Sandy Ridge Elementary School
Student Handbook
1070 Amostown Rd
Sandy Ridge, NC 27046
336-871-8415 fax
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! The faculty and staff of Sandy Ridge Elementary School are excited about the opportunity to further the education of your child. Please read through this handbook with your child carefully, as several procedures have changed to improve the overall safety of our school. It is important to us that you have the opportunity to be a part of your child’s education. Our handbook contains general information along with policies and procedures. This handbook will help keep you informed of activities and events. Additional rules and procedures can be found in the Stokes County Schools Student and Parent Handbook. If you have any questions about the contents of our handbook please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, members of our staff, or me with any questions or concerns.
I look forward to serving our students and community through the upcoming school year!
Jeff Boyles
The mission of Sandy Ridge Elementary School is to inspire
all students to become productive, self-directing, tech
smart learners.
School Schedule/Hours of Operations:
7:30 -7:55 Students Arrive
8:00 Instruction Begins
2:40Bus and Car Riders Dismissed
- Adult supervision will begin at 7:30 a.m.
- Students may begin arriving at 7:30a.m.and should report to the cafeteria if eating breakfast or to the gym if not eating breakfast. We ask that all students arrive on time.
- The instructional day ends at 2:40 p.m. Students who leave early will miss learning opportunities, please arrange for your child to attend the full day as much as possible.
- School will dismiss at 11:00 a.m. on early dismissal days that are scheduled in the calendar.
- Instructional staff hours are from 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
Students who are car riders in the morning should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 2:40 p.m. If you are picking your child up please do so at the side door of the gym using the access road. Parents should only use the front entrance if their child/children are tardy or if they are leaving early for an appointment. Our front door will remain locked at all times, and parents will need to push the buzzer to notify the office of their need of entry. Parents are responsible for signing students in and out on the IDENT-A-KID computer, and should check in at the front office. No one should pick up after 2:10 p.m. without an appointment to go to. Please use the car pick up line.
We encourage you to try to schedule your child’s doctor/dental appointments around school hours. If this is not possible, you must check in at the office and sign your child out. For your child’s safety, students will not be released to anyone that is not on the pick-up list.
General School Behavior Expectation:
As a staff we will encourage students to make wise decisions through our behavior expectations and modeling. Each teacher will establish general rules and procedures within their class at the beginning of the school year, and students are expected to adhere to these rules at all times. The following is a list of general school-wide expectations:
Students will adhere to the three R’s
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- BeReady to learn
Cafeteria Services:
Sandy Ridge has an excellent cafeteria staff that is genuinely interested in your child receiving a well-balanced and nutritious meal daily. The cafeteria operates under the National School Lunch Program Regulations. A healthy breakfast and lunch are essential in enhancing your child’s academic performance and achievement. Meals may be paid for by the month, week, or day. It is a recognized fact that students forget their lunch money occasionally. For this reason, students are allowed to charge their lunch. All charges should be paid the following day. Please refer to the Stokes County Schools Student & Parent Handbook 2016-2017, Child Nutrition/Charge Policy found in the handbook.
Breakfast Prices for K-5:
Reduced BreakfastFREE
Lunch Prices for K-5:
Reduced Lunch$0.40
No set price individually
Charged A La Carte
Lunch Schedule: (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
First 11:05-11:35
Fifth 11:45-12:15
Lunch Schedule for Early Dismissal:(SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
Fifth 10:20-10:45
Cafeteria Behavior Expectations:
The same rules for good behavior apply in the cafeteria as in the classroom. Students are also expected to follow these basic procedures:
Students will have money out and ready as they proceed through the service line.
Students are not allowed to talk once they enter the doors of the serving area.
Students must get all food and condiments as they go through the line the 1st time and should not return to the line without permission.
Students will sit in their designated area.
Students will talk with a quiet voice.
Students will clean up their area and prepare the table for the next class.
Students will line up quietly at the door of the cafeteria when directed to do so by the teacher.
Student Transportation:
Parents are encouraged to secure arrangements for transportation prior to the school day beginning. Students will not be allowed to ride home with other students as car riders or be permitted to ride a bus other than the one assigned without permission from the teacher or principal. Permission may be granted to students who bring a note from parents.
Daily Planners:
Sandy Ridge will be using daily planners again this year to monitor assignments, reading records, and discipline. The planner will include the 2016-2017 student handbook, student informational sheets, and daily assignment sheets. Each day please inspect your child’s daily planner, sign, and have your child return it the next day. It should take only a few minutes of your time daily to help manage the “planner” system. Establishing this routine will have a measurable impact on your child’s success in school. 3rd-5th grade: please also monitor the PowerSchool Parent Portal and School Notes for student assignments and grades. If you have any suggestions for improvement please contact your child’s teacher or Mr. Boyles.
School Telephone:
Students should ask to use the telephone only in emergencies.
Permission must be granted by the classroom teacher.
Students must have a note from the teacher to use the telephone in the office.
Arrangements for after-school activities should be made before coming to school.
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher at a time when class is not in session.
Teachers are available from 7:30 -8:00 a.m. and 2:40—3:00 p.m. or at other times designated by the teacher.
All visitors, parents, grandparents and guardians must sign in on the computer system located by the main entrance, wear the visitor pass and check in at the office each time you come on campus. This is for the safety of all our students.
Parent Teacher Association:
Parents are encouraged to join and actively support our PTA. Memberships are available at Open House and throughout the year. PTA general meetings are held five times a year. Fundraisers sponsored by the PTA help to purchase many wonderful things for students that the school budget cannot support. The board meets with the principal regularly to provide feedback, plan events, and discuss ways to strengthen the home-school partnership. If you have any suggestions or concerns, these board members are always willing to listen and will share your ideas with the school.
2016-2017 PTA Officers:
President Samantha Brown
Vice PresidentBrandi James
VP (Historian)Jenna Montgomery
SecretaryAmy Bullins
TreasurerHeather Shelton
PTA Dates –Meetings begin at 6 pm.
September 13th - Curriculum Night
October 15th - Fall Carnival
November 15th - Math Night
January 24th - Reading Night
March 14th - Science Night
May 16th - Closing Meeting
Parent Conferences:
We encourage parent-teacher conferences. This is the best way to determine how your child is performing in school. It is also a time in which the teacher can gain valuable insight from the parent on how to best work with the child. Parents desiring a conference should call the school to schedule an appointment. School-wide parent-teacher conferences are held at the end of the first nine weeks in November.
Emergency Information:
Parents are required to complete a Student Information Form at the beginning of the school year. For the safety of our students, it is very important that this information be kept up-to-date at all times. If phone numbers, email addresses, work situations, custody issues, etc. change throughout the year, please notify the office immediatelyso that records can be updated.
Child Custody Issues:
If there are court papers regarding the custody of your children please see that the office has an official and current copy on file. Many parents verbally notify the school of issues, but it is important to remember that school personnel must have official documentation to support our decisions. It is also good practice to notify the principal of any concerns you might have regarding difficult domestic affairs.
Computer Lab:
Students will visit the computer lab for at least 40 minutes per week to receive instruction in technology. Students will only use the internet during teacher-led instructions. If you do not wish for your child to use the internet at school, please complete the PARENT REFUSAL FORM FOR STUDENT USE OF THE INTERNET form located in the back of the Stokes County Schools Student & Parent Handbook. Both our county and our school maintain current websites used to highlight student achievement, inform parents, and provide information to the general public about our school. There is also a section in the back of SCS Handbook (Media Release Form) that will grant permission for your child’s first name, work, and picture to be used on these sites.
Media Center:
Students visit the media center once per week to check out books with their class and receive a library lesson from Mrs. Taylor. Other times are also available for check-out. If a book is damaged due to student neglect or abuse, a small appropriate fee will be charged. If the book is damaged beyond repair, a fee will be charged to replace the book. The media center does not charge for overdue books, but encourages all students to return their books on time. Students may be denied the right to check out additional books until overdue books are returned, or fees are paid. Overdue notices will be issued once a month.
Bus Routes and Operating Procedures:
Bus routes and stops are planned and established by the county. Parents wishing to discuss routes, stops, or any other operating policies should contact the principal. Students and parents are encouraged to notify the school immediately of any safety concerns.
Bus Passenger Responsibilities:
Be at the designated stop 10 minutes prior to expected bus arrival.
Stand a safe distance from the road and in no way interfere with traffic.
Do not cross the road until the bus has come to a complete stop, red lights are on, the stop arm is out, the bus driver gives signal, and the bus door opens.
Take your assigned seat and do not get up or move seats during the route.
Do not distract the driver while the bus is in motion.
Keep all body parts in the bus.
Keep the buses clean. No food, drinks, or chewing gum on the bus.
Never damage or deface the bus.
Refrain from the use of profane and indecent language.
Do not bring dangerous or prohibited items on the bus.
Bus Discipline Procedures:
Riding the school bus is a privilege, as there is no law or regulation that says students must ride. If this privilege is abused, it may be revoked at any time. Students may be suspended from the bus for violating any of the previously stated rules. The bus driver will report misconduct to the principal and parents will be notified in writing of the offense and consequence.
Students may be suspended from riding the bus for any of the following:
- Delaying bus schedule.
- Fighting/horse playing.
- Using profanity.
- Refusing to obey the instructions of school authorities or the bus driver.
- Tampering with or doing damage to the bus.
- Playing, throwing objects, or distracting the driver’s attention while the bus is in motion.
- Possessing open food products or drinks that could cause accidents or unsanitary situations.
- Possession of weapons, toys, or any other instruction considered to interfere with bus safety.
- Any other misbehavior, action, or conduct that is deemed inappropriate by the bus driver or principal.
Peanut Free School
We have several students in our school with severe peanut allergies, therefore our school is a PEANUT FREE school. Please do not send any peanut products with your child to school, especially if you are unaware of students who may have a peanut allergy. Thank you for helping us to keep these students safe by having a peanut free environment.
Field Trips:
Field Trips are designed to support and enhance the academic curriculum. Teachers will notify parents of field trips that are planned, and parents will need to sign a permission form for their child. The cost of field trips will be kept as low as possible. Parents wishing to transport their child back from the field trip must fill out a “Private Transportation Form” prior to the trip and have it approved by the principal. All students must ride activity buses to the field trip site. Field trips are optional and a student’s opportunity to attend may be taken away if their behavior is inappropriate. All cafeteria charges must be paid in order to attend field trips.
Homework may be assigned on a regular basis. All homework will be meaningful and should
provide reinforcement activities. The teacher will make every effort to make sure homeworkassignments are clear and the due date is understood. Homework must be ready to be presented
by the student at the beginning of the class for which it is required. Students will not be permitted
to call home for homework that they forgot to bring to school. It is the responsibility of the student/parent to contact the school and request all make-up work. Teachers will be given 24 hours to gather requested work.
Grades and Report Cards:
Students in grade K-2:
4– Exceeds expectations
3– Proficient
2– Not yet proficient
1– Limited performance
Not Assessed
Students in grades 3-5:
A—Excellent (90-100)
B– Above Average (80-89)
C– Average (70-79)
D– Below Average (60-69)
F– Unsatisfactory (59 & Below)
“A-B” Honor Roll - Recognizes 3rd – 5thgrade students who earn grades consisting of all “A’s and “B’s”
Student Assessments/Evaluations:
Students will receive progress reports at the mid-point of each nine week grading period. Report cards are sent out four times per year at the end of each nine weeks.
Student Accountability Standards:
All students in grades 3-5 are required to take end of grade tests in reading and math. 5th grade students will also take a science end of grade test. These tests are designed to measure mastery of the common core standards.
What it means to be a Title I School Under NCLB:
Our school qualifies for the Title I Federal Program under the new law. The Title I program provides resources for high poverty schools so they can provide supplemental services to students at risk of not being successful on state assessments in reading and mathematics. As a parent in a Title I school, the law specifies that you have a right to be involved in school planning.
The Stokes County Board of Education believes that the education of children should be a cooperative effort between the parents, the schools, and the community. Parents are their children’s first teachers. Parental involvement positively impacts the effectiveness of the Title I program and contributes significantly to the academic, social, and emotional success of the children.
The Stokes County Title I staff, in compliance with all State and Federal requirements of Section 1118 of the Title I No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, will:
- Provide parents a copy of the Stokes County Schools Title I Parental Involvement Policy;
- Invite parents to attend an annual meeting to be informed of the Title I Program and activities supported by the program;
- Provide the opportunity for parents to sign a parent-teacher-student compact;
- Provide opportunities for participation in school activities for all parents and legal guardians, including parents with disabilities, and limited English proficiency;
- Offer a number of meetings, workshops, and parent conferences at flexible times to promote improved student achievement;
- Involve parents in the planning, review and improvement of programs;
- Assist parents in understanding State academic content, student performance standards, and state and local assessments;
- Keep parents informed about curriculum, assessment, and student progress;
- Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer in their child’s class or school as well as observe/participate in classroom learning activities;
- Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent home in a language that both parents and students can understand;
- Inform parents of the Parent’s Right to Know about teacher and paraprofessional qualifications;
- Coordinate, to the extent possible, parental involvement activities with Head Start, Smart Start, and More At Four programs;
- Educate administrative and instructional staff in the value of parental involvement, how to implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
Student Attendance: