Funding Model:
Monday, June 12 2017 SCCRC SWP Planning
In attendance: Leana Bowman, Alan Price, Paul Jarrell, Melissa Moreno, Dave Teasdale, Matthew Green, Sabrina Robertson, Deb Wulff, Christina Tafoya, Alice Wright, Lori Sanchez, Diane Hollems, Luann Swanberg, Julius Sokenu, John Cordova, Renee Marshall, Gayla Jurevich, Margaret Lau, Katie Faires, Mary Rees, Karen Miles, Marcelo Cabral, Paula Hodge, Trevor Hess, Robert Cabral, Laureano, Flores, George Railey, Julie Samson, Mike Bastine, Holly Chavez, Audrey Green, Nancy Jo Ward, Deanna Hall, Irit Gat, Bonnie Suderman, Harriett Happel, Josepha Baca, Debbie Newcomb, Ruth Bennington, Gary Quire, Felicia Duenas, John Cascamo, Kevin Walthers
Welcome, Introductions, and Setting theStage for the Day
Slide show presentation to onboard newest consortium members about the consortium and how if fits in with the state initiatives and Strong Workforce.
Group Activity with Discussion Questions, Report Out, and Debrief
Goal of activity: To inform format and outcomes ofSCCRC meetings, interactions, and achieving regional outcomes
The following are bullet points to the question of how key talent can better assist the colleges:
- Continue to work with all colleges not just host college
- Try to improve communication with CIOs and deans on outcomes
- Provide clear and digestible information
- Include college-specific outcomes on website and report outs
- Include the college POC when engaging stakeholders for college work
- Try to align work with that of the local college
- Treat each micro-region differently
- Help with pathway development and not just GFSF
- Try to get SN involvement in sectors where we do not have a DSN
- Share workplans with colleges
- Highlight good work done on behalf of colleges
- Continue good communication about events
- Continue TAP roadshows
- Utilize virtual meetings
- Create outreach between colleges and DSNs
- Conduct a data-walk to show how region has progressed
- Engage more with adult/returning learners
- Engage in more activities at college campuses
Prop 39/Energy, Construction, Utilities (ECU) Update
Written report provided. Major outcomes included on DSN presentation, attached separately.
COE Update
Lori Sanchez was introduced as our region’s interim COE contact. Written report provided (see attached) and also available on COE website ( Lori also demonstrated an overview of COE website and demonstrated how to run data reports on the Supply and Demand page.(Password: GetLMI).
Update on K-12 Career Pathways and Dual Enrollment
Karen handed out data relating to pathways and dual enrollments for the region and by college. Attached separately.
Marketing Update and Discussion
Luann gave a brief update on the marketing plan of the CCCCO to rebrand CTE using Ogilvy Public Relations. In May launched a microsite ( The media will be launched on July 20 at the Capitol. The question is if our colleges are ready to answer the interest generated by the campaign. Luann askes folks to take this back to their campuses to start to get the word to those that need to be in the know to be sure the ball doesn’t get dropped.
Some of the group’s marketing outcomes for the potential marketing contractor include: social media, Google analytics, collection of media, marketing plan that touches all audiences, coordination with college PIOs, marketing metrics (click-through rates, etc.), messages for specific programs, build an SCCRC brand with consideration for college branding, content management specific to region, CTE faculty recruitment, student recruitment in high demand/short term programs, advertising for specifically adult/returning learners, a tool kit for CTE programs to make local web presence more consistent, parent/business distinct marketing, reaching out to students that are outside the high school pipeline, set the processes/landing spots, etc., conduct focus groups
Steering Committee Update
Matt Roberts from CCCCO met with steering committee regarding the SWP program investments and the recent planning timeline document ( There was acknowledgement that the process started a little behind for FY 16-17 so outcomes will not be within original period. There was discussion that CIOs can be more involved in the regional conversation. There was robust conversation on funding. The committee identified the need for time in budget planning to review items funded and the outcomes, what to keep doing, what to sunset. The steering committee wants more info about initial project outcomes. The committee is considering keeping college portion similar to FY16-17, asked for more info on projects in common to make decision, keeping the job developer, discuss more about the DSN/TAPs. And overall need to ask the right questions and assess efficacy to make a decision about on-going funding.
SWP Fiscal Agent and Incentive Funding Updates
Project in Common Updates
NetLabs/Cybersecurity: Initial analysis (this year’s project 60,000) identified that NetLabs for the region is feasible. The RFP to do this is $300K for all eight colleges (per year). Paula provided an executive summary, attached separately.
Streamlining Curriculum: There is interest on streamlining curriculum, but the dollars already allocated are sufficient and will not need to be funded from next year.
New World of Work - Career Strategist Certificate: The three classes are CCCCO approved, three colleges interested, the digital badges are being developed. LinkedIn is a partner for this to help capture data. Cost was $80,000 (200-500 students) and another funding cycle would cover an additional 200 CTE students at additional colleges. This also includes linked learning with
Teacher Prep: Scaling teacher prep at all eight campuses. Creating videos (hosted on region website) that will focus on best practices and pedagogy. Cost was $63K and will need that on-going.
DSN/K14 TAP Updates
Health DSN: John has seven projects going with his $100K.
Small BusinessDSN: Gayla has six projects going with her $100K.
Global Trade DSN: Julie would like to continue the T-shirt teacher module.
Manufacturing DNS: Mike would like to continue mini-grants to high schools, pre-apprenticeships and other projects.
Ag DSN: Holly would like to continue mini-grants to high schools, internships and other projects.
Significant large group discussion on funding and projects for FY 17-18 and 18-19 referencing the handout with the SWP 16-17 funding categories and proposed funding scenarios (See attached). The group was reminded of the SCCRC new voting group (CTE Voting Deans, 1 DSN and some 1 CTE Liaison) that will finalize the SCCRC recommendations to the Steering Committee.
In summary, basic requests as they stand now are:
$300,000 NetLabs/Cybersecurity (to include ICT/DM DSN $100,000)
$175,000 Nurse Specialty Training (to include Health DSN $100,000)
$400,000 Other DSNs/TAPs
$100,000 K-14
Total: $975,000 thus far
There is about $123K available from rollover of unused/non-continued funds
The steering committee suggested that the $1.9M remain allocated to colleges on a perpetual basis. (Represents 46% of total award). Note: 83% is automatically allocated or $1.6M with the remaining 17% to be determined by CCCCO in December using the 17% Incentive Funding formula.
More and better CTE and achieving the SWP metrics is critical for funding to continue. (Handout in packet or go to:
Note: All certificates & degrees must be input in College MIS systems no later than October 1st in order to get credit for completions. Need to push CTE Outcomes Survey (CTEOS) on to CTE faculty.
Expected funding allocations at this point….
$1.933M to colleges
$100,000 Fiscal Agent
$111,377 Regional Consortium
$900,000 Job Developer
Total: $3.049M (The above basic requests then must come from the remainder.)
A committee was formed to organize a “TedTalk” style presentations and evaluation criteria where DSNs/Projects in Common describe and proposed projects for funding. (Julius Sokenu, Harriet Happel, Mary Jo Ward, John Cascamo, Julie Samson, Robert Cabral, Dave Teasdale)
No final decisions made regarding the funding recommendation to the Steering Committee.
Stakeholder engagement suggestions:
- CTE Liaison Onboarding, led by faculty
- Define roles and discuss flow of money for first timers (develop a handout)
- DSNs presentations with a vocabulary list
- Post short project blurbs on the regional website
- WDB should be involved. Perhaps the individual voting deans meet with WDB and then report
back on how best to engage
- Update Asset Map from SWP Regional plan showing existing projects and partnerships
- Pairing Up
- Provide advanced notice of advisory meetings, so DSNs can communicate with industry partners to attend
Adjourned 5:06
Tuesday, June 13 2017 SCCRC SWP Planning
In attendance: Alan Price, Leana Bowman, Laureano Flores, Julius Sokenu, Matthew Green, Christina Tafoya, Renee Marshall, Diane Hollems, Margaret Lau, Luann Swanberg, Katie Faires, GaylaJurevich, Holly Chavez, John Cordova, Paula Hodge, MaikeBastine, Audrey Green, Julie Samson, Harriett Happell, Debbie Newcomb, Robert Cabral, Josepha Baca, Gary Quire, Trevor Hess, Nancy Jo Ward, Marcelo Cabral, Karen Miles, Mary Rees, Felicia Duenas, Deanna Hall
There was much discussion regarding the value and importance of the DSNs after a misunderstanding from the prior day’s discussion. The “TedTalk” format idea to review proposed projects and allocating funding has been dropped and replaced with a project showcase in the fall.
Final funding recommendation of the group present:
- Colleges allotments remain the same. Colleges can invoice the fiscal agent for 83% of last year’s college funding as soon as (a) projects have been submitted via the statewide template, and (b) the fiscal agent has alerted everyone that 83% funds have arrived.
- The NetLabs/Cybersecurity project estimation is $300,000. The region recommended the following:
- Use the 17-18 Projects-in-Common 2A and 2B Marketing & Outreach ($169,000) go toward the project
- The 16-17 $60,000 awarded be reallocated toward the project in 17-18
- The 17-18 $63,000 for Project-in-Common #1, Streamlining Curriculum, go toward the project
- The balance be funded from the ICT/DM DSN allotment
- The ICT/DM DSN can submit an invoice to the fiscal agent for 83% of the above as soon as notified that funds have arrived
- Key Talent “buckets” of $100,000 recommended to be re-funded. Projects submitted via the SCCRC internal template prior to being uploaded to the statewide template. 83% of funding can be invoiced once the fiscal agent receives funds, or some funds may remain with the fiscal agent until invoices are received.
- Once the region learns how much it will receive in 17% funding, the fiscal agent will alert all parties as to the amounts they may invoice.
The above will be voted on by the SCCRC Voting Group and forwarded as recommendations to the Steering Committee for consideration.
DSN/TAP Update
PowerPoint attached
Meetings Dates for 2017/2018
- Fri, July 21, SCCRC, Pierpont
- Fri, Aug 25, SCCRC, Pierpont
- Fri, Sept 22, SCCRC, Pierpont
- Fri, Oct 20, SCCRC, Pierpont
- November 1-3 CCCAOE in Palm Springs
- Fri, Dec 8 SCCRC, (Not at Pierpont, TBD)
- Fri/Sat, Jan 26-27 (SCCRC/Steering Retreat, Pierpont)
- Feb 23, SCCRC, Pierpont (Start w/ lunch at 11:30, afternoon meeting)
- March 7-9 CCCAOE in Sacramento
- Apr 20, SCCRC, Pierpont
- May 4, SCCRC, Pierpont
- June 10-12, SCCRC Planning Retreat, Cambria
(Sun SCCRC, Monday Steering committee in AM/SCCRC PM, Tue SCCRC Business Meeting)
Other Events
- July 12-52017 Curriculum Institute will be held at the Riverside Convention Center
- Aug 24-25: Emerging Leaders Train-the-Trainer at Cuesta College (Lead: Gayla)
- Regional Project Showcase TBD in Sept.
- Sept. 15: More and Better CTE Workshop at Ventura College
Chancellor’s Office Update
Katie provided a written report. Report is attached.
CCCAOE Board Report
Robert provided a written report. Report is attached.
Doing What MATTERS for Jobs and the Economy, California Community Colleges