Sequence / Skills / Resources / Assessment / Instructional
1. Activate and Probe Prior Knowledge Assignment
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
look at a variety of sources and evaluate them for purpose(11-12.W.7)
gather information to support a claim(11-12.W.8)
participate in discussions, building on the ideas of others(11-12.SL.1) / Instruction:
Handout on Prior Connections / Formative:
Small group and teacher-led discussion / Start with individual knowledge probe then move to small group for further discussion
Teacher-led discussion/direct instruction
Once prior knowledge is activated, move toward the research component for individual or small group deeper inquiry
2. Research Relevant Concepts and History
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
evaluate information in order to address a question (11-12.RI.7)
do short and long research assignments to solve a problem (11-12.W.7)
gather information to support a claim (11-12.W.8)
effectively use digital media in presentations (11-12.SL.5)
participate in discussions and expound on the ideas of
of others(11-12.SL.1) / Instruction:
Online Research: Sources will vary.
Handout on Research and Summary Presentation / Summative:
Presentation: PowerPoint, Prezi, or the like that addresses the issues/ideas/concepts/terms in the Prior Knowledge assignment / Students should be aware of website bias and efficacy
Follow small group discussion protocols (i.e., shared inquiry, equal voice, equal responsibility)
Review presentation protocol (i.e., grammatically correct, text used as support for discussion not a list)
Review research skills
3. Walt Whitman Poetry Analysis
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
understand poetry and literature that complements the novel (11-12.RL.10)
evaluate reasoning and the rhetorical devices used (11-12.SL.3) / Extended/Short Texts:
Copy of Walt Whitman Poem, Section 10 from “Song of Myself”
Copy of Walt Whitman Poem, “The Inca’s Daughter”
Copy of Walt Whitman’s Poem, “America”
Poetry Analysis Handout / Formative:
Written analysis
Classroom discussion / Review appropriate elements of poetry
Review background information on Walt Whitman
4. Rhetorical Analysis and Review
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
understand non-fiction at the appropriate level of complexity(11-12.RI.10)
produce coherent writing (11-12.W.4)
plan and revise for stronger writing (11-12.W.5)
evaluate reasoning in a document and assess the rhetorical strategies used (11-12.SL.3) / Extended/Short Texts:
Andrew Jackson Speech in favor of the Indian Removal Act
Ralph Waldo Emerson letter against the Indian Removal Act
Rhetorical Analysis Handout / Formative:
Comprehension questions
Rhetorical devices analysis
Essay on rhetorical analysis / Teachers should review rhetorical devices with students prior to completing the assignment
5. Argumentative Essay
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
write arguments to support claims (11-12.W.1)
plan and revise for stronger writing (11-12.W.5)
discuss and use a variety of sources to evaluate reasoning and the use of rhetorical devices (11-12.L.1-3) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
OWL Link for students to use as reinforcement as needed while writing
Argumentative Essay Handout and prompt
Argumentative Essay Rubric(For online review) / Summative:
Final argumentative essay / Teachers should review how to write an argumentative essay
6. Poetry Analysis and Response: What is America?
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
write arguments to support claims (11-12.W.1) / Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Walt Whitman’s Poem “America”
Walt Whitman’s Poem “The Inca’s Daughter”
Poetry Analysis Handout / Formative:
Write original response poems or poems in Whitman’s style
Read aloud/present original poems / Students may already be familiar with poetry analysis and elements of poetry but review as necessary
7. Dialectical Response Journal
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
produce coherent writing and revise for stronger writing (11-12.W.4)
write often for a range of purposes (11-12.W.10) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Dialectical Response Journal Handout / Formative:Reader’s journal / Students should be familiar with Reader Response Critical Theory
Teacher may have students choose their own response topics or provide a list of journal topics to respond to and apply to the novel
8. Reading Informational Extended/Short Texts: Alcoholism and Domestic Violence Summary, Response, and Connect to the Text
This module includes attachments. / Student will:
write often for a range of purposes (11-12.W.10)
analyze important documents for rhetorical purposes and meaning (11-12.RI.9)
write an argument to support a claim (11-12.W.1)
participate in discussions and evaluate reasoning (11-12.SL.1) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Indian Removal Act (online review with additional commentary and explanation)
Domestic Violence Article (online review only)
Alcoholism and Behavior Article (Online review only)
Reading Informational Text Handout / Formative:
Summary and response
Socratic Seminars / Teachers should review active reading guidelines
Students should be reminded of how to distinguish between fact and opinion
Teachers should first discuss domestic violence and alcoholism with students to avoid emotional triggers
Socratic seminar protocol
Jigsaw procedures for reading the Indian Removal Act
9. Poetry Analysis and Connection to the Text
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
write arguments to support claims (11-12.W.1)
understand poetry and literature (11-12.RL.7 and 10) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Copy of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” (Section 10)
Copy of Walt Whitman’s Poem “The Inca’s Daughter” / Formative:
Original poem from the perspective of one or more of the characters in the book / Review elements of poetry
Teachers and students should have had discussions about the novel prior to connecting the poem to the text (students must be familiar with several characters
Discussion protocol
10. Cultural Exploration Assignment
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
look at a variety of sources and evaluate them for purpose (11-12.RI.7)
gather information to support a claim (11-12.W.8)
produce coherent writing (11-12.W.4)
understand literature and poetry (11-12.RL.7 and 10) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Blasphemy by Sherman Alexie
Culture Exploration Handout / Summative:
Cultural Exploration Research and Presentation
Presentation Project / Review MLA formatting for source citations
Oral presentation protocols
11.Figurative Language Analysis
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
show an understanding of figurative language (11-12.L.5) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Figurative Language Handout / Formative:
Figurative language analysis / Review figurative language and figurative devices
Complete a model analysis
12.Vocabulary In Context
This module includes attachments. / Students will be able to:
understand and learn new words (11-12.L.4) / Extended/Short Texts:
House of Purple Cedar
Dictionary or online dictionary
Vocabulary in Context Handout / Summative:
Original sentences properly using vocabulary / Teachers should show an example of the expectations (review the handout)

ELA, Office of Curriculum Development ©12/15

*These lesson modules are not an exhaustive list of resources and may be used by teachers in whatever way they choose to meet the needs of their students and meet the target standards per quarter.

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