Calao Express 26 (March 2007)
Monthly Internet Edition
Published with the help of Plan

* AMWCY: General Assemblies of the AWCY National Coordinations
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Guinea Bissau
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Niger
- Senegal
- Togo
- Guinea, Rwanda, Zimbabwe
* Burkina: Plan/Gaoua gives financial assistance to AWCY for training and a sensitization campaign in 15 villages.
* Kenya: results obtained after a year of organization
* Mali:training/restitution
* Rwanda: An AWCY-Caritas Kigali collaboration agreement
* Senegal: AWCY/Fatick now occupies its own offices, AWCY/Kaolack and AWCY/Kolda on the waves of the community radio, WCY efforts prove successful

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* AMWCY: General Assemblies of the AWCY National Coordinations
In January and February, many member countries of the AMWCY that have an AWCY national coordination held their general assembly to prepare the meeting of the African Commission to be held from 5 March in Dakar, Senegal. These meetings were devoted to making a report of last year's activities, formulating the 2007 activity plans, designating national delegates to the African Commission of the AMWCY, and reflecting on measures aimed at establishing very solid structures by 2009.
- Benin
From 20 to 22 January, AWCY/Benin held its general assembly during which it elaborated its 2007 activity plan. On 22 January, the last day, a round-table conference was organized with the partners, including the Director of IPEC-ILO, the representative from the Ministry of Sports and Culture, the Social Advisor and the Director of the Atlantic Coast also of the above-mentioned Ministry.

- Burkina
The National Coordination of the AWCY of Burkina held its meeting from 29 January to 3 February 2007 in Fada. There were 39 participants from 15 towns. The participants made a report of the activities for the year 2006, planned those of the current year and discussed the status of their national coordination. The WCYs also reflected and shared their views on measures for an effective coordination by 2009 in line with the objectives of the AMWCY.
- Côte d'Ivoire
From 26 to 29 February, the coordination of the AWCYs held its meeting at Grand Bassam. It made a report of its activities carried out in 2006 by AWCY members and those of the coordination. This report centered on the 6 objectives of the AMWCY (strengthening the rights, training, collaboration, communication, strengthening of the coordination, Income Generating Activities). The WCYs reviewed the achievements and difficulties of their activities in 2006. They finally elaborated their 2007 activity plan for each AWCY and that of the coordination. New executive members were appointed.

- Guinea Bissau
From 8 to 11 February, the national coordination of AWCY/GB held its meeting at Bissau. 21 WCYs came from Bafata, Bissau, Canchungo, Gabu and Mansoa. The question of strengthening of the national coordinations in the AMWCY-ENDA-PLAN program was carefully examined. They also outlined the perspectives for 2007.
- Mali
The national coordination of the AWCY of Mali met from 5 to 8 February in Bamako. The meeting gathered about fifteen participants from Bamako, Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, Sikasso, Mopti, Tombouctou, Gao. The participants shared information on the AMWCY, discussed the reports from the different towns, elaborated a 2007 national activity plan, discussed the project, "Sigui-so plus", and met the representative of Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland, that offers them assistance.
- Mauritania
From 2 to 5 February, the coordination of the AWCYs of Mauritania met at Rosso. The meeting gathered WCYs delegations from Nouakchott, Rosso, Boghé and Kaédi. The participants evaluated their 2006 activity plan, appointed new executive members of the coordination and elaborated their 2007 activity plan. They also reflected on factors for a good coordination as well as measures to achieve them.
- Niger
Like other countries, AWCY Niger held its national coordination meeting from 23 to 26 February. For 3 days, 11 participants from the AWCYs of Dosso, Gaya, Makalondi and Niamey examined the reports of the activities of the above-mentioned cities. They also discussed the achievements by each of them (the WCYs are more and more respected by people, and in some towns, have participated in establishing the Youth Council. They also benefited from training programs especially in IGAs), the activity plans of the different towns on the subject of sensitization and exploitation, child trafficking and early exodus.

- Senegal
From 8 to 9 February, the Administrative Committee of the Coordination of AWCYs of Senegal and The Gambia met in Kaolack. It therefore elaborated its 2007 activity plan on the basis of the 6 objectives of the AMWCY and increased the members of the 4 existing commissions. 23 WCYs participated in the presence of an elder and two agents from Enda. Now classified as at point B (2° division), it has taken measures to reach point C (first division) by 2009.

- Togo
From 1st to 5 February, the coordination of the AWCYs had fruitful exchanges. It is for this reason it made amendments and validated the factors of a good coordination during its meeting. The supporting structure, WAO Afrique has expressed its willingness to support the AWCY in collaboration with Terre des Hommes,that was visited by the participants.
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- Guinea, Rwanda, Zimbabwe
For different reasons, these three coordinations were not able to meet in February. They will meet in March after the meeting of the African Commission of the AMWCY.
* Burkina: Plan/Gaoua gives financial assistance to AWCY for training and a sensitization campaign in 15 villages.
The AWCY/Gaoua received a financial support from Plan/Gaoua to train in recycling and sensitization in 15 villages on the rights and duties of children. Plan also trained 8 WCYs in project management.

* Mali:training and restitution on the new AMWCY program (2007-2011)
AEJT/Mopti organized a training/restitution program on the use of outlines contained in the AMWCY program. This session, organized for the executive members of the AWCY, gathered about ten participants. This followed the national coordination meeting. New orientations, the objectives of the AMWCY, the outline for writing reports (narrative and financial) were explained, the activity plan was elaborated and the management committee was established.
* Kenya: the results of a year of organization
In 2006, 40 WCY leaders were trained by the NGO «Undugu Society» in leadership and group dynamics. These results were obtained after consultations by Undugu with street children. The organization also succeeded in supporting the development of 20 groups of street working children, with an average of 20 members per group, that is, 442 members. These groups have made internal regulations with norms and principles aimed at transforming the outlook of children, activities in which they are involved, their conduct among themselves and towards the public, their efforts in taking care of themselves and finding solutions to problems of misconduct. All these efforts also made it possible to withdraw 108 children from the streets.

* Rwanda: An AWCY-Caritas Kigali collaboration agreement
A collaboration agreement between AWCY/Kigali and Caritas/Kigali is getting ready for signature. Each of the two parties made commitments towards each other. Caritas decided to pay for the rent of an office for the AWCY during the year, to recruit and pay an executive secretary who will mainly be responsible for the elaboration and a follow-up of AWCY projects in a year. He will also pay into the bank a deposit that will give the WCYs access to credits. As for the AWCY, it is committed to continuing its activities at the end of the agreement without counting on Caritas and collaborating with Caritas in the support it offers children living in difficult conditions and make a quarterly activity and financial reports.
*Senegal: AWCY/Fatick now occupies its own offices, AWCY/Kaolack and AWCY/Kolda on the waves of the community radio, WCY efforts prove successful
- Fatick
AWCY/Fatick moved into its own offices on 1st January 2007. Situated in the Darel area, it is comprised of 3 rooms: a large cyber cafe, a sewing centre equipped with 7 machines, a listening hall and a yard. These offices built and equipped by the government agency, Funds and Social Development Agency (AFDS) has computers and all the necessary accessories, and an office. Now the WCYs organize their meetings and training programs in this beautiful building.
- Kaolack
Since January, AWCY/Kaolack has been accorded a broadcasting time on the community radio, "Sine Saloum FM 96.4". Once a month, on Mondays, from 6h.00 to 7h.00, the WCYs go on air to sensitize and promote children's rights in general and those of working children in particular. This program is animated by Alioune Marone, an elder of AMWCY trained in communication radio in 2004 in Thiès with other WCYs, by the AMWCY. The program has been welcome by the people who now have a better understanding of children's rights.
- Kolda
The Director of RTS/Koldareceived the WCYs of this town and decided to give them a free broadcasting time for all radio programs. The decision follows a cleaning campaign called "set setal" organized by the WCYs in the very dirty surroundings of the RTS. On the same day, the Director, who was very happy with this initiative of the WCYs, accorded three hours of broadcasting time to three of them and their animator. They also sensitized the people on cleanliness.

Expect the number 27 edition of Calao Express at the beginning of April!!!

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