Certified Lay Minister’s Responsibility List
Student must be:
A Member of the United Methodist Church
A Certified Lay Servant (with Certificate)
Currently serving, or has served in a leadership role in the church within 1year
Have a conversation with and seeks approval from pastor
Meet with and received written approval from SPRC/Charge Conference
Read the book “Christian as Minister” and discussed with the Pastor
Request pastor send a letter of approval to the DS and ask for a meeting
with DS/DCOM. Copy all records.
Complete registration form with all appropriate signatures and forward to CLM Director
Discuss need for scholarship
Þ Student has 6 months to 3 years to complete training.
Þ In addition to 4 Modules, student must complete the following;
1. Clearances
2. Sexual Ethics
3. Nurturing wholeness or equivalent (if serving a local church, 1 year to complete)
4. Arrange Certification meeting with DS/ DCOM
5. Provide annual report to Charge Conference
Discuss CLM program with student and congregation
Discuss Christian as Minister with student
Make sure student meets with SPRC for approval.
Forwards a letter of approval to the DS/DCOM for student meeting
Discuss ongoing progress with student.
Review registration form to ensure student has all required signatures
D.S. Receives letter (or telephone call) of approval from Pastor.
Arrange meeting with student
Arrange meeting with student and DCOM.
Make sure student has DCM Chair and DS signature on registration form
DCOM (District Committee on Ministry)
Arranges initial meeting with student. (Per DS) Request a written brief description
of who they are, and why they feel called to this lay ministry.
Request copy of, and signs registration form and all related documents for file.
Arrange final meeting for certification.
CLM Director
Arrange Orientation and Training (4 Modules), discuss fees and provide module training. Ongoing interaction with DS/DCOM as required. Ensure students have and understand all requirements for certification. Provide Student Evaluation, graduation.
Direct questions to Brenda Tildon, CLM Coordinator
302-836-8553 302-530-6422/cell