ECG Constitution 2009
Revision proposal(new words underlined)

( 16.09.2008 / Draft LL-jpt )

A) Designation

The European Contact Group onEcumenical Social Action (hereinafter referred to as ECG, or the Association) is a non-profit making unincorporated association.

B) Aims

ECG is a pan-European ecumenical network.

Members of churches and faith communities come here together to learn, to exchange experiences and to work together through theological, social and ethical reflection and practical projects.

Their concerns in ecumenical social action are:

(i) to improve the conditions of employment and working life,

(ii) to promote sustainable rural and urban communities,

(iii) to combat injustice, exclusion, racism and discrimination,

(iv) to influence church and public policy on these issues.

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C) Location

The seat of ECG is the seat of the organisation represented by itssecretary.

D) Membership

Collective Membership is open to organisations of local or regional or national or international charactersupporting the aims of ECG and wish to take an active part in the network.

Individual Membership is open to any committed member of any such organisation, as soon as he or she accepts to take an active part in the network.

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Applications for membership can be made at any time and at the beginning of a General Meetingand requires the support of any existing Member Organisation from the same country. Decision on membership is taken by the Executive Committee.

Member Organisations shall notify the Secretary of the name and address of theirDelegate in writing.

The General Meeting is open to other interested persons engaged in the work of the network.


The Membership Fee of each Member Organisationshall be determined by negotiation with the Executive Committee of ECG in accordance with the fees of other Member Organisations sharing a similar situation.

The Individual Membership Fee is decided by the General Meeting on proposal of the Executive Committee.


At the General Meeting and for decisions between General Meetingsmembers of the same country have 3 votes in common. Other members have one vote each.

The Executive Committee has the power to seek by postal ballot the agreement of members to any decision under the same conditions.

E) General Meeting

There shall be a General Meeting of the Association every year for the purpose of networking and developing exchange projects. The Secretary shall give at least 3months’ notice of the General Meeting to all the members of the Association, stating the business points to be discussed.

Nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be made by members of the Association in writing and must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 1 month before the General Meeting or before the deadline for a postal ballot.

The Executive Committee shall convene the General Meetingand present reports and accounts for the preceding year. The Chairperson shall ensure that the meeting is efficiently chaired and that a full record of the proceedings will be kept. There shall be a quorum when at least 10members of the Association are present.

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The General Meeting shall appoint two Scrutinisers who will examine the decisions and accounts of the Executive Committeein relation to the Aims of the Association and to the priorities decided by the General Meeting. Scrutinisers shall serve for a maximum term of four years.

The Executive Committee may call a special General Meeting and shall call it if at least 10members request such a meeting in writing stating the business to be considered.

Duties of the General Meeting

(i) Receive and approve Annual Reports and Accounts of the Executive Committee,

(ii) Receive other reports and the report of the Scrutinisers and decide on their proposals,

(iii) Elect the members of the Executive Committee and the two Scrutinisers,

(iv) Determine priorities for the future work and any other business necessary to further ECG’s Aims.

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F) ExecutiveCommittee

The General Meeting elects 4 of the Members to serve as their Executive and participate actively in networking and contact building. The election shall be based on skills profiles provided by the present Executive. No more than two thirds of those elected should be of the same genderor the same country.

Normally those elected to the Executive shall serve for 2 years without re-election,and the maximum length of service shall in no case exceed 4 years.

The Executive may co-opt up to two further members for specific purposes to serve up to the following General Meeting.

The Executive Committee members shall choose from amongst its number members who shall serve as Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

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Personal expenses of Executive Committee members are supported by the Association as far as they are needed for its proper functioning.

Proceedings and Accounts

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The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings and inform regularly the Members about its activities and decisions.

The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations with regard to thekeeping of records of the accounts, the appointment of accredited Auditors for the Accountsand the presentation of annual statements.

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In furtherance of the Aims, but not otherwise, the Executive Committee may raise funds, invite and receive contributions, provided that it shall not undertake trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law.

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In order to organise actions and to support projects, the Executive Committee may pay for working time of staff persons from Member Organisations orestablish or support any non-profit making trusts, associations or institutions formed for all or any of ECG’s aims.

The Executive Committee may appoint and constitute task groups as it may think fit, provided that all their acts and proceedings shall be promptly reported to the Executive Committee. Members of such task groups may serve for the time of the project.

G) Alterations to the Constitution

The present Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting, provided that the notice of this General Meeting has includedthe terms of the alteration proposed and has set a deadline for amendments to be received by the Executive Committee in advance of the General Meeting.

H) Dissolution

If the Executive Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association it shall call a meeting of all members of the Association stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed.

If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting the Executive Committee shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Association. Any assets remaining after payment of debts and liabilities shall be given to such institution or institutions with similar aims as the General Meeting may determine.

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This constitution was adopted by the General Meeting on cutcutcutcutand signed on their behalf by the officers whose signatures appear below.

Draft jpt / 23.09.2008