Supplementary Information

Beef and coal are key drivers of Australia's high nitrogen footprint

XiaLianga, Allison M. Leachb, James N. Gallowayc, Baojing Gua,d,Shu Kee Lama, Deli Chena*

aCrop and Soil Science Section, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.

bDepartment of Natural Resources & Earth Systems Science and The Sustainability Institute, University of New Hampshire, 107 Nesmith Hall, 131 Main Street, Durham, NH, 03824, USA.

cDepartment of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Clark Hall, 291 McCormick Road, P.O. Box 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4123, USA.

dDepartment of Land Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, PR China

*Corresponding Author:

Deli Chen

Professor and Head of Crop and Soil Science, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.

E-mail: | Tel.: +61 3 8344 8148.

Supplementary Method

Australian virtual N factors (VNFs)

We initiate a whole set of Australian VNFs for 12 major food categories:cereals (weighted-average of rice, wheat, barley and sorghum), legumes, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, seafood (weighted-average of wild-caught and farmed), poultry, egg, dairy products (weighted-average of milk, cheese, yoghurt and dry milk), pork, lamb and beef (weighted-average of grazing and feedlot system), and assigned other minion food categories to the most similar major one above.

To get each VNF, 6 ratio coefficients for crop products and 10 ratio coefficients for meat products are required, respectively listing as: (1) % of available N uptake by whole plant (2) % of whole plant N retained in edible part (3) % of residual N recycled (4) % of edible crop N produced as food products (5) % of processing waste N recycled (6) % of crop products N consumed finally; (1) % of available N uptake by whole plant (2) % of whole plant N retained in animal feed (3) % of residual N recycled (4) % of feed N assimilated by live animals (5) % of feed waste and excreted N recycled (6) % of live animals N stayed in carcasses (7) % of slaughter waste N recycled (8) % of carcasses N produced as meat products (9) % of processing waste N recycled (10) % of meat products N consumed finally. We also combined the 15Ntracer studies, N mass balance approach and life cycle analysis (LCA) to make the best assessment with Australian limited research and data source. Nr flows along the entire production and consumption chain of 11 major food categories in Australiaare shown in Table S 4 and Fig S1.

Limitations and uncertainties

As with any modelling calculation, there are uncertainties associated with the data sets and results of a given country’s N footprint and when comparing across countries. To reduce uncertainty in comparisons, an established methodology from Leach et al. (2012) is used for all country N footprint calculations. This methodology describes the appropriate data sets and equations used to calculate a country’s N footprint. For a given country’s calculation, the data sets that are used range in their level of certainty; it’s clear that the uncertainty in some of the data source is larger than for others among nations. For example, data on food consumption is reported by countries in an international database through FAOSTAT1. This provides a consistent data set available for all countries with consistent assumptions. Fertilizer application and nitrogen use efficiency estimates for the virtual N factor calculations, however, rely on national statistics, which can lead to some inconsistencies in the assumptions. Data sets are selected so that they most closely match the assumptions and methodology for N footprint calculations. Despite the uncertainty associated with some of the data sets, our analysis is based on the best data currently available and provides a reliable footprint result and comparisons.


Supplementary Table 1: Australian N footprint and the comparison with other countries.

Australia / US1 / UK2 / Netherlands1 / Germany2 / Portugal3 / Austria4 / Japan5 / Tanzania6
Food production / 30.3 / 22.0 / 18 / 20.0 / 18.0 / 18.0 / 16.0 / 22.2 / 12.0
Housing / 8.8 / 3.0 / 2.0 / 0.8 / 1.6 / 0.7 / 0.8 / 0.8 / 0.2
Goods & Services / 3.9 / 2.5 / 1.1 / 0.5 / 0.7 / 0.5 / 0.6 / 1.0 / 0.2
Transportation / 1.9 / 6.0 / 1.1 / 1.1 / 1.8 / 3.5 / 1.6 / 0.7 / 0.8
Food consumption / 2.0 / 5.0 / 4.9 / 1.1 / 1.6 / 6.0 / 1.1 / 3.4 / 2.0
Food consumption,denitrified /recycled / 3.0 / 0.3 / 0.1 / 3.9 / 3.3 / 0.0 / 4.1 / 1.7 / 0.0
Total / 46.9 / 38.5 / 27.1 / 23.5 / 23.7 / 28.7 / 20.1 / 28.1 / 15.2


Supplementary Table 2:Key data sources for calculating the nitrogen footprint of Australia.

Key data sources / Data collected
International statistical data
UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) / Food supply and protein supply data by all food types7
International Fertilizer Industry Association / Nitrogen fertilizer use data8
Global Food Losses and Food Waste / Global food waste data by each food category9
International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) / Estimates of Nutrient Uptake and Removal10
Australia’s governmental statistical data
Australia’s Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics / Australia agricultural independent research data11
Australia’s Bureau of Statistics / Australia national and regional statistics data based on surveys and census12-14
National Health and Medical Research Council / Australia’s Dietary Guidelines and food portion size data15
Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics / Australia’s resource and energy use data16
Council of Australia’s Governments / Governmental criteria data17
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development / National and regional energy statistics data18
Department of Industry / Industrial criteria data19
Australia’s Automobile Association / Australia’s automobile statistics data20
Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics / Australia’s transportation statistics data
Department of Infrastructure and Transport / Australia’s transportation statistics data21
Climate Change Authority / Australia’s automobile emmission criteria data22
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency / Australia’s automobile emmission factors data23
Department of the Environment / National Nr emission estimates that under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol (KP)24
Industry data
Water Services Association of Australia / National water and sewerage services data25
Meat and Livestock Australia / Australia’s cattle, sheep husbandry and meat processing data26
Australia’s Pork Limited / Australia’s pig raise and pork production data27
Dairy Australia / Australia’s dairy industry data28
National Seafood Industry Alliance / Australia’s wild-caught fishing and aquaculture industries data29
Australia’s Egg Corporation Limited / Australia’s eggindustry data30
Australia’s Chicken Meat Federation / Australia’s poultry industry data31
Published articles / Nitrogen fertilizer recovery data; harvest index data and waste recycle data10,14,32,33
Consultation with industry and the personal knowledge of the researchers for the unpublished data / Domestic aviation and rail emission factors, N fertilizer usage and recovery, N retention during animal husbandry


Supplementary Table 3: Data and references used for the calculation of the average per capita energy N footprint: housing, transportation, goods & services.

Housing / Average consumptiona / Energy content factor / Emission factorsb
Electricity / 605.39 kWh/household/month16 / - / 0.002749kg N/kWh(ref. 34-36)
Natural gas / 36.69 m3/ household/month16 / 39.3×10-3 GJ/m3(ref. 37) / 0.000457 kg N /m3(ref.24)
LPG / 5.91l/ household/month16 / 25.7 GJ/kL(ref. 37) / 0.000517 kg N /l(ref.24)
Wood& Woodwaste / 31.75kg/ household/month16 / 16.2 GJ/t(ref. 37) / 0.000411 kg N /kg(ref.24)
Solar energy / 109.62 MJ/ household/month16 / - / -
Number of people per household / 2.63 (ref. 38) / Average household income / 918 $/ week(ref. 39)
Transportation / Average consumptiona
Plane / 2889.74 passenger-km/person/year18,21,40-42
Rail / 12.89 passenger-km/person/week18,21,40-42
Passenger cars / 144.64 km/person/week43,44 / 0.0000585 kg N/km24,40-42
Light commercial vehicles / 37.11 km/person/week21, 22 / 0.0000585 kg N/km12, 15, 16, 19
Motor cycles / 2.34 km/person/week21, 22 / 0.0000652 kg N/km24,40-42
Buses / 1.95 km/person/week43,44 / 0.0003659 kg N/km24,40-42
Rigid trucks / 7.93 km/person/week21, 22 / 0.0003659 kg N/km24,40-42
Goods & Services
Goods / 2.26 kg N /person/year45
Services / 1.69 kg N /person/year23, 24

Notes: a:ABS Energy Accounts data for total net energy use for households includes energy used by households for transport. BREE Energy Balances data assigns all energy used in transport, including that used by the Residential sector, to the Transport sector. Therefore, the total net energy usage for households reported by BREE is substantially lower than ABS estimates. (ABS Energy Accounts data for2011: Electricity-572.7 kWh/month/household, Natural gas-37.05m3/month/household, Petrol-137.13 l/month/household, LPG-14.21 l/month/household, Diesel-22.46 l/month/household, Renewable energy (biomass)-22.67 l/month/household).

b: These emission factors describe the NOX emitted, converted to units of N assuming all NOX is NO2.

Supplementary Table 4: Nitrogen uptakes (%) and VNFsfor the main food commodity groups by each step and key references.

Legumes / Cereals / Potatoes / Vegetables / Fruits
Whole crop uptake / 80%46-49 / 77%32,33,50-52 / 60%53 / 44%54-56 / 70%57-61
Edible crop uptake / 69%10,49 / 70%10,49 / 67%10,53 / 55%10,56 / 15%10,57-61
Crop Residual Recycled / 24%14,62-66 / 21%14,62-66 / 25%14,62-66 / 25%14,62-66 / 85%14,62-66
Processing waste / 82%67 / 86%67 / 55%67 / 70%67 / 70%67
Processing waste Recycled / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70
Distribution & Eaten / 95%67 / 72%67 / 65%67 / 63%67 / 63%67
VNF / 1.2 / 1.8 / 4.9 / 8.0 / 9.4
Wild-caught / Farmed / Poultry / Egg / Dairy products
Whole crop uptake / 100%71-74 / 88%32,46,75-78 / 75%32,46,79,80 / 74%32,46,81-83 / 83%32,46,84-87
Edible crop uptake / 100%71-74 / 84%10,49 / 67%10,49 / 63%10,49 / 66%10,49
Crop Residual Recycled / 0%14,62-66 / 14%14,62-66 / 20%14,62-66 / 19%14,62-66 / 22%14,62-66
Animal retain / 100%71-74 / 37%71,74-78,88-92 / 47%61, 62, 75-77 / 45%30,81-83,93 / 35%28,81,86,87,94-98
Animal Waste Recycled / 0%71-74 / 35%71,74,76,78,88,89 / 36%61, 62, 75-77 / 36%63-65, 78, 79 / 13%28,81,86,87,94-98
Carcass retain / 86%71,74,76,78,88,89 / 86%71,74,76,78,88,89 / 71%31,79,80,99,100 / 96%30,81-83,93 / 96%63, 68, 69, 77-82
Carcass waste Recycled / 85%101 / 85%101 / 85%101 / 85%101 / 85%101
Processing waste / 94%67 / 94%67 / 89%67 / 100%67 / 99%67
Processing waste Recycled / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70
Distribution & Eaten / 68%67 / 68%67 / 85%67 / 85%67 / 85%67
VNF / 0.6 / 4.2 / 4.8 / 4.0 / 4.6
Lamb / Beef
Pork / Grazing / Feedlot / Grazing / Feedlot
Whole crop uptake / 74%27,32,46,102,103 / 100%52,85,104-106 / 81%32,46,107,108 / 100%52,85,104-106 / 77%32,46,109-111
Edible crop uptake / 66%10,49 / 99%10,49 / 68%10,49 / 99%27, 42 / 67%10,49
Crop Residual Recycled / 19%14,62-66 / 1%14,62-66 / 23%14,62-66 / 1%14,62-66 / 22%14,62-66
Animal retain / 44%27,102,103,112-114 / 12%26,94,108,115-121 / 14%26,94,107,115-117,120,122 / 7%109-111,122-127 / 14%109-111,122-125,127-132
Animal Waste Recycled / 11%87-89, 98-100 / 79%26,94,108,115,116,119,120,122 15%26,94,108,115,116,119,120,122 / 79%109-111,122-132 15%95-97, 109-119
Carcass retain / 76% 27,102,103,112-114 / 47% 26,94,107,108,115-122 47%26,94,107,108,115-122 / 55% 109-111,122-132 55% 109-111,122-132
Carcass waste Recycled / 85%101 / 85%101 / 85%101 / 85%101 / 85%101
Processing waste / 92%67 / 83%67 / 83%67 / 92%67 / 92%67
Processing waste Recycled / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70 / 10%68-70
Distribution & Eaten / 85%67 / 85%67 / 85%67 / 85%67 / 85%67
VNF / 5.5 / 5.7 / 29.8 / 7.4 / 25.2


Supplementary Fig 1: Nr flow along the entire production and consumption chain of 11 major food categories in Australia.


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