May 20, 2008
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Steve Larson, Vice President, at 9:00 p.m.
Attending: Steve Larson, Ward Wallner, Curt Barker, Gary Fena, Gloria Jordan, Don Myhre, Paul Sperl, Chris Sullivan, Ron Torfin, Bob Usset, and Tim Murphy
Open Forum:
Secretary’s Report: Minutes for the month of April 2008 meeting were submitted by Tim Murphy for board review and approval.
Motion to approve minutes was made by Paul Sperl
Seconded by Bob Usset
Motion was voice approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Ward Wallner reported on several items: 1) We have received the $5,000 from the Minnesota Twins for dugout improvements. That check was deposited into the Capital Improvements account. 2) We have received a $250 donation from Cargill Salt as a result of volunteer efforts of Brian Huelett. 3) All registration refunds have been processed. 4) All vendors are paid up to date.
Director’s Reports:
IT Director: Don Myhre reported that some glitches in the website have been fixed. We now have over 1800 registrations in the program.
Equipment Director: Chris Sullivan reported that all directors have their equipment. Chris has been made aware that metal cleats have been very tough on the new throw down bases and adjustments will be made in the future.
Fund Raising Director: Gary Fena reported that 44 golfers attended the 2nd annual OMGAA Golf Tournament. He is looking at ways to improve attendance- changing the date, moving to a morning start time or moving the dinner to a different location are all possibilities. Preliminary net proceeds for the tournament and silent auction are about $2,500. Gary also reported that Velocity Sports will partner with us for the Maple Grove Days event. They have offered their radar guns to use in the booth at no charge.
Vice President: Steve Larson reported on several topics 1) There were 512 tickets sold for Twins Night. 2) Volunteers are needed for the Maple Grove Days booth. Several people will be needed throughout the day. 3) Maple Grove Parade is July, 10th - teams will be needed to participate.
House Fastpitch Director: Curt Barker reported that 270 players are registered and he is still adding and compiling teams. Curt inquired about software for scheduling games.
Junior House Baseball Director: Gloria Jordan reported that she has had about 25 late registrations. The final numbers will be about on par with last years.
Traveling Fastpitch Director: Bob Usset reported that he has purchased additional equipment at Dave’s Sport Shop and that he has picked up the equipment bags at Dick’s.
Senior Traveling Baseball Director: Ron Torfin reported that 60 players showed up for tryouts for Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth. There will be 2 Mickey Mantle teams, 1 Senior Babe Ruth team and 12 Gopher State teams. Gopher State has had a lot of last minute registrations and Ron has scrambled to form teams -a good problem to have for this age group.
Senior House League Baseball Director: Paul Sperl stated that with the late Mickey Mantle tryouts, those not making a Mantle team were just added to American League teams without further tryouts.
Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Sperl
Seconded by Bob Usset
Motion was voice approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:57 pm.
Submitted by,
Tim Murphy, OMGAA Secretary
Minutes are not considered official until approved by the Board at the next meeting.
Future Meetings:
June 17, 2008 / 9:00 pmJuly 15, 2008 / 9:00 pm
August 19, 2008 / 7:00 pm
September 16, 2008 / 7:00 pm
All meetings at the Maple Grove Community Center