[ACNSPR-16]Morgan Library website redesign ( 26/Jan/16 Updated: 26/Jan/16
Status: / OpenProject: / ACNS Project Requests
Type: / Project Request
Assignee: / Unassigned
Remaining Estimate: / Not Specified
Time Spent: / Not Specified
Original Estimate: / Not Specified
Customer Priority: / High
Primary Contact: / Meg Brown-Sica
Department: / Library
Phone: / 1-7105
Email: /
Sponsor(s): / Library - Pat Burns
Stakeholder(s): / Faculty, staff (library and university), students
Desired Start Date: / 01/Feb/16
Desired Completion Date: / 01/Jun/16
Rank: / 0|100490:
Purpose: / The library website is becoming increasingly more important to constituents as a means to access and learn about services the library provides. A working group was formed to determine whether or not the current library website was meeting the needs of users. A scan of peer libraries as well as discussions with the user base indicated that a visual, functional and content revamp of the current site is desired.
Desired Outcomes: / The overall desired outcome is a new library website with a modern feel and improved functionality. Specifically from ACNS, the libraries will need assistance in the following:
- Server setup
- Drupal configuration (including modules for content management and other functionality not built in)
- Drupal theme creation
- Integrations with external library applications such as Discovery, Libguides, DSpace, Library catalog, scheduling, ILL
Indicators of Success: / User testing of design and functionality can be completed to make sure it is meeting the needs of users. Google analytics including page views, bounce rate, downloads and search terms used can also be tracked over time to determine effectiveness.
Anticipated Costs and Funding Source: / The primary cost will be in the development of a graphic design for the site that will be outsourced to Creative Services and paid for with one-time funding that must be spent by the end of fiscal year 2015-2016. The library may also use this one-time funding to hire a graduate student content editor. Other costs will be primarily staff hours.
Anticipated Impact (internal & external): / ACNS Internal:
Greg Vogl - Due to his current responsibilities in maintaining the website and existing expertise, Greg will become the primary technical lead in accomplishing many of the outcomes outlined above: Drupal configuration, Drupal theme creation, and integrations with external library applications. He will have backup from Yongli Zhou (librarian) and other ACNS staff who have responsibilities that intersect. Some content migration from the old site to the new may be required, but the primary content will be developed and managed by library staff.
Other ACNS staff that are impacted for time are Youssef Benchouaf (technical), Dan Hamp (technical) and Suzi White (project organization and analysis).
Library staff will be impacted for time, primarily in the area of content development and training.
A new website will impact all CSU students, faculty and staff when implemented.
Overall Benefits: / An updated library website will provide more streamlined and effective access to library resources that support teaching, learning and research.
Reliance on other data: / The library is also currently investigating the purchase of a new integrated library system (Alma) which may impact the web redesign project. Current applications should be evaluated for any impact Alma will have before extensive work is undertaken to integrate them into a new site (e.g. the current Discovery application [vufind]).
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