AY 2011-2012

Program Rationale/Purpose Statement:
Tiffin University’s Equine Management program is a unique curriculum combining business management tools and techniques with training in equine science. Because the horse industry has many considerations that may not be common to other small businesses, the curriculum covers the important business knowledge managers and owners need in marketing, management, accounting, and finance.
Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement:
The curriculum focuses on management problems and situations unique to the equine industry. From the classroom instruction to the emphasis on hands on experience, the entire program is dedicated to increasing the student’s ability work in the equine or related industries. Core competencies of the School of Business are included in the program.
Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes:
Student will create a business plan for management of a horse related facility. EQM 412
Students will develop relevant workplace competencies allowing them to be more marketable in their field. Internship
Students will gain a deeper understanding of the equine industry and how it contributes to the greater sports and entertainment industry. MGT 360
Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc.
Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year.
Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year.
Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcomes 1: (D – Career Readiness – Program Specific). Student will create a business plan for management of a horse related facility. The plan will determine the feasibility of managing or owning a successful horse related facility, regardless of specific industry.
Assessment Criteria: Ninety percent of the students in EQM 412 will earn a grade of 80% or more on their capstone project which will include a business plan that assesses the feasibility of managing or owning a successful horse related facility, regardless of specific industry. Student will need to support this plan with information gained in EQM 254, EQM 257, EQM 348, MGT 359 and MGT 360.
Section One - Activity Statement:
The equine business management concentration is in its fourth year. Since its inception we have had approximately 6 graduates from the program all successfully employed in a related field. In addition, last fall, the School Dean was able to hire additional support for the program. An equine business management coordinator was hired to assist the School with curriculum enhancements as well as recruitment for the program. This academic year, we revised the curriculum to focus more on business content and revised all syllabi for the program. Course changes include (new or revised courses include descriptions):
*EQM 254 Equine Functional Anatomy (Spring Only) ……………………………………………...3 hours
*EQM 257 Equine Nutrition ………………………………………………………………………….………...3 hours
EQM 348 Equine Reproduction ……………………………………………………………..………………..3 hours
MGT 359 Small Business Management …………………………..……………………………….………3 hours
MGT 360 Business of Sport …………………………………………………………………….………………3 hours
*EQM 412 Management of the Equine Environment (Fall Only) ………………………………3 hours
*MGT 470 Internship ………………………………………………………………………………….………….3 hours
TOTAL……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….21 Hours
*EQM 254 Equine Functional Anatomy
This course presents a comprehensive overview of the basic design of the horse. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the musculoskeletal and digestive systems as well as common disease processes associated with these systems. Other topics to be covered include the special senses, the skin and endocrine system. At least one laboratory covering the basic physical examination of the horse will be incorporated into the course.
*EQM 257 Equine Nutrition
This course covers the basics of equine nutrition including the classes of nutrients, nutrient requirements, balancing rations, and the different nutritional needs of equine populations (foals, broodmares, performance horses, etc.). Disease conditions of nutritional origin will be discussed.
EQM 348 Equine Reproduction
Equine reproductive efficiency is generally considered inferior to that of the other livestock species. While not entirely true, certain management practices directly influence the ability to get a mare into foal. This course describes the basic reproductive anatomy and physiology of the mare and stallion. Other topics to be discussed include the estrous cycle and its manipulation, reproductive disorders and foaling.
*EQM 412 Management of the Equine Environment
From a management perspective, the equine environment is the most challenging of the different livestock species. Horses are moved to and from shows, training barns, sales, and stables which presents unique problems from a herd health standpoint. This course provides an overview of the equine environment with emphasis on how to effectively analyze and manage these types of environments. Prerequisites: EQM 254, EQM 257, EQM 348, MGT 359, MGT 360.
To date no student has graduated under the new curriculum. Under the old curriculum, no data was collected as the curriculum was focused more on the science behind the horse industry (particularly the biological make-up of the horse rather than the business side of the industry).
Once students start in the new curriculum, we will collect data to support the three goals listed above.
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
N/A / Met/Not Met / Data Details
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
Up until this past fall, we relied solely on an adjunct, a veterinarian, to teach the EQM classes in this curriculum and whereas the health assessment plan was created by all students in the program, and all passed with at least 90% or higher, we will no longer collect assessment data from the health assessment plan but instead from the business plan for management of a horse related facility that students will complete in EQM 412.
In addition to the intended outcome listed above for EQM, students are expected to attain the three management major outcomes-please refer to the BBA in Management for the three additional major outcomes.