Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ®
Delta lambda chapter
1501 N. Dukeland St ∙ Baltimore, MD 21216
2006 - 2007 Beautillion
Participant Rules
Ø Beau candidates, or their designee, will sign for and receive an information packet at the Orientation/Reception.
Ø Each Beau is expected to attend the scheduled seminars in order to be eligible for the Beau of the Year. (Note: An excuse to miss a scheduled seminar must be submitted via telephone or email no later than 24 hours prior to the event and the Beau must make arrangements to obtain the missed material).
Ø Attendance during the entire beautillion retreat is mandatory. Any Beau who misses any of the retreat will be dismissed from the program.
Ø Beaus have the opportunity to support their Beautillion presentation booklet with the procurement of advertisements from patrons and benefactors.
Ø All monies raised by the participating Beaus will be awarded back to them. The funds are held by the Delta Lambda Chapter until the Beau presents verification of college enrollment and is attending classes (Please see Appendix B). The scholarship amount each Beau receives will be based on the amount of money raised through ad and patron sales, plus whatever amount the chapter adds to it.
Ø All participants in the Beautillion program are eligible for a financial stipend from the chapter for their college education in addition to the scholarship amounts they raise. This stipend will be applied equally based on the level of participation in the entire program. Fifteen per cent (15%) of each beau’s total amount will be deducted to help defray the printing cost of the souvenir journal.
Ø Each Beau must use the ad form provided by the Beautillion Committee to obtain advertisements and give receipt for advertisements and patrons lists. (Note: All advertisements must be “Camera Ready” when submitted.) Submissions must stay within the ad boundaries provided. All handwritten advertisements must be PRINTED legibly or they will not be accepted.
Ø Pictures for the Beau’s Biography Page in the Beautillion program booklet must be a tuxedo photo. No exceptions. Pictures become property of the chapter and are due by January 15, 2007. Proofs are not acceptable.
Ø Each Beau must submit all monies and ad/patron documents to the Chairman of the Delta Lambda Beautillion Committee or his designee to receive official credit and required receipts. There will be three reporting period deadlines for the collection of these items (TBA).
Ø The Beau candidate with the highest total points by the deadline of April 15, 2007 will be designated “Beau of the Year.”
Ø All scholarships awarded by the Chapter must be requested by March 1, 2008. All scholarships not requested by then will be forfeited. Requests for these scholarships must be made after being officially registered in college during the first semester deadline (Aug. 15th – Sept. 30th) and/or the second semester deadline (Jan. 15th –March 1st). An enrollment verification form and completion instructions will be mailed to each Beau in August of 2007.
Ø Beaus will not be allowed to participate in the Beautillion presentation promenade if they are not in the Proper Beautillion Attire, i.e., black tuxedo w/tails, white vest, white bow tie, and shoes. Moreover, beaus must remain fully dressed in their tuxedos the entire time they are at Martin’s West. Beaus are responsible for rental of their tuxedos from the designated vendor, at an average cost of $75.00.
Ø No Beau will be allowed to participate in the Beautillion Presentation promenade if he misses more than one of the scheduled rehearsals.
Ø All Beaus, while soliciting for ads/patrons sales, will be required to conduct themselves in a gentlemanly manner that will reflect class and dignity in representing themselves and the Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
I have read and agree to comply with the rules and expectations for the 2006 – 2007 Beautillion. I also understand that if I decide to discontinue my involvement with or am asked to leave the Delta Lambda Black & Gold Beautillion Program for any reason, I will forfeit all financial considerations, to include the participation fee and money I raised through patron and ad sales.
Signature of Beau Date
Please Print Name Date
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date
Please Print Name Date
Henry A. Callis Charles H. Chapman Eugene K. Jones George B. Kelley Nathaniel A. Murray Robert H. Ogle Vertner W. Tandy