February 7, 2010
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call ~ 4:30pm
III. Approval of the Minutes
IV. Public Comments
a. Library and Information Technology- Email-Chris Weber
1. changes with regards to student email
a. contract with Zimbra up this June
b. looking at doing something different; peer schools and others looking at Google
c. A year ago it didn’t seem right, but now with improvements, it seems the obvious choice
d. Almost everyone is familiar with Google.
e. quota that Google gives is much bigger, offers a lot of tools to integrate into campus
f. domain that ends in Bucknell.edu, would still have single sign-on
g. Google apps for education are free, allows us to keep accounts going after graduation=> can even keep same address, no longer @alum
h. pay less for license, use $ for other projects
2. PLAN: starting in end of April when create new accts for incoming freshmen, create Google accts for them, then allow graduated seniors to migrate their accts in May/June and in Fall allow current sophomores juniors and seniors to migrate their accts
a. How will this affect alums right now that have @alum? => talking point after migration of current students. Right now it is a forwarding service to preferred address, not doing anything right away with it
b. Main issues with integration, how will switching to Google deal with those challenges? => biggest challenge is integrating calendars, and viewing other people’s calendars. Google docs will be available right out of the block
c. any questions
b. Open Discussion
V. Events! Abby Cook
-Going out via email tonight
VI. Executive Reports
a. Charles Kreitler, President
1. Met with Dean Remley from Housing and Res. Life- possibility of shuttle service on campus
2. Attended faculty meeting- nothing to report
3. ExCom- met to discuss new initiative ideas. Will be discussing a possible T-shirt incentive program for BSG representatives
4. Congratulations Freshman Class Congress on First Night
b. Michelle Beck, Vice President of Operations
1. Need representative on Campus Greening Council, if interested email Michelle
c. Matt Goll, Vice President of Finance
1. Treasurers Workshop this Tuesday at 5:30 in the LC Forum
2. Appropriations guidelines and bylaws will be available on Monday
d. Corinne Haneberg, Vice President of Administration
1. Website Update
VII. New Business
1. ZIP CARS initiative- spoke with representative from their company- changed policy with Bucknell so that we have zero risk. Do not have to cover cost if program does not make a profit
1. Will have presentation for next week’s Congress
VIII. Committee Reports
a. Phil Kim, Academic Affairs
-peer mentoring program, still working on it
b. Brett Carr, Community Affairs
-met with Matt Cunningham last week about Easter egg hunt
c. Mohammad Karam, Fiscal Affair
-making progress on downtown, meeting with Lori (sp?) Wilson
d. Cherie Malone, Committee on Diversity
-meeting tomorrow
e. Corinne Haneberg, Public Affairs
-working on posters and Facebook
f. Scout Berger, Student Affairs
-reviewing Public Safety?
-buyback laptop program
-printers in 7th street
g. Richard Thornburgh, Internal Affairs
-met today
-redistributed tasks for transition docs among committee members
h. Allison Plaisance, Residential Affairs
-first approps last week approved 4 requests
-Rosemond Hall engr school retreat to Bucknell, learn about resaffairs appropriations process
-co sponsoring 2 events with ace this semester roomie game and spring carnival (april 17) everyone can have their own booth for games similar to fall fest
-effective march 1, Dean Badal takes position with res life, working to transition her
IX. Class Reports
a. Langston Tingling-Clemmons, Class of 2010
-first senior night Feb 18th
-meeting with Loftis on Tuesday to discuss idea for senior gift
b. Matt Hotard, Class of 2011
-set meeting time Mon 5-6
c. Sonali, Class of 2012
-moved meeting til tomorrow
-meeting after congress
d. Devon, Class of 2013
-first night
X. External Committee Reports
a. COI (Committee on Instruction) Matt Kairys
-latin honors, grade inflation
**Social Media Project working with BSG and possibly downtown to link the plan
b. CCA (Committee on Complimentary Activities) Zak Elmanakhly+ Michelle Beck
-went over document about committees purview, re-worded for clarification, sending that out this week
c. P&B (Planning and Budgeting) Mohammad Karam + Matt Goll
d. Concert Sonali Basak, Phil Kim, Will Sipf, Charlie Kreitler
-nothing new, ABBA Chrysalis, april 10th Concert SO EXCITING
e. Lectureship Sarah Bowen
- (DC) Frank Warren if still interested show up
f. LBC (Lewisburg Borough Council)
g. D&AR (Development & Alumni Relations) Kevin McAlister
h. CoIE (Committee on International Education)
i. Dining Services Liz Thurber, Michelle Doak
-no meal plan for summer students (Damon)
j. L&IT (Library & Information Technology) Michael Davis
k. COGL (Council on Greek Life) Justin Ercole, Brett Carr
-did not meet
l. PACs (Project Advisory Committees)
1. Housing Will Sipf haven’t met
2. Bookstore Kate Golub needs meeting time
m. IFC (Interfraternity Council) and Panhel Kelly Carlin
-IFC exclusive rights to houseparty t shirts => look into? Students not happy about it => used for philanthropy dollars +taking away from other charities if we are already making the 10,000 we need, taking away tradition
-Panhel working on recruitment
n. Residential College Phil Kim
o. Committee on Athletics Teddy Mottola
-diversity and minority event plan, sent letter to committee on instruction for less conflict with practice 1-4 instead of 2-5
-NCAA regulates 20 hours of practice, create venue to report more than 20 hrs
p. Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid Sonali Basak
-formulate more of a direction in which they want to move
-get Provost Smyer to come speak
-mission statement from admissions
-rather than one type of student, range of students
q. Committee on Course Credit Michelle Doak
-what 4th hour could look like for classes, right now 3 hours equals 4 hour credit, intensive writing, service learning, recitation, labs, etc, how hours are measured
r. Ecommunications Billy Matthews
s. Campus Greening Council TBA
XI. Advisor Comments
None, happy super bowl