Swim & Tennis Center Immediate Action Items:
- Parking Lot will be expanded soon
- New Keypad entries added to Tennis Courts
- Access to restrooms for Tennis players
- Research additional shade structures
The following are some comments received during the recent Resident survey and we wanted to address a few areas of items directly related to the HOA.
Do you see a need for any improvements/upgrades to the amenities?
Red Type = The Robson Companies/Forest Ridge or HOA Comments
Trails need better marking & definition – We are unsure what needing more definition means but will bring up to the Board of Directors (BOD) regarding more signs for the trail system.
Repair or replace surface damage due to tree roots, cracks, etc.- The trail and common areas have been inspected and will be repaired, but must be done in phases due to budget restrictions. We resurfaced the West side of Highlands trail system last year. This year we will be doing another section based on severity of need.
NOTE: Sidewalks in front of homes are the responsibility of the homeowner and not that of the HOA. The HOA will only maintain common areas.
The trail system would be much more appealing if residents were permitted to use the golf cart trails in the off peak hours – Forest Ridge Golf Club is private property and unauthorized use of cart paths is trespassing. This is for the safety of everyone. The one exception to the rule is the cart path under Midway to and from Wellstone. This path is open to residents and doubles as part of the trail system.
Identify Drainage Issues- After the next heavy rainfall, our staff will review the areas where there is standing water on the trail system. Then, a plan determined, if applicable, in said areas.
Lighted walking trails – This would be a great topic to present at a general membership meeting and if there is a positive response then we could move forward with pricing it out, and discuss feasibility at future BOD meetings. This will be a very substantial sum as we currently have over 13 miles of walking trails. Partial lighting could be an option, but would need to have a lot of discussions before it could be considered feasible.
Walking along the trails, there are many dead limbs, branches and debris that could be a lot cleaner. – The trail system is cleaned on a schedule, but if you see an area needing attention please let us know by submitting a Property Report and we will get it cleaned up as soon as possible.
Jogging trail access to Wellstone - Wellstone Residents are permitted to use the tunnel under Midway road to access the rest of the trail system.
I would like to see more trails if possible - Additional trails will be added with future development.
Widen tails for walker as well a bike riders –A vote of the HOA Board would be required to approve estimating this project. If interested submit a request, in writing, to the HOA to add to a future BOD agenda and be prepared to give a brief presentation.
Add trash barrels to the trail system; empty/maintain the trash barrels currently in use on trails – The trash receptacles on the trails are emptied on a schedule but will look into this and make sure and adjust if needed. We will research the cost of additional trashcans with dog waste stations.
The upkeep of the parks is not great. The playground equipment is aging and the parks are over grown with weeds. – We are currently researching updating the playground equipment. An update will be provided.
Access to park on the south side of 81st without riding bikes or walking on the narrow part of theshoulder of the road – Our parks are designed for the neighborhood use and residents utilizing the trail system to the parks. However, we are currently looking into another access or better barriers to make the access safer since it is so close to 81st Street.
Would like to see bigger running/ biking trail in Wellstone Park. Area for basketball court would be nice. The trail system around Wellstone park will continue on to the East and to the South as more development is completed. Basketball court was not in the budget, but someone could be propose to be on agenda for a future BOD meeting.
Add more activities/equipment, additional benches/tables or sporting activities at the parks. For example soccer goals for the kids to run and play (park near 241st) – Such a request needs added to BOD meeting and can be submitted to our office. A small presentation would be required to BOD.
The Highlands could use a park in the southern part of the neighborhood- Unfortunately, there is not land dedicated for a park in this area.
Parks need better maintenance for safety.Due to some recent discoveries relating to park equipment we will adjust the current schedule to review more often.
The brand new park by Wellstone is mainly used by people who do not live in forest ridge. We have seen people drive across the street from the neighborhood on the north side of 71st. It's unfortunate they did not put the park inside the gates. Several neighbors have expressed the same concern.– Wellstone park was built in this area to accommodate future development areas in that section. The use by non-Forest Ridge Residents is hard to police but we ask that Residents assist in such matters to make sure our community parks are used by Forest Ridge Residents and their guests only.
Would LOVE to have a dog park. I had heard a few years back it was being considered.– There are no plans for a dog park to be built and no land is dedicated for such. However, we could possibly look at this in a future development. Such a request would need presented at an Annual General Membership Meeting to gauge interest.
"Gates" were not mentioned as an amenity but they are in place in Wellstone. The pedestrian gate should ALWAYS be in working order but it is not reliable. Instead, the vehicle gates are open daily during school bus hours - defeating the purpose of having a security gate and a semblance of controlled access. Additionally, no bus drives into Wellstone at all from any school system. This was discussed during the April 25th Neighborhood break out session for Wellstone Residents.
The gate system should be able to call phone numbers of more than 7 digits. I shouldn't have to get a local number in order to use a gate. If so, this MUST be put into the covenants and HOA docs that are reviewed and signed upon buying a property located in a gated section. - Long distance numbers work on the gates.
I think that the entrances to the neighborhood might be in need of an upgrade.– We are currently working on a budget and phased rework of many entrances. This will be done as needed as decided by the board.
I would like to see the "creek" portion at Meadow Lake be cleaned out periodically. Itis so overgrown with water plants, and it can harbor snakes, and doesn't look as pleasing - we can add this to our yearly maintenance of Meadow Lake and Stream. The water plants were added as a means of erosion control, but we will look into minimizing this.
Fishing lake in the Highlands needs stocked with bass.– This was presented at the Annual GMM on April 25th. An update will be provided after the minutes are received.
Better access to fishing maybe a pier but a trail/spot with gravel vs mud – This will need to be approved at either a GMM meeting or a BOD meeting and once we are given the ok we will research.
Dredge the Highlands Lake to remove trash and brush – discuss with your neighborhood committee and they can present to the BOD and should the HOA wish to pay for such services we will gladly arrange for such work.
I would like the trash to be picked up in and around the ponds– The ponds and common areas are maintained on a schedule, and we can definitely look into increasing the frequency. We would also like to ask residents to assist with this as we have limited man power.We gladly accept volunteer groups to earn service hours to help within these areas.
CAN STORM SHELTERS BE INSTALLED FOR THE COMMUNITY?They can be installed, but would require BOD approval to fund. This should be brought up at either the GMM meeting or a BOD meeting to gauge interest. Would be much more cost effective to install a personal in your home or yard.
IT MIGHT BE NICE TO HAVE A COVERED PICNIC/PAVILION AT THE STREET END OF THE HIGHLANDS LAKE NEAR THE PLAYGROUND. – We are researching options for all parks and will be presenting these options to the board in the near future. Please reach out to your zone’s Board member to voice your opinion on parks or request to be on a future agenda.
How would you describe the value of living in Forest Ridge neighborhood to your friends?
Value is not great when you have neighbors who do not take care of their property or constantly park in front of your house instead of theirs even after asked not to.....thought cars were not to be parked on the street. – Cars parked on the street is a City of Broken Arrow Ordinance. We strongly suggest you use the City Action Center at to report the issue. As for neighbors not taking care of property, please alert uswith a Property Report so that we can help address the situation.
When they ask how much I pay for HOA's but still have to pay for the pool and for golf, they do not really see the value of living out here. Your dues pay for the maintenance of all common areas and jogging trails and irrigation for landscaping. There are many more amenities out here at Forest Ridge than just the pool. Even with all the additional greenspace and parks and trails, the Annual HOA dues for Forest Ridge are much less than other comparable neighborhoods. Forest Ridge Golf Club is a privately owned entity and no HOA money supports the golf course or pool area.
Homeowners do not abide by the CC&R's– The management company does the best we can to identify violations of our CC&R’s. Should you see one please fill out a property report on the Resident Section of the website and we will address.
Amount of crime is an issue - Unfortunately, crime is an issue in all areas. Forest Ridge is not immune to such crime but Broken Arrow is one of the safest cities in the state, and Forest Ridge is one of the safest neighborhoods within Broken Arrow. This was affirmed at the crime meeting at the glass veranda a few weeks ago.We encourage all Residents to provide a watch for your neighbors and report all suspicious activity orLaw enforcement issues (illegal parking, noise ordinance violations, etc.) to the Police Department by calling 918-259-8400 (for non-emergencies) or 911 (for emergencies).
Would you re-purchase or build a home in forest ridge if you were moving today? If not, tell us why
No, Restrictive covenants mean nothing to many residents and there is no security after hours to enforce the covenants. The HOA can choose to hire outside security if the membership votes to fund. However, such proposal was presented at the Annual HOA GMM in April and was overwhelming defeated. Violations of covenants should be reported to the HOA by filling out a Property Report located within the Resident Section of the website.
More than likely no. Forest Ridge Doesn't seem to care about keeping the homeowners house value up for home that surround the tennis and pool facilities. There should be exclusive use of the facilities by Forest Ridge residents. Forest Ridge does care about keeping home values up. We maintain home values by maintaining common areas and roads, and by doing our best to enforce covenant violations when they are reported. Exclusive access is not a homeowner decision. That facility was built and has been maintained by Forest Ridge Golf Club. No dues have ever been spent in its upkeep. FRGC has tried to give the pool to residents for a long time and it has been rejected. There will be a lot of renovations done to the pool and it will become much more exclusive and attractive in the near future. More details will be released at a later date.