Lesson 2: Step by Step Reasoning: An introduction
In this lesson you will learn:
About the step by step reasoning
An instruction for an action
After you have studied this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand the concept of Step wise reasoning
Introduction to condition – control buttons.
Kaumudi – Illustration for the above please.
Tejas and Jyoti are making various objects with paper as Moz walks in.
Moz: This is interesting. Please show me how to make a boat.
Jyoti: Moz, the boat can be made by folding the paper. Paper folding is called origami.
Tejas gives the step wise instructions and Moz makes a boat with the paper.
Kaumudi - An illustration of the steps please. Maybe we can have the instructions as caption for each step.
Moz: Thanks. The step wise instructions really helped in making the boat.
Is it possible to make the boat if I change the sequence of the steps?
Tejas: No Moz, the order of the instructions cannot be changed.
In any activity there are a sequence of steps that are followed.
In some activities the sequence or order of the steps cannot be changed.
Kaumudi – Please illustrate the sentence and remove the text. - Jyoti puts the boat in a pail of water.
Moz brought an aeroplane assembling kit to teach the children about step wise reasoning and following instructions.
Moz: Will you please assemble this aeroplane for me?
Tejas and Jyoti: Oh yes!
Tejas and Jyoti take out the instructions sheet and assemble the aeroplane with the various parts given in the kit.
Tejas: Moz, After building the body of the aeroplane the other parts can be assembled in any order or sequence.
In some activities you can change the sequence of some of the steps.
Moz: Now let us look at a toy which has some controls.
Tejas picks up the robot and examines it.
Tejas: It has a remote contoller and the instruction sheet.
Jyoti reads out the sheet which has step wise instructions to start the robot and the instructions on “How to play with the robot”.
Jyoti: The robot has buttons to start, stop, move in four directions.
Moz: These buttons are called control buttons.
Tejas: They are like the options we find on the tool bar of the computer. Each button has an action.
Jyoti: Moz, the games on a computer also have control buttons . When we click on a button some action takes place.
Moz: Correct. Let us look at a game called anagram. In this game the alphabets in a word are rearranged and you have to find the hidden word.
Jyoti: The game has control buttons to choose a topic, a hint and to move to next word. It has a box where we can enter the correct word.
Tejas: There are also buttons to go to the next word and quit the game.
Tejas and Jyoti play the game on the computer and with the robot.
Tejas: Moz, Can I make a game of my own on the computer.
Moz: Yes. You can. Soon you will learn. It is time to go home now.
Chin Chinaki.
Jyoti: You have already seen how step wise instructions can be given for any activity. You also know about controlling actions. Soon you will learn one of the languages of the computer. But now it is time for you to go home.
------end of first lesson of step ----
The following was first written. As I thought this would flow better than putting in controls.
Farida said that too many concepts at a time would confuse.
So I am moving the idea below to the next lesson.
- Vijaya Lakshmi
Repetition and if then else concepts.
Moz: Suppose we want to make 10 boats. What do we do.
Jyoti: Take 10 papers. Repeat the steps in the instructions 10 times.
Jyoti : Moz, I also know how to make a bird with a paper.
Moz: Ok. List the instructions of making a bird. Here we have two sets of instructions and 10 sheets of paper. Suppose we want to make 5 birds and 5 boats. What should we do.
Tejas: If you want to make bird then use instruction to make a bird.
Jyoti: When you want to make a boat use intructions to make a boat.
Moz: Ok. Let us now make these instructions by typing in a text editor and put them in a box.
The box contains 10 sheets of square papers. It also has instructions to make boats and birds. If you want to make