Norcross High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title....IBPhysicsHL (Year One)Term...... Fall 2015
Teacher...... Ms. Cadicroom#...... D-201

Email Address


Teacher Support

/ Tutoring will be available before and after school* and by appointment during guided study.
*Exact schedule TBA

Course Description

In year one of IB Physics HL (higher level), students will learn the foundations of mechanics, waves, and electromagnetism. Our objective in IB Physics, as in all Group 4 science courses, is to assist students in developing a rich understanding of the nature of science, becoming proficient in practical experimentation, and forming a mindset of collaboration and effective communication.

Course Curriculum Content

Students are encouraged to download the 2016 Physics Guide, which provides a detailed listing of eachcore topic, pertinent resources, and associated Group 4 aim(s).

2016 IB Physics Guide at or on my eCLASS page

Year One Topics / Timeline (approximate) / Required Lab Practicals
Topic 1: Measurement and Uncertainties
Topic 2: Mechanics
Topic 6: Circular Motion and Gravitation
Topic 4: Waves
Topic 5: Electricity and Magnetism
Topic 11: Electromagnetic Induction / 8/10/15 – 8/21/15
8/24/15 – 10/30/15
11/2/15 – 12/18/15
1/6/16 – 2/26/16
2/29/16 – 4/29/16
5/2/16 – 5/25/16 / 2.1 Acceleration of free-fall
4.2 Speed of Sound
5.2 Resistance factors
5.3 Internal Resistance
11.2 Diode Bridge Rectification

Instructional Materials and Supplies

Textbook/Access Options / Instructional Supplies
Physics, Vol. 1/Ed. 3 (Walker)
  1. Purchase your own copy (used $30-40 online)
  2. Sign up to view online (the access code will be provided to you in class)
/ 1.WebAssign Access ($10.50) – class key 7562 3492
2.Binder with dividers
3.Pencil and Paper
4.Scientific calculator

Evaluation and Grading

Assignments / Grade Weights / Grading Scale
Class Assessments
Classwork and Quizzes
Labs and Projects
Interim assessment
Summative (tests, projects formallab reports)
Final exam / 35%
20% / A:90 and above
B:80 – 89
C:74 – 79
D:70 – 73
F:69 or below

Grading Policies

  • Academic integrity is essential; plagiarism will result in a zero for all students involved.
  • Classwork and homework may be graded for completion, correctness, or according to a rubric.
  • Quizzes will be given weekly and graded for correctness.
  • Tests will be scheduled at the end of each unit. Formula sheets will be available.
  • The final exam will cover all first semester topics.
  • Be prepared tests that contain a mix of multiple choice and free-response questions that require problem solving.

Problem solving expectations

  1. List the appropriate variables
  2. Identify the correct formula to be used
  3. Correctly substitute values into the formula
  4. Report a final numerical answer with units

Classroom Policies & Procedures

Absences/Late Work: 10 points will be deducted for each day an assignment is turned in after the specified deadline. Assignments or tests missed during an absence are due within two days of return. Assignments that were due while the student was absent must be submitted immediately upon return. In the case of prolonged absences (3 or more days), please see me to make special arrangements. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed during an absence by checking in with me, a peer, or the class website. Students will not be excused from a test following a one-day absence if no new material was covered the previous day.

Hall Passes:Students will receive 4 hall passes per semester to be used for bathroom and locker visits. If a student does not use his/her passes, he/she will receive extra credit. Note that, per school policy, these passes cannot be used during the first or last 10 minutes of class.

Be Respectful:Students are expected to follow all NHS policies found on the school website. This includes showing respect for all people, their belongings, and classroom supplies. Students should ask permission to address the class or move around the room. Students will be informed when personal technology may be used for classroom purposes only.

Be Safe: Equipment should be used under the supervision of the teacher and in the manner in which it was designed. Students are expected to follow all laboratory procedures and safety contract guidelines. The best way to guarantee safety is by listening to instructions and asking for help when you are uncertain of something.

Participate:Arrive on time and prepared for class. Any items that could become a distraction should be put away. Come to class with a positive attitude and willingness to participate. Collaboration with peers is encouraged and in some cases, required, but you will always be graded as an individual.

Communicate:There are many ways for students and parents alike to stay in touch with what’s happening this year in Physics. Do not hesitate to ask for clarification or extra help. Stay connected via one or more of the options provided.

  • Monitor student progress in the Parent Portal:
  • Follow Ms. Cadic on twitter @CadicClassfor classroom updates and links to interesting science news.
  • Text @cadibphys to 81010 or email (you can leave the subject line blank)

IB Program Specifics

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the expectations set forth for Group 4 IB students and those specific to higher level Physics students. Within the 2016 Physics Guide, you will find aims and objectives. Aims refer to the insights students should gain in the process of taking this course and are aligned with the IB learner profile as shown on page 24 of the guide. Objectives are the skills students must cultivate along the road to the final assessment in order to maximize achievement. The IB has also identified a set of required math skills for IB Physics students (page 32) that we will work on perfecting this year. You may find the IB-provided syllabus on Page 19 to be helpful in developing a more holistic picture of the coursework you will encounter over the next two years. In Year One, we will cover the core areas and the majority of the required practical activities hours. This will leave ample time for the Internal Assessment (IA), exam preparation, and the Group 4 Project (G4P) during Year 2. You are nonetheless encouraged to begin thinking about a topic you wish to explore for your IA, and to being communicating with fellow Group 4 students about interesting collaborations for G4P.

The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.IB Physics Course Syllabus – Page 1 of 2