Attachment B
10.1 ATC will regulate operations to minimise the possibility of conflict and, provided that safety is in no way jeopardised, will apply priorities in the following order:
Subject to the duty to facilitate the safe and orderly flow of air traffic, ATC will apply priorities in the following order:
a. An aircraft in an emergency, including being subjected to unlawful interference, will be given priority in all circumstances.
b. A multi-engined aircraft which has suffered the loss of an engine and has not been subject to a SAR phase, or has not been considered under the provision of sub-para a. above, shall be granted priority for landing.
c. An aircraft which has suffered radio communications failure will be granted priority for landing.
d. An aircraft which has declared a Mercy flight.
e. An aircraft participating in a Search and Rescue (SAR), Medical (MEDEVAC), or Fire and Flood Relief (FFR) flights shall be granted priority as necessary.
f. An aircraft operating under police callsign “POLAIR RED” or “FEDPOL RED” engaged in operations where life is at risk.
g. An aircraft engaged in the personal transport of Heads of State or of Government, or other selected dignitaries on official visits to Australia, or the personal transport of the Governor-General or the Prime Minister.
h. State aircraft special requirements flights where clearance has been pre-arranged.
10.2 Subject to the priorities of paragraph 10.1, an aircraft first able to use the movement area or desired airspace in the normal course of its operations will be given priority except:
ah. Aan aircraft landing or taking off will be given priority over taxiing aircraft.;
bi. a landing aircraft will have priority over a departing aircraft if the latter cannot take off with prescribed separation standards.;
j. j. An aircraft which is first able to use the landing area, or desired airspace, in the normal course of its operations will be given priority except:
c. for flights in Class C terminal control areas, ATC will apply priorities in the following order:
(i) with equal priority, flights compliant with their ATFM allocated time and flights exempt from ATFM measures;
(ii) flights not compliant with their ATFM allocated time; and
(iii) when traffic demand cannot be met utilising available ATC capacity, regular public transport operations and State aircraft (other than training flights);
d. (1)e. an RVSM-approved aircraft will may be given priority for level requests between FL290 and FL410 inclusive over aircraft not RVSM-approved;
(2)e. within ATS surveillance system coverage, identified aircraft will be given priority over non--identified aircraft; and
f. in military CTR and Restricted Areas priorities will be determined by the controlling authority published in DAH.
(3) when significant economic benefit would result for a number of other aircraft by deferring this priority;
(4) that a flight desiring to operate in other than the normal pattern for operational reasons will be given the same priority as other flights unless it involves a short-notice change to a clearance already issued to another aircraft (in this case, permission to operate will be deferred);
(5) controllers may adjust priorities to consolidate a group of aircraft operating in other than the normal pattern in order to minimise conflictions or simplify traffic management; and
(6) when prior arrangement has been made for aircraft engaged in navigation aids checks, and a priority predetermined with ATC.
10.2 Training flights will be given the same priority as other flights except that:
a. flights operating in the traffic pattern in general usewill be given priority over flights desiring to operate in conflicting patterns for training purposes;
b. when a training instrument approach is approved, priority will be given to that aircraft from the time it commences its final approach until the approach is completed.
10.3 Notwithstanding sub-para 10.1j., during periods when all requirements for operation in a capital city civil CTR or the overlying control area cannot be accommodated, priority will be given in the following order:
a. with equal status:--
(1) scheduled commercial air transport operations;
(2) non-scheduled commercial air transport operations;
(3) military aircraft (other than training flights);
(4) aircraft engaged in the personal transport of -- State Governors or the Administrator of the Northern Territory, -- State Premiers or Chief Ministers of Territories;
(5) Medical Aircraft (HOSP) operations;
b. with equal status:
(1) general aviation aircraft proceeding to a primary aerodrome;
(2) military and civil training flights; and
c. other operations.
10.4 Notwithstanding para 10.3, at Sydney, the following order of priorities will apply:
a. with equal status:
(1) scheduled commercial air transport operations into and out of Sydney;
(2) non-scheduled commercial air transport of BA146 and heavier types to and from Sydney (Kingsford Smith) aerodrome;
(3) military aircraft, except training flights;
(4) aircraft engaged in the personal transport of:
-- State Governors or the Administrator of the Northern Territory,
-- State Premiers or the Chief Ministers of the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory;
(5) Medical Aircraft (HOSP) operations;
b. all other non-scheduled commercial air transport operations proceeding to and from Sydney (Kingsford Smith) or Sydney/Bankstown aerodromes not covered in sub-sub-para a.(2) above, excluding balloons;
c. with equal status:
(1) general aviation aircraft proceeding to or from Sydney (Kingsford Smith) or Sydney/Bankstown aerodromes;
(2) military and civil training flights;
d. other operations.
10.1 Subject to the duty to facilitate the safe and orderly flow of air traffic, ATC will apply priorities in the following order:
a. An aircraft in an emergency, including being subjected to unlawful interference, will be given priority in all circumstances.
b. A multi-engined aircraft which has suffered the loss of an engine and has not been subject to a SAR phase, or has not been considered under the provision of sub-para a. above, shall be granted priority for landing.
c. An aircraft which has suffered radio communications failure will be granted priority for landing.
d. An aircraft which has declared a Mercy flight.
e. An aircraft participating in a Search and Rescue (SAR), Medical (MEDEVAC), or Fire and Flood Relief (FFR) flights shall be granted priority as necessary.
f. An aircraft operating under police callsign “POLAIR RED” or “FEDPOL RED” engaged in operations where life is at risk.
g. An aircraft engaged in the personal transport of Heads of State or of Government, or other selected dignitaries on official visits to Australia, or the personal transport of the Governor-General or the Prime Minister.
h. State aircraft special requirements flights where clearance has been prearranged.
10.2 Subject to the priorities of paragraph 10.1, an aircraft first able to use the movement area or desired airspace in the normal course of its operations will be given priority except:
a. an aircraft landing or taking off will be given priority over taxiing aircraft;
b. a landing aircraft will have priority over a departing aircraft if the latter cannot take off with prescribed separation standards;
c. for flights in Class C terminal control areas, ATC will apply priorities in the following order:
(i) with equal priority, flights compliant with their ATFM allocated time and flights exempt from ATFM measures;
(ii) flights not compliant with their ATFM allocated time; and
(iii) when traffic demand cannot be met utilising available ATC capacity, regular public transport operations and State aircraft (other than training flights);
d. RVSM-approved aircraft may be given priority for level requests between FL290 and FL410 inclusive over aircraft not RVSM-approved;
e. within ATS surveillance system coverage, identified aircraft may be given priority over non--identified aircraft; and
f. in military CTR and Restricted Areas priorities will be determined by the controlling authority published in DAH.
Note: Information on flights eligible for exemption from ATFM measures can be found in ATFM Business Rules