Old Car Council of Colorado, Inc.

President: Joe Baker, AACA 303-637-0765

1st Vice President: Keith Hall, Mile High Cobra Club 303-940-7958

2nd Vice President: Dick Thompson, Mile High Cobra Club 303-699-4819

Secretary: Dick Fritz, MGCC 303-774-9710

Treasurer: Tom Kay, Front Range Mustang Club 303-451-9296

Minutes of Meeting, 6 October 2010

Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver Colorado

The meeting was called to order by the president, Joe Baker, at 7:32 pm.

Officers present were Joe Baker, president; Keith Hall, 1st vice president; Dick Thompson, 2nd vice president; Dick Fritz, secretary; and Tom Kay, treasurer. 32 member clubs were represented.

Forney Events: Carmen Consalvo, the Forney’s Events Coordinator, outlined events scheduled at the Forney. There will be an exhibit of Thunderbirds from October through December. On October 30 (Saturday) the Forney will hold a Trick or Treat Night for youngsters and parents and on November 20th they will hold a holiday festival. Car storage is still available in an enclosed area for $75 per month with a one-year lease. Finally, the Forney is taking reservations for Dust n’Shine events in 2011.

Legislative matters: Leo Boyle reported that a meeting arranged by Harold Naber with Colorado Department of Revenue and Legislative liaison people discussed recodifying various sections of the Colorado Revised Statutes to consolidate information and regulations dealing with collector vehicles. Leo is working with Jery Payne of Legislative Services to sort out appropriate wording and any eventual legislation. In addition, the problem of VIN identification on pre-1954 vehicles for which an engine swap has been made and elimination of salvage titles for rebuildable vehicles more than 8 years old were discussed.

Still on legislative issues, Joe Baker emphasized that everyone should be prepared to vote knowledgably in November after studying the pros and cons of the various issues as presented in the official Colorado Blue Book.

Minutes of the September 1st meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Kay provided the following balances as of the end of August:


Operating Account: $2052.59

Govt.Relations Account: 1822.00

Swap Meet Account: 13984.96

Swap Meet Pre-reg: 240.00

Cruise account: 1757.80

Accounts total= $19857.35 (in checking account)

Swap Meet 2011 deposit: 300.00 (with Adams County Fairgrounds)

Total assets = $20157.35


Pre-paid swap Meet reg: 240.00

NET WORTH = $19917.35

Guest Speaker: Gary George discussed the need for accurate auto value appraisals for insurance, estate settlement, or sales purposes. The American Society of Appraisers has established Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice which certified appraisers must follow. He described the research that is often required. He noted that many vehicles are not adequately insured relative to restoration costs. For more information he can be contacted at 303-477-0189.

OCCC Swap Meet (August 21): A final financial summary has not been completed, but it is apparent that the cost of the exhibition hall for indoor spaces was far more than what was paid by vendor registration, and so may be discontinued.

Colfax Cruise (September 18): Dick Thompson reported that the Cruise went very well with only a few glitches (lessons for next year). Publicity for the OCCC was very good, but the event did not make much money for the Council. Dick was applauded for a job well done. He is already soliciting ideas and suggestions for 2011.

Scheduling of Events: Lauri Gephart (Chassis Lassies) is compiling a calendar of open events sponsored by clubs in 2011 to avoid conflicts on the same dates. The objective is to increase attendance. It was suggested that clubs may want to combine events. Many clubs will be setting up club events after the first of the year, but the OCCC calendar should focus on events that are intended to invite more than just the clubs’ members.

Greybeards Show (Thanksgiving weekend): OCCC has been invited to participate and will have space for 8 or 10 cars that should represent the variety of clubs in the OCCC. Dick Thompson is coordinating this for OCCC and is seeking cars, clubs, and individuals to take part. Volunteers are needed to work 4 or 5 hour shifts and get in free. Cars move in Wed., Nov.24; out on Sun., Nov.28.

Nominations for OCCC 2011 officers: Nominations were opened. The president, first and second vice presidents are stepping down; the current secretary and treasurer are willing to continue. We need persons willing to accept nomination. Several names (of persons not in attendance) were put forward. Nominations will reopen at the November meeting.

The next OCCC meeting will be Wednesday, November 3, 7:30 pm at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:01 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Richard Fritz, secretary

Addendum One:

The October issue of Colorado Collector Car News contains an article and excellent photos of the Colfax Cruise. It shows the amazing variety of vehicles that turned out for the cruise.

Car of the Month is the Cobra of Bob and Michele Cowan.

This email newsletter is put together by Greg Akiyama and is a supplement to the minutes of the OCCC meetings. It is sent out free to subscribers who contact Greg at .