6th Grade Advanced MathSyllabus
Mrs. Alexandria Smith
Website Address:
Phone: (904) 547 – 8410 ext.25220
Course Objective: The student will understandthe six critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking; (5) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; and (6) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations.
The following topics will be covered:
First Quarter
Module 1 –Integers
Module 2 – Factors and Multiples
Module 3– Rational Numbers
Module 4 – Operations with Fractions
Module 5 – Operations with Decimals
Module 9– Generating Equivalent Numerical Expressions
Module 17–Adding and Subtracting Integers
Module18– Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Second Quarter
Module 5 – Operations with Decimals
Module 6 – Representing Rations and Rates
Module 7 – Applying Ratios and Rates
Module 8– Percents
Module 10 – Generating Equivalent Algebraic Expressions
Module 12 – Relationships in Two Variables
Third Quarter
Module 11 – Equations and Relationships
Module 12 – Relationships in Two Variables
Module 13 – Area and Polygons
Module 14 – Distance and Area in the Coordinate Plane
Module 15 – Surface Area and Volume of Solids
Fourth Quarter
Module 16– Displaying, Analyzing, and Summarizing Data
Module 19– Rational Numbers
Module 20 – Rates and Proportionality
6th Grade Standards Review
Teacher’s Expectations: Students are expected to fulfill three obligations – attend class, complete all assignments and keep parents informed of their progress.
Classroom Attendance – Students should be in class on time, prepared for the lesson, and ready to work. If the student must miss a day of class it is his/her responsibility to retrieve any missed assignments from the make-up work bin in class. Classroom assignments will not be provided in advance of an absence. Students will be given one day for every day that was missed to make up assignments that were missed during an absence.
Assignments – Students are expected to complete all assigned classwork and homework in addition to participating in class activities and discussions. Regular class participation is a very important part of being successful in math and will be recognized and rewarded by Mrs. Smith. Students and parents can track the student’s classroom participation by going to All students will receive a Student Account Code which can be used by students and parents to track each child’s progress on Class Dojo. All assignments will be graded using a 4-point grading rubric that will be provided on a separate document. Any late work will automatically receive half credit. No assignment will be accepted after five school days from the original day it was assigned unless it is makeup work for an excused absence. All grades will be updated weekly and can be accessed via eSchools (HAC).
Homework – Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis and collected for grading by Mrs. Smith on Friday. However, students will review all homework problems and correct them daily in class. All problems must be completed and all work must be shown to receive full credit. Homework will also be graded on a 4-point rubric.
Progress – Interim progress reports will be distributed at designated times during the year. Any student who receives a “D” or ‘F” on an assessment given by Mrs. Smithwill be eligible for a retake. The original grade will then be averaged with the retake grade to receive a final grade. Students must schedule a retake with the teacher to be taken after school. Mrs. Smith will be available after school every Tuesday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm unless otherwise specified.
Materials: Each student must have the all of the following supplies:
- 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder
- Five dividers (Warm-ups, Notes, Classwork, Homework, Assessments)
- Notebook paper
- Graph paper
- Colored Pens
- Pencils
Students must have all materials with them in class by Monday, August 14.
Daily Routine: Each period will be spent in class doing three of the following activities: warm-up, homework review, guided instruction, cooperative group work, daily wrap-up, and clean up.
Grades: Grades will be determined based on summative assessments, formative assessments, and homework. Extra credit assignments (EC) will be available at specified times throughout the year. EC assignments will be made available to all students at the same time, no EC assignments will be made available for individual students.The following scale will be used to determine the letter grade:
Grading Scale
90-100AExcellent75% Summative Assessments
80-89BGoodQuizzes – 50 points each
70-79CAverageTests/Projects – 100 points each
60-69DNeeds Improvement20% Formative Assessments
0-59FFailureClasswork – 4 points each
Knowledge Tickets – 4 points each
5% Homework– 4 points each
Daily Classroom Rules, Ritualsand Routines:
- Enter classroom in an orderly manner and begin warm-up immediately, without teacher prompting.
- Have all required materials in class every day.
- Work quietly during all work times and stay on task.
- Follow instructions immediately.
- Be respectful to everyone. Inappropriate comments and actions will not be tolerated.
- Outside food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom.However, students may eat any snacks provided by Mrs. Smith and may also drink water from clear water bottles.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Three EMERGENCY hall passes are permitted for each grading period andwill be provided by Mrs. Smith. All unused hall passes may be turned in for extra credit at the end of the grading period.
Consequences: CHAMPs classroom management strategies are utilized in my classroom. Students are expected to follow the above rules, rituals and routines, as well as all classroom and school rules daily. Failure to do so will result in one of the following:
- Verbal warning
- Parent contactby phone and/or email
- Dean Referral
After reviewing the syllabus, please sign and return theattached 7th Grade Math Syllabus Acknowledgement Form to Mrs. Smith by Friday, August 11.