For Your Information
To: Jackson County School Board
From: Michael Kilts
Date: May 30, 2012
Subject: Federal Programs Update
Title I, Part A
The project application was submitted to the Florida Department of Education on July 29, 2012, and was finalized on October 2, 2012. No major revisions were requested.
Major Activities Funded by Title I for the 2012-2013 School Year
Salaries and Benefits for Instructional Staff
Extended Learning Opportunities or Remediation Teacher(s)
Progress Monitoring Tools
Support Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Summer Reading Camp
Parental Involvement
Parent Trainings
Title I Annual Meetings
District Parent Advisory Council
District Calendar
Student Planners
Support Portion of the Science Resource Teacher
Curriculum Consultants
Kathy Oropallo
Linda Walker
Pat Suggs
Program Administration
Cheryl McDaniel
Michael Kilts
Donna Martin
GOLSON ELEM / $213,757.77 / $22,860.00 / $3,215.07
GRACEVILLE ELEM / $112,769.85 / $14,740.00 / $1,696.14
GRAND RIDGE / $156,531.28 / $18,600.00 / $2,354.34
JACKSON ALT / $30, 717.16 / $4,015.00 / $462.01
MALONE / $124,972.56 / $16,335.00 / $1,879.67
RIVERSIDE ELEM / $158,214.42 / $16,920.00 / $2,379.66
SNEADS ELEM / $151,481.89 / $16,200.00 / $2,278.39
Funding is based on proportionate share of students experiencing poverty.
Elementary and Secondary Education Waiver
The Florida Department of Education submitted in the waiver the removal of Adequate Yearly Progress, or AYP. These were targets established by the Florida Department of Education that every subgroup must attain a certain proficiency target in reading and mathematics. The target for the 2011-2012 school year was 86% for both reading and mathematics. Under the previous accountability system, 2012-13 targets for both reading and mathematics were 93%. The system under the waiver sets 6-year AMO targets based on individual school proficiency rates established for the 2011 FCAT administration. The goal is to decrease non-proficient students in each subgroup by 50% by 2017 state assessment administration, which will be the Common Core assessment and not FCAT.
The Florida Department of Education has revised the eligibility requirements of the School Improvement Initiative 1003(a) grant eliminating Jackson County School District from applying. The Florida Department of Education has indicated its focus on ‘D’ and ‘F’ schools for monetary and systems support. I have advocated to several individuals at the Florida Department of Education to no avail. I am requesting that the community, school administrators, parents and the press ask questions about why these funds, that have served our school with beneficial programs, are going to schools that are and have received so much support already.
Supplemental Educational Services
This service is being prioritized to meet the needs of Malone School. 26 students are assigned to receive services scheduled to start October 11, 2012.
Title I, Part D
The project application was submitted to the Florida Department of Education on June 28, 2012, and was finalized on August 8, 2012. No revisions were requested from the Department.
Major Activities Funded by Title I, Part D for the 2012-2013 School Year
Computer-assisted Instructional Model for DOVE Academy
Support for Common Core Reading Strategies
After-School Remediation
Summer Credit Recovery Program
Next Generation Content Area Reading Professional Development
Program Administration
After-School Remediation has begun at secondary schools to support high school FCAT retakes.
Next Generation Content Area Reading Professional Development started this summer. Eighteen science, math and social studies teachers are receiving specialized professional development in reading strategies that can be used with their core content. This is an effort to provide remedial instruction to Level 2 reading students through core content instead of placing them in an Intensive Reading class.
Title VI
The project application was submitted to the Florida Department of Education on June 29, 2012 and was finalized on October 4, 2012. One clarification was requested from the Department.
Major Activities Funded by Title VI for the 2012-2013 School Year
Progress Monitoring for Secondary Schools
Parent Involvement for Secondary Schools
Support for Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment Courses
Curriculum Consultants for Secondary Schools
Support Science Resource Teacher for Secondary Schools
Support Project-based Learning in Science
Project Administration
Parent involvement calendars have been distributed to the students. Science Resource Teacher has been actively visiting schools and providing services to teachers and students.
Homeless Students
The total count for students experiencing homelessness during the 2011-12 school year was 177. The number that have been identified as of October 5, 2012, is 84. The number of unaccompanied youth is continuing to grow for our district. Services and trainings have been provided by the Florida Department of Education and I am working closely with the Homeless Liaison of Santa Rosa County School District to support the needs of these students.
Weekend Feeding Program
We have received 150 book bags from the Northeast Jackson County Optimist Club and 180 insulated bags from Sodexo to support the weekend feeding program. Teachers and School Staff have been observing student behaviors and have identified 28 students that will benefit from the program. We are increasing our efforts to support this program. Our current partners are Sodexo, Northeast Jackson County Optimist Club, Friendship Baptist Church of Malone, Trumpeter Song Missions and Second Harvest.