Today is Tuesday, March 20th, and we will be following a day 1 schedule.
- A big thank you to Mr. Brenner for coordinating and organizing a wonderful musical event yesterday with Tony Vacca. Tony has come here many times, and each year, students always respond positively about his visit. Students, it was great to see you participate in workshops and the performance, too. And the audiences were both excellent. Students, we are proud of you, and thank you, Mr. Brenner.
- Students, we’d like to continue with our sign- ups for the Start With Hello Kindness Club. If you are interested in being part of such a club which does activities to spread kindness, please sign up in guidance. We know quite a few people signed up last week on the lobby white board, and we will transfer those names. We’d like to keep the sign ups going, so please stop into guidance to join this very exciting group!
- Congratulations to the following music students who were selected to participate, by audition, in the MMEA Southeastern Jr. District Music Festival at Taunton High School this past weekend.
- Students participated in a fantastic concert on Saturday afternoon along with highly skilled music students from 86 participating schools. Furnace Brook is proud of you for your accomplishment and for representing our school!
- Attention students, the FBMS spring track season will soon be starting. There will be an opening meeting on March 29th after school and if the weather agrees, track will start the first week in April.
- Students who are playing in the teacher/student basketball game this Thursday, please see Mrs. Denty today to pick up your T-shirt if you haven't already.
- Attention Teachers: If you ordered a T-shirt for the basketball game, please pick it up today in room 207. T-shirts are $7.00.
- This Thursday is the teacher vs student basketball game right after school in the gym! Please come and join the fun! The cost is $5 at the door and everyone is welcomed to come!! Pick up time is 4:00 at the gym
- Jazz Band is cancelled today. Again, there is no Jazz band.
- All 8th grade Health students will have a important test l this week. Students make sure to pick up your study guide from Miss O'Donnell to be prepared for the test.
- This announcement is for EIGHTH grade Student Council members ONLY. You will be meeting with your eighth grade advisers, Mrs. Segalla and Mrs. Delaney, this tomorrow - AFTER school until about 3:15 pm. We will be meeting in Mrs. Delaney's room - room 15 in Orange Cluster. We look forward to seeing you then
Today is our first MCAS Practice Test. During 1st and 2nd lunch, our 8th graders will be taking a practice computer-based MCAS test on the Chromebooks. On Thursday, the 7trh grade will be doing a practice computer based MCAS test during 1st and 2nd lunch too.
8th grade students:
- Please go to your homeroom at the beginning of E block. If you received a pass from your homeroom teacher this morning, please proceed to the testing location indicated on your pass.
- This practice test will allow you to rehearse what computer-based testing looks and feels like as well as use the test navigation tools you have learned about.
- The practice test will be a Math test. You do not need to use your own calculator.
- Although you have as much time as you need on the real test, we will conclude testing today by the end of 2nd lunch
We need ALL students to do the following today during this practice:
- Please pass to and return from 1nd and 2nd lunch silently;
- Please power off your cellphones EVERYONE. Students will be using Chromebooks which relies on wireless network and your cell phone uses up space on this network even if you are not using it but it is left on so PLEASE BE KIND AND SHUT OFF YOUR PHONE