Global 10

Ms SeimName ______

Nationalist Movements

Type / Characteristics / Examples

Think about the Latin American independence movements. What type would you say they were? Why?

How do you think the Napoleonic wars (and takeover of European countries by Napoleon and/or his allies) affected nationalism in Europe? Why?

Italian Unification

Metternich once called Italy “a geographical expression.” Look at the map of the Italian peninsula prior to unification (above). What do you think he meant?

The Heart: / The Brains: / The Sword:

Who do you think deserves the most credit for unification? ______

Why? ______


“…Therefore, if we so ardently desire the emancipation [unification] of Italy—if we declare that in the face of this great question all the petty questions that divide us must be silenced—it is not only that we may see our country glorious and powerful but that above all we may elevate her in intelligence and moral development up to the plane of the most civilized nations…”
-Camillo di Cavour (1846)

According to Cavour, what would be one positive result of Italian unification?

“Italians!...It is the duty of every Italian to succor [the Sicilian rebels] with words, money, and arms, and above all, in person…
The misfortunes of Italy arise from the indifference of one province to the fate of others. The redemption of Italy began from the moment that men of the same land ran to help their distressed brothers…
A band of those who fought with me the country’s battles marches with me to the fight. Good and generous, they will fight for their country to the last drop of their blood, nor ask for other reward than a clear conscience….
To arms! Let me put an end, once and for all, to the miseries of so many centuries. Prove to the world that it is no lie that Roman generations inhabited this land.”
-Giuseppe Garibaldi 1860

According to Garibaldi, what is the duty of every Italian? What does he think will be achieved?

German Unification

According to the map above, which Germanic state do you think was most powerful? Why?

Otto von Bismarck’s philosophy was Realpolitik…he said, “The great questions of the time are not decided by speeches and majority decisions—that was the error of 1848 and 1849—but by blood and iron.”
Draw a political cartoon that supportsBismarck’s philosophy. (It does not have to be funny)

How did Bismarck put all the pieces together?

1864: PrussiaAustria Team Up / 1866: Seven Weeks War / 1870: Franco-Prussian War
Why did Bismarck want to take Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark?
Besides gaining the territories, what other effects resulted from this war with Denmark? / Who fought in this war?
Who won? ______
What were the effects of this war?
Was provoking war with Austria a good idea? Why or why not? / Looking at the causes and effects of the Franco-Prussian War, was Bismarck a genius? Why or why not?

Now think….

Make a prediction—How will the unification of Germany and Italy affect Europe?