EECS 129B/189B, CSE181B: Senior Project Design
Assessment Rubric
To the reviewer: Please use this form to assign a score to the senior design team based on their project and their communication of their work to you. Use your best judgment, based on your experience in engineering design and practice, to assign a score of 1-4 to each topic (with granularity of 0.5 pts). Students will be given a summary of the scores and any comments that you wish to share.
Assessment description
/Score (1-4)
1.aTeam can design and implement a computer or engineering-based system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.4) Exemplary: All important needs and constraints are identified. / 3) Proficient: Most important needs, constraints are identified. / 2) Apprentice: Missing some needs and constraints. / 1) Novice: Most or all important needs and constraints not identified.
1.bTeam can evaluate a computer or engineering-based system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
4) Exemplary: System properly solves problem. / 3) Proficient: System is adequate. / 2) Apprentice: System may or may not solve the problem. / 1) Novice: System is not practical or effective.
2.aTeam identifies project objectives, background information, and alternative solutions.
4) Exemplary: All important objectives and competition are identified. / 3) Proficient: Most important objectives and competition are identified. / 2) Apprentice: Missing important objectives and competition. / 1) Novice: Most or all important objectives and competition not identified.
2.bTeam can analyze their problem, and identify the computing or engineering requirements appropriate to its solution.
4) Exemplary: All important design decisions justified. / 3) Proficient: Most important design decisions justified / 2) Apprentice: Design decisions poorly justified. / 1) Novice: Design choices not justified.
3.aTeam members demonstrate ability to function on a multidisciplinary team to agree on common subgoals.
4) Exemplary: Team members cooperate with each other. / 3) Proficient: Team members mostly cooperate with each other. / 2) Apprentice: Most of work or presentation done by one or two students. / 1) Novice: No evidence of teamwork.
3.bTeam members clearly define interfaces between multiple system components.
4) Exemplary: Each has a clear contribution to the project. / 3) Proficient: Individual contributions not clear. / 2) Apprentice: No distinction among team. / 1) Novice: No evidence of ability to break the system into sub-components.
4.Team is able to communicate effectively.
4) Exemplary: Understandable, interesting; good eye contact; relaxed; appropriate gestures, posture. / 3) Proficient: Understandable, somewhat interesting; reasonable presentation skills and gestures. / 2) Apprentice: Somewhat understandable, somewhat interesting, weak presentation skills / 1) Novice: Not understandable, not interesting, distracting or poor presentation skills
Continued on back
5.aTeam can use current techniques, skills, tools necessary for engineering practice.4) Exemplary: Understood use of techniques/tools, used appropriately, showed mastery of techniques. / 3) Proficient: Basic understanding of techniques/tools, used appropriately, demonstrated proficiency. / 2) Apprentice: Poor understanding of techniques/tools, but used somewhat appropriately. / 1) Novice: Inappropriate or inadequate use of modern engineering techniques and skills.
5.bTeam can use current techniques, skills, tools necessary for computing practice.
4) Exemplary: Understood use of techniques/tools, used appropriately, showed mastery of techniques. / 3) Proficient: Basic understanding of techniques/tools, used appropriately, demonstrated proficiency. / 2) Apprentice: Poor understanding of techniques/tools, but used somewhat appropriately. / 1) Novice: Inappropriate or inadequate use of modern engineering techniques and skills.
6.aTeam can design and conduct experiments for purpose of evaluating their design.
4) Exemplary: Well-designed and conducted experiments; documented in a professional manner. / 3) Proficient: Well-designed experiments, minor exceptions; conducted, documented professionally. / 2) Apprentice: Experimental design is adequate; lacks some controls; information reliable, not definitive. / 1) Novice: Poor experimental design; information of little value.
6.bTeam can analyze and interpret data for the purpose of evaluating their design.
4) Exemplary: Appropriate data analyses used; results interpreted correctly. / 3) Proficient: Appropriate data analysis and interpretation with a few minor exceptions. / 2) Apprentice: Data analysis and/or interpretation contain a few serious flaws. / 1) Novice:Analysis and resultant interpretation are seriously flawed or non-existent.
7.Team demonstrates an understanding the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic, environmental, and societal context.
4) Exemplary: Clear understanding of solution in economic, environmental, and societal context. / 3) Proficient: Some understanding of solution in economic, environmental, and societal context. / 2) Apprentice: Weak understanding of solution in economic, environmental, and societal context. / 1) Novice: Little or no understanding of solution in economic, environmental, and societal context.
Team code: / Reviewer name or code:
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