Monday, September 29, 2014
Notre Dame Catholic High School Carleton Place 9:30am
- Attendance and Introductions:
Chris Morrow, Dale Huddleston, Scott Baird, Deb Walden, Tracy Gilchrist, Leanne Watt, Tony Quick, Bernie Boulerice, Tammy Bovaird, Frank Halligan, Phil Moore, Mike Hoy, Bill Wheeler, Mark Lewis, Bryan English, Steve MacDonald, Dave Loken
- Additions to Agenda: Concussion Protocol; Motions from OFSAA
Motion: Deb Second: Scott
- Adoption of Agenda:
- Approval of AGM 2014minutes:
Motion: LeanneSecond: Chris MorrowCarried
- Business Arising from AGM 2014 minutes:
- Transfers: Dates and Information (Tony)
-bullying is becoming a common reason for transfer but documentation is needed;
-Tony Quick, Shawn Retty and Steve McDonald are on transfer committee but always looking for new members.
- Financial Report and Approval (Leanne)
Full Fees From: Lanark,
Individual fees coming but need one cheque from the association; getting multiple cheques from the schools causes some administrative problems
-Insurance has been paid (biggest expense)
Motion to Accept: DaleSecond: Phil
-Trophy refurbishing / replacement
Need to create an inventory of the trophies; Bryan and Deb will create this list
Dale: If the trophy has historical value (plates attached of all or most past winners, then should be refurbished but if many missing, then replacement might be necessary)
-Leanne will talk to Dominic (St.John’s) about replacement
-Local Association $1000 Plans (suche)
Sheets were handed out; local assoc. will discuss and report
- Local Association Reports and Update (Communications Officers)
KASSAA: some interesting transfer cases but running smoothly
-discussed combining $1000 from EOSSAA, Board money and KASSAA money to create a coaching clinic
-Concussion protocol: nothing official yet
SD&G: concussion protocol: waiting on something official coming from other organizations i.e. OPHEA
-trying to recruit coaches for track because there are some leaders in that area that may be retiring soon
LGSAA: concussion protocol: encouraged coaches to look online for the clinic to be aware of proper protocol
-$1000 will be discussed at next meeting; perhaps use a PD day to offer something to new coaches
UOVHSAA: many transfers that have occupied much of the time
-would like to offer a survey to younger teachers to determine the reasons for teachers not coaching
Lanark: $1000 will discuss at next meeting how to get offer a clinic for a larger group
-had an issue where basketball player could not play because couldn’t get signature from all parties who need to sign off on issue
PRSSAA: have improved website so school information is available; it has improved structure with more defined roles
-still in discussion about $1000 and what type of plan they would like
- Classifications Report (Tammy)
-Updated Classifications Chart
Proposal of 3 classifications: A level doesn’t change, AA could have upper limit of 900 or 1000;
Dale: there should be preparation for different motions at OFSAA AGM because there will likely be several different motions at AGM….EOSSAA needs to determine what numbers they will be happy with
- Principal’s Report (Dave)
- Championship Calendar:(Deb and Bryan)
-Championship Summary / Winners / Records / Data Base (Dave, Bryan and Deb)
-EOSSAA Football (Frank)
Winner of KASSAA vs EOFC will host EOSSAA; Nov 15 (AA)
-Fall and WinterChampionship Convenors, Calendar and Dates
-Convenor Eligibility / Definition (Updated?)
Constitutional change required for championship convenor
Cross Country will be hosted on Thursday Oct 23; check website for all championship hosts
KASSAA has the only AAAA schools; EOSSAA needs to determine how medals are awarded
Winter Champ: Volleyball (junior Feb 25, senior Feb 27)
Basketball (junior Feb.25; senior Feb 26/27)
Spring Championships will be discussed at next meeting
Notice of Motion should be to change playing regs/constitution on how teams can declare what classification they will play in i.e. process how a school can declare up
- OFSAA Report (Mark and Tammy)
-Motions re: eligibility; only teams that have used eligible players throughout the year will be considered at an OFSAA championships; it confounds the OFSAA seeding when players play sometimes but not at championships
-Replacing appendix or statement on recruiting
-has been discussion on creating a division among club players and high school players
-Hockey championships are before March Break this year (same week as volleyball and basketball)
- President’s Report
Question about Star category (Spec Ed athlete) and how long they can compete; do the OFSAA eligibility rules apply to them too?
- Constitutional Updates (Pat)
- Playing Regulations Updates (Dennis, Mike and Suche)
-Formatting of Playing Regulations
-Playing Regulations in need of Updating
Soccer (girls and boys) will try to get SAC together to review regulations
-Curling and Tennis could be reviewed as well; they are dated
-Plan for Playing Regulation Updates
- Web site Update: (Dave Loken)
-Updating of Website: Forms, minutes and Contacts
-Links to Championships
-Bids should be open by the new year
- Spring Meeting (Dale and Suche)
-Ambassador contract (Dale)
-Change in ownership at Ambassador: Does that impact our meeting location
-New owners would like to continue the relationship with the caveat that the meeting occur on Sunday/Monday vs. Thurs/Fri;
-Date, Locationand Format
First option is : April 12/13 2015: Dale will request meeting date and report to Pat
- Pete Beach/Retirees Committee: (Pat and Tammy)
- AGM (Suche)
-Location, Date
Friday June 12 2015 at St.John’s
- New Business
- Next Executive Meeting
Monday December 1, 2014
Concussion Protocol
- Adjournment:
Motion: DebSecond: Scott
*Reminder to communications officers to please update local association information on website before you leave.