Meeting Closed at : 20.05 / Location : Burley Model Allotments
Present / Initials / Apologies / Initials / Non-Attendees / Initials
Iain Smith
Frank Turpin
Barry Raw
Keith Barrett
Eileen Handby
John Dickson
Tony Handby
Tim Wilford / IS
TW / Helen White
Sue Hollington
Jo Hill / HW
Guests Attending
Judith Waymont
No / Item / Action By / Due Date
1 / Apologies and Non Attendance
1.1 / Apologies were given for HW,SH and JH.
2 / Minutes of Last Meeting
2.1 / Proposed as a true record by EH and seconded by FT and agreed unanimously.
3 / Items for the Annual General Meeting
3.3 / 3.1 Greenhouse Charges
See Item 4.1 November Minutes
3.2 A.G.M. Minutes
See item 4.2 November Minutes
3.3 Key Deposits
FT proposed a Rule change for the A.G.M. in that plot holders could only claim the deposit for keys that are currently valid.
4 / Matters Arising from Last Meeting
4.5 / 3.4Plot 85b
This item was discussed under AOBItem 12.1
3.5Quote To Complete Rainwater Harvesting System
KB reported he had been in touch with the contractor and prepared a Schedule of Work but as yet there had been no reply from the Contractor as to when the work could start.
3.8 Quote for Particle Board and Perspex for Notice Boards
Discussed under AOB Item 12.3.
3.9 Signs for Main Gates
Discussed under AOB Item 12.3.
3.10Contact Wades and LCC to replace last 2 gates
IS reported that he would be in touch with Wades regarding funding for the gates and will give an update at the next meeting. IS asked if the same contractor could be used to fit the gates as last time. Proposed by KB and seconded by FT this was agreed unanimously.
BR Noted that the last 2 gates are able to open outwards (into the street) this is dangerous and a plate needs to be added to these gates to avoid this and this design feature should be incorporated into the new gates when installed.
3.11 Quote for Repairs to Hut Walls
KB reported he had been in touch with the contractor and prepared a Schedule of Work but as yet there had been no reply from the Contractor as to when the work could start. / KB
KB / 11/04/16
5 / Vacant plots
5.1 / There are no vacant plots
6 / Lettings
6.1 / Number on the waiting list is 15
7 / Inspections
7.3 / After some discussion it was proposed by BR that inspections be done this year this was seconded by JD and agreed unanimously.
BR stated that he would go with members of the committee to show how these were done but would not participate in the actual inspection BR, IS and TW to carry out the inspections on Wednesday the 27 April at 9.00 a.m.
KB to add this as an item to the next newsletter, using the phrase “inspections should be complete by the end of April”. The newsletter item will explain the need for the inspections for the benefit of new members. / BR IS TW
KB / 27/04/16
8 / Treasurers Report
8.4 / The treasurer was absent (see apologies) but reported the following via email.
Current Account = £6516.00
Savings Account = 6013.00
FT reported the following fees had been taken this year
Membership fees £790.00
Lockers £287.00
Water £1,196.30
Rent £5,507.48
We paid L.C.C. £3,358.05
Keys £3,103.00 (if all keys were handed in at the same time)
FT stated that as L.C.C. request rents to be done in Square Metres can we adopt the same format this was proposed by KB seconded by TW and agreed unanimously.
FT asked if a change to the rules could be made where plot holders could only claim the deposit for keys that are currently valid. KB to amend mites accordingly. / FT
KB / Oct 2016
9 / Secretaries Report
9.2 / The Secretary reported that all the work on the lease is now completed and will be OK for the next 35 years.
Gates: -IS confirmed he had been in touch with planning regarding the gates and they confirmed that as long as they are 2 metres high and that colour is not relevant.
10 / Correspondence
10.3 / Plot 93b:-A contractor has requested access to the site to make repairs to 10 Lumley Mount. A scaffold is to be in place for 4 days, the plot holder has agreed to this and the contractor has agreed to remove and make good any damage. The contractor is to make a donation to the Association and the plot holder. This was proposed by TH seconded by JD and agreed unanimously.
Plot 25:- Are erecting a structure on the plot has done a lot of work already to improve the plot IS to contact the tenant and advise of the rules regarding the erection of structures (advised if built or part built that retrospective permission may be granted).
Plot 71a:-Are asking permission to add an additional structure to the plot. Asked to put in writing the request to review at the next meeting. / IS
IS / 31/03/16
11 / Annual Show
11.1 / EH to provide a list of things to do for the Sub-committee meeting to be held after the first coffee morning on the 2nd April. / EH / 02/04/16
12 / Sub Committees
12.2 / It was agreed to set up a sub-committee for the Annual Show after the April coffee morning to enable forward planning of the show duties. (See item 10.1) dates for the sub-committee meeting were agreed and these would be the first Saturday of the month. The sub-committee meetings will be held after the coffee mornings/plant sale/seed swaps. These are to be held on the 2nd April, 7th May and the 4th June.
KB to add this information to the next newsletter. / All
KB / 02/04/16
13 / Any Other Business
13.2 / Plot 85b:- IS to send a gentle reminder that the plot holder has not complied with the agreement and has until the 1st April to do so.
KB stated he is to meet with a contractor to put up the signs and add Perspex to the notice board to the railway site. Proposed by KB seconded by FT and agreed unanimously to employ a contractor to do this work. This will be done at a reasonable rate. / IS
KB / 01/04/16
Items For The Annual General Meeting
No / Item / Action By / Due Date
1 / Greenhouse lease document. / IS / Oct 2016
2 / Minutes of AGM – OK to publish. / KB / Oct 2016
3 / Plot holders could only claim the deposit for keys that are currently valid. / FT / Oct 2016
4.2 / Advise Contactors re Rainwater Harvesting Quotes and agreeSchedule for the work required. / KB / 14/03/16
4.4 / Update on Gates / IS / 11/04/16
4.5 / Advise Contactors re Rainwater Harvesting Quotes and agreeSchedule for the work required. / KB / 11/04/16
7.2 / Site Inspections to be done on the 27/04/2016 / BW IS TW JD / 27/04/16
7.2 / Site Inspections Added to Newsletter / KB / 31/03/16
10.2 / IS To Contact plot holder regarding structure / IS / 31/03/16
10.3 / IS To Contact plot holder regarding structure / IS / 31/03/16
11.1 / EH to provide a list of things to do for the Show / EH / 02/04/16
12.1 / Attend Sub-Committee Meeting for the Annual Show / ALL / 02/04/16
12.2 / Add Meeting for Coffee Mornings Seed Swap and the Annual Show to the Newsletter. / KB / 31/03/16
13.1 / Plot 85b – Remind plot holder of structure Rules. / IS / 01/04/16
13.2 / Employ contractor to put up signs and Perspex for notice board. / KB / 01/04/16
NEXT MEETING Date11/04/2016
Items for agenda
1 / Attendance and ApologiesName / / Name /
H White (HW) / J Dixon (JD)
I. Smith (IS) / T Handby (TH)
F Turpin (FT) / B Raw (BR)
S Hollington (SH) / T Willford
K Barrett (KB)
E Handby (EH)
J Hill (JH)
Guests Attending
2 / Minutes of last meeting
Proposed By Seconded by Unanimous (Yes/No)
3 / Matters Arising
See Summary of Actions from last meeting
4.1 / Vacant Plots
There are no plots vacant
5.1 / Lettings
As at the last meeting the number on the waiting list is 15
6 / Inspections
7 / Treasurers Report
At the last meeting the accounts were
Current Account = £6516.00
Savings Account = 6013.00
8 / Secretaries Report
9 / Correspondence
10 / Annual Show
11 / Sub Committees
12 / Any Other Business
13 / Actions for next meeting