Clinton High School Band Policies 2014-2015
Band Director—Mr. Norin Lavender
As a member of the CCS music program you will listen to, perform, and of course, enjoy music. However, with this privilege comes responsibility. To help maintain a successful and quality program, there are some band policies of which students and their parents need to be aware.
All students are:
- Responsible for their instruments.
This includes both student-owned and school-owned instruments. All instruments must be cleaned and maintained regularly in order for them to be in proper working condition for all rehearsals and performances. If there is a problem with an instrument, the student must bring it to my attention so it can be fixed properly and promptly. Each student will use a music cubby in the band room for his/her instrument. This space is to be used only for music related items: instruments, music folders, and music accessories.
- Responsible for practicing.
All lesson assignments and band pieces must be practiced regularly. Rehearsals are not to be used as practice time. All students are expected to take their instruments and music home daily. Practicing is the key to progress and success.
Note to parents:
Please provide your child with an adequate area for practicing where they will not be disturbed or interrupted. Your support is greatly appreciated and will help enable your child’s progress.
- Responsible for their music folders.
All students will be provided with a music folder and parts for rehearsals and performances throughout each semester. All students are responsible for all of the music in their folders. At the end of each semester students must return all of their music in the same condition it was in at the beginning of that semester. Please note that music is expensive and can be difficult to replace. If any music is damaged or not returned, the student responsible will be charged a replacement fee. Any notes written on the music must be in pencil only.
- Required to attend all rehearsals and performances.
Attendance is mandatory at all rehearsals and concerts. To be on time is to be early. When rehearsals begin, students are expected to be in their assigned seats with their instruments put together and their music on the stands. For concerts, students should be in the band room one-half hour prior to performance time in concert dress. The only acceptable excuse for absence from concerts is serious injury, illness, a death in the family, or a written statement from a parent. Rehearsals are limited and therefore must be attended. A list of concert dates has been attached to this policy. If you are aware of a scheduled absence that falls on a concert date, you must inform me of this in writing as soon as possible.
Concert dress is black pants, white shirt, and black shoes for boys, and black dress, skirt or pants with a white top, and black shoes for girls.
- Expected to follow all of the band rules and recognize their consequences.
- Be on time.
- Be prepared.
- Be considerate and respectful of others.
- Listen—do not talk.
- No food or drink is allowed (except water bottles).
Students will receive a numerical grade based on the following criteria:
Band Participation/Concert Attendance—50%
Students are expected to attend all band rehearsals and concerts. Each student will receive 20 points for each band rehearsal. Deductions will be made for the following:
No instrument/music 5pts.
Chewing gum2pts.
No pencil2pts.
Late w/o a pass4pts.
No Participation/Off-Task4pts.
Disruptive behavior7pts.
Playing Tests—25%
Once each quarter students will be assigned a playing test which will include scales (or rudiments) and a short melody (or drum solo). Students will have at least one week to prepare for the test.
Lesson Attendance and Preparedness—25%
There will be exercises assigned each week during scheduled lessons. Students will be graded based upon their attendance and how well they are prepared to play their assignments.
Students may earn extra points by participating in Marching Band, evaluating additional CCS concerts, and performing NYSSMA solos.
As a result of being a member of the CCS music department, each student is expected to:
Demonstrate proper instrumental technique and tone production.
Read music at an appropriate grade level through an understanding of
music fundamentals.
Perform many different styles of band music covering a variety of time periods.
Develop cooperative skills through working with a large ensemble.
Present high quality public performances.
November 21-22 Area All-State Festival
December 17High School Winter Concert 7pm
January 14Junior High All-County Auditions in Clinton (9th graders)
March 5-7HS Musical Performances 7:30pm
March 20-21Junior High All-County Music Festival in Clinton (selected 9thgraders only)
March 24Tri Band Music Festival in Whitesboro 7pm
May 20High School Spring Concert 7pm
The highlighted dates are mandatory performances for all band students. All other performances/auditions are not mandatory; however, all students are encouraged to participate.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone at 557-2396 or by email at
Please complete and return the following page to Mr. Lavender by September 12th. Thank you.
We have read and understand the 2014-2015 Clinton High School Band Policies.
Student’s Name Parent’s Name
Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature
Parent’s Phone
Parent’s Email
Please complete and return this page to Mr. Lavender by September 12th. Thank you.