EU-CELAC Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation
IV. Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)
3 – 4 April 2014, San José, Costa Rica
The fourth yearly meeting of the Senior Officials in charge of the European Union (EU) and Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation (JIRI) was convened in San José on 3 and 4 April 2014. The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica (MICITT). Before the meeting the five thematic working groups had provided reports on their activities so far. Ahead of the plenary session, the representatives of the EU and the CELAC countries had separate meetings discussing a common approach for the respective regions.
Participants of the meeting were 75 EU-CELAC delegates from 30[1] countries as well as representatives from the European Commission (EC), the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Agenda Item 1: Opening
The meeting was opened by José Luis Martinez Prada, Chargé d’Affaires, EU Delegation in Costa Rica; Cristina Russo, Director of International Cooperation, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission; Luis Fdo. Salazar, Minister- in Office, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Worship, Costa Rica; Keilor Rojas, Vice minister of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, Costa Rica and AlfioPiva, President - in office, Costa Rica
They highlighted the long standing relations between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean in science, technology and innovation. Furthermore they referred to the Santiago Declaration of Heads of State and Government of CELAC and EU, which adopts the Action Plan 2013-2015, continues the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation (JIRI) and addresses the objective of creating an EU-CELAC Knowledge Area.
The meeting was co-chaired by Keilor Rojas, MICITT and Cristina Russo, European Commission.The co-chairs adopted the agenda and approved the minutes of the third Senior Officials Meeting in Brussels in 2013.
The rapporteurs were Indridi Benediktsson, EC, DG RTD for the EU and Eliana Ulate, MICITT, Costa Rica for the CELAC. They were assisted by the ALCUE NET project (Luciana Ayciriex/ Ignacio Ibañez, MINCYT, Argentina).
Agenda Item 2: Scene setter
A brief overview of aspects of current policy in research and innovation was provided. This session consisted of four independent presentations with relevance for the regional cooperation:
-A brief overview of the Summits and Action Plan was provided by José Luis Martinez Prada, EEAS. The EU and CELAC have enjoyed privileged relations since the first bi-regional Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1999, which established a strategic partnership. Next Summit will take place in Brussels in 2015 and it is expected to be attended by Heads of State and Government fromthe 33 CELAC and 28 EU Member states, in total 61 countries. Within the frame of the last Summit in Santiago, it was decided to update the items 1 to 6 of the 2013-2015 Santiago Action Plan. Costa Rica together with the EEAS are working on the draft for reinforcingthese chapters. Work done under the S&T framework needs to be incorporated and this meeting’soutput will be relevant for this propose.
-Keilor Rojas, MICITT, presented the CELAC Science, Technology and Innovation Policy results from the second CELAC meeting in S&T held in San Jose on April 12.During the meeting, CELAC Member States recognized the importance of providing the ideal conditions for regional human talent to become a catalyst element in knowledge society. The focus of the Declaration of San Jose of Human Talent in STI is i) to strengthen training programs on science, technology, engineering and mathematics; ii) promote the development of synergies between the national and regional programs; iii) highlight the importance of technical training programs, professional on-going and specialization training as a valuable complement to the formal educational system; iv) promote spaces for dialogue between academic, corporate and public sectors as well the social society; v) provide greater recognition to scientific careers; vi) potentiate social inclusion.
-Indridi Benediktsson, EC,provided an overview of the EU-CELAC cooperation dialogue on STI process focusing on the synergies between EU-CELAC Summits, EU-CELAC Senior Official Meetings and the JIRI Working Groups on Bioecnomy, Biodiversity including Climate Change, ICT, Energy, Health and the Horizontal WG on funding instruments. The Health WG was included in the SOM held in Brusselsin 2013. The EU networking projects supporting the implementation of the JIRI were listed[2], highlighting the crucial moment in which all projects are running. CELAC’s top 10 participant countries in collaborative research projects involved in FP7 were noted[3].In total, FP7 has incorporated 707 participations from CELAC countries in 308different projects with a total EC contribution of 95millon euros. Over half of those projects have more than one CELAC participants, which shows that the EU funded projects also contribute to the cooperation within the region and so have a structural effect.
-The Brazilian experience as a case study was presented by PieroVenturi, EU Delegation, explaining the main framework for cooperation between Brazil and the European Union as well as the initiative for human resources for RDI “Science without Borders” and the launching of the “Tour of Brazil 2014” for Member States on the 7th May 2014 in Fortaleza. The Brazilian participation in FP7 projects has reached 205.
Agenda Item 3: Exchange of information
The first part of this session consisted on two independent presentations regarding activities of capacity building and partnership.
-Juan Garay, EC, DG DEVCO, presented the “2014-2020 DCI Programming for Latin American” that includes two main components: i) continental programme, where all Latin American countries remains eligible and ii) central America sub regional programme
-EzequielTaczir, IDB, elaborated on the Latin American and Caribbean STI Policies and the role of the Inter-American Development Bankin providing grants, technical assistance and doing research, trough the Competitiveness and Innovation Division (CTI). CTI’s Strategic objectives are: improving the policy and regulatory framework; increase private sector investment in innovation; boost the productivity of firms and strengthening the capacity of institutions. Key challenges in innovation and productive development in Latin America and the Caribbean was also presented. Two key interrelated factors that affect the ability to close the productivity gap in LAC were identified: Productive specialization (relatively lower-productivity sectors) & deficient incorporation of technology (low overall investment in innovation). Regarding the involvement of the private sector in innovation, 3 main obstacles were defined: i) Financing for Intangibles; ii) Innovation Risk; iii) Skilled: Human Capital.
-The special need to pay attention to the national S&T systems, focusing on the elements that are not allowing cooperation between countries (especially Low Countries) was remarked during the round table.
The second part of this session focused on short presentation of ongoing EU funded networking projects and initiatives that contribute to the implementation of the JIRI activities.
-Caterina Buonocore from the Agenzia per la Promozione de la Ricerca (APRE), Italy, presented the two INCO-Nets that cover the Caribbean and Central America regions: EUCARINET & ENLACE. Both projects supported the JIRI trough and active participation in priority setting Workshops, validation of research priorities and development of position papers on EU-Caribbean and Central America for the JIRI. Outputs from both projects are expected to be incorporated into the ALCUE NET project regarding identification of experts and stakeholders, identification of common topics, awareness activities, etc.
-Stephanie Splett from DLR, Germany,introduced the newly initiated ERANet-Lac project which is closely linked with the ALCUE NET project and the SOM process. It is focusing on 4 main activities: i) Implementation of 2 joint calls; ii) Coordinated joint actions: Opening and coordination of existing research programs; iii) Consultation process to inform funding agencies and research institution about the joint actions and iv) Implement Information and communication platform for EU –CELAC funding agencies. Special attention was given to the implementation of the first join call where selected topics were identified by joint work done in close cooperation between thematic SOM WGs and the ALCUE NET project.
-Carlos Quenan from the Institut des Amériques, France, introduced the main conclusions of thefirst CELAC-UE Academic Summit (Santiago de Chile 2013). 250 universities and 625 authorities from both regions were presented and recommendations to the Heads of State and Government were included on the Santiago Declaration. The need to endorse the JIRI to support the organization of the second CELAC-UE Academic Summit was emphasized.
-Rafael de Andrés Medina, from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, presented the EU-LAC Health thematic project. In the framework of the project, ajoint initiative on health research and innovation is suggested to be operational by September 2016. The work done by the project technical support to the EU-CELAC SOM Working Group on Health was mentioned regarding the identification of thematic proposals and topics.
-Estelle Morris, from Samui, France, presented the Ensocio-LA initiative.The project supports the SOM WG on Biodiversity by the identification of EU-LAC key topics, projects and initiatives in close linking with the ALCUE NET and ERANet-LAC projects. The fact that the SOM Biodiversity WG is focused mainly on Biodiversity issues, with apparently less focus on climate change and no direct reference to resource efficiency and raw materials was highlighted as well as that there are differences between the EU H2020 priorities and the JIRI structure.
-The Leadership project was presented by Yolanda Ursa from INMARK, Spain. The project support the EU-CELAC Policy dialogue trough the ICT WG by creating synergies with current EU-LAC projects under ICT, e-Infrastructures, BILAT, INCO-NET and ERA-Net projects.
-Mónica Silenzi from the Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT) presented the ALCUE NET project which, as a SOM recommendation, supports the EU-CELAC S&T Policy Dialogue and the work implemented under the JIRI by following up the suggestions and recommendations from the 5 SOM thematic WGs. The project works as a technical secretariat to the EU- CELAC SOM co-presidencies by the elaboration of the Concept Note for SOM discussion and the resulting Action Plan. SOM Thematic WGs meetings are organized back-to-back to ALCUE NET events in order to collect the necessary inputs for SOM. The project has also established two Travel Grant Schemes for mobility of i) stakeholders from non EU- CELAC partner’s countries for participation in the project activities & ii) NCPs of LAC countries to develop a LAC NCP Platform.
Round table discussion’s focused on interests showed by the delegations to join and be involved in all the different projects activities.
The Horizon 2020 Launch Event “Open to the World” took place after the end of the first day hosted by Cristina Russo, Director for International Cooperation of DG Research and Innovation. The event was open to all delegates.
Agenda Item 4: Presentations and discussion of progress in the thematic working groups
The co-leaders of the five thematic working groups as well as the ‘good practice and funding’ WG presented their progress reports.
(i)Bioeconomy: France & Argentina (A. Rogulski/ E. Trigo)
-The Bioeocnomy work progressfocused on 3 concrete proposals that are being developed: i) Joint Call on selected R&I topics: 4 areas with 3 topics each were identified; ii) CELAC Bioeconomy Observatory focusing on 3 pillar structure: R&I, Policy, Markets and iii) Capacity Development, including awareness raising: 3 pillar structure (Policy dialogue/ Capacity development and networking/Media incidence).
(ii)Renewableenergies: SpainMexico (L. Guash/ M. Karosuo)
-Working documents on EU-CELAC joint priorities regarding basic lines of bi- regional cooperation in bioenergy, solar energy and wind energy and energy efficiency were elaborated as well as the identification of sub-areas for potential collaboration and topics. A mapping and analysis of country potentialsis in progress.
(iii)Biodiversity and Climate Change: France & Colombia (A. Rogulski/ H. Rendón)
-Main progress since April 2013 includes a proposal of a bi-regional platform of S&T cooperation between LAC and the EU (Green Platform); the submission of 3 topics and sub topics of common interest to the ERANet-LAC project and a first result of an analysis of bi-regional collaboration at the interface between biodiversity and climate change. Synergies with other projects such asALCUE NET, ERANet-LAC; BiodivERsA; EU-LAC Foundation; ENSOCIO-LA; AridasLAC were established.
(iv)ICT for meeting societal challenges: Finland & Chile (M. Lima Toivanen/ M. Mesonero)
-The ICT working group presented the work progress including a mapping on ICT (current & past bi-regional projects; 1800 researchers & stakeholders; topics for cooperation) and the results of the ICT Thematic WorkshopLeadership LAC ICT Expert Group as technical input for the ICT report.
(v)Health: SpainBrazil (L. Guasch/ P. Siqueira)
-The SOM WG on health is supported mainly by EU-LAC Health project & ALCUE NET. Work progress under the WG consisted on the i) selection of initial scientific areas and subareasfor potential collaboration; ii) definition of a working plan for a draft scientific agenda proposing bi-regional pilot activities; iii) the coordination of activities, including joint/coordinated calls and ‘twinning’. In the long term, a LAC technological platformson health, including innovation and anEU-CELAC joint initiative on health research are expected to be developed.
(vi)Good practice and funding: Portugal & Mexico (J. Bonfim/M. Karosuo)
-Progress towards the possibility to combine national programmesis being explored regarding the existing multiplicity of national instruments to be used and combined such as the mobility of researchers, sandwich scheme, network activities, collaborative projects, twinning / clustering of existing projects, access to infrastructures, capacity building, opening up of national programmes, etc. The ERA-NET scheme was also mentioned as key instrument in EU-CELAC cooperation on S&T (i.e the EULANEST experience) focusing on the new ERANet-LAC as a powerful tool to provide more scale and scope to the experience of coordinating research activities at EU and LAC countries. Other ERA NETs initiatives could be a great opportunities for cooperation in thematic areas such as the ERA MIN (Raw Materials) & M.ERA-NET (Materials Science and Engineering). Proposed formulas beyond ERA NETs will be explored regarding the combination of national programmes and a Joint Programming “à la carte”.
Agenda Item 5: Way forward
-EevaKaunismaa from MINEDU, Finland, presented a report from the concept group on Researchers’ Careers. A draft proposal had beencirculated among the SOM participants before the meeting. The EU- CELAC collaboration on international career development of doctoral candidates and early sage researchers was highlighted as a very important proposal for the successful implementation of the JIRI. Four activities were proposed: mapping; promoting mobility & exchange; link between career development and industry; link with the thematic SOM WGs. Three possible structures for a working group were tabled: firstly to create an independent SOM WG;secondly to have at transversal support group between the existing thematic WGs; andthirdly to include the theme into the tasks, objectives and mandate of the cross cutting WG on funding and best practices. The SOM opted for the last format, to include it in the cross cutting WG on funding and best practices. Chile and Finland agreed on enlarging this Working Group by co-leading the researchers career development theme working in close collaboration with the corresponding group from the Academic Summit.
-Stephanie Splettpresented the progress of the calls that will be implemented by the ERANet-LAC project. A first join call to be realized between the funding agencies from EU and CELAC is expected to be launched in October 2014 (September 2015 start of the projects). In order to enhance the participation of funding parties outside the project consortium, ERANet-LAC is organizing a consultation process for funding and innovation agencies. 44 topics were identified by the 5 working groups. The SOM took a decision to limit the lists by priority order to 20 topics for consideration by the funding agencies at their upcoming meeting in Spain.
Agenda Item 6: Closure of the meeting
Main outcomes were summarized.
-Joint Calls (work articulated by ALCUE NET & ERA NET Lac projects): 20 topics were endorsed out of a long list of 44 suggested by the five EU-CELAC SOM Working Groups and will be presented for consideration of funding. Topics with lower priority could be considered for a 2nd joint call. In June 2014 a funding agencies workshop will be organized in Tenerife, Spain, for potential participants of the Joint Calls and identification of their commitments to the 1st joint call.
-Working Group on Researchers Career Development’ structure: it was agreed to include the theme into the tasks, objectives and mandate of the cross cutting WG on funding and best practices. Chile and Finland agreed on enlarging this Working Group by co-leading the Researchers Career Development theme working in close collaboration with the corresponding group from the Academic Summit.
-Foresight study: It was suggested by Panama to elaborate EU-CELAC ‘scenarios’ building on international cooperation in a more systematic and formal way to strengthen and deepen the bi regional cooperation and to provide an input to the SOM in its decision making process in the future. It was agreed that this is a key aspect to involve more countries in the EU-CELAC process. It was expressed that the exercise of bi-regional cooperation’s scenarios will be an interesting activity to be done in the framework of ALCUE NET project to be presented during next EU CELAC SOM in 2015. This strategic vision will be developed also to better focus the ALCUE NET activities.
The co-chairs thanked the senior officials for a very fruitful meeting. The European Commission announced that the next SOM would be convened after the EU-CELAC Summit (second half of 2015) in Brussels.