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The Observations about Last Month
for September 2016
Welcome to the Observations about Last Month - i.e. “August 2016”. We’ve a few things to run through given the fullness that “August” brought. We had, of course, the Olympics together with war zones, earthquakes and political shifts. Towards the end of the month, we also saw peace emerging where it hadn’t been for a while. Personally for people, “September 2016” seemed a time of realising and breaking through limit. It appeared to be a period of many plusses and minuses - all periods are but, last month, more extremely. “August” seemed determined to apply a bit more pressure to heighten and help us process any issues at hand. In all, therefore, “August” was very productive in helping us deliver to “2016/9”s agenda. I.e.? Caring more; rebalancing; becoming more genuine; sorting things out; clearing stuff (perceptual or physical); and living more peacefully.
The thoughts below precede This Month’s Observations, which outline what “September”s going to bring. The two dialogues are connected and offer more when read in unison.
Scroll down to read about Last Month, “August”;
click here to read about This Month, “September 2016/9”; or
revisit earlier Observations in The Archives.
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Space Clearings!
Every so often, ghosts, technological frequencies, habits and stuckness build up in our spaces. In doing so, they can magnify the stuff we need to attend to. This said, such dynamics don’t have to be permanent features (i.e. unless we let them be). Book a clearing to learn, clear and rebalance your self, space and any “real-world” issues. Enquire here.
“August 2016” was coloured by three “7”s
… and “7” can be a very mental zone. “7” presented twice in “August”s generic profile - i.e. as it presents every year. At this level, “August” had an M.O. of “17/8” and a reality of “25/7”. This year, we also saw “7” in the specific reality of “2127/3”. When “7” appears in a numerological chart a few times, life is likely to become heady. “7”, as a milestone, spiritually and perceptually, hints at us becoming smarter. In this sense, “7” can unfold as a learning curve and feel like time spent in the classroom. “7” is a passive number and, as such, can bring slowness (relative to what we’d prefer). Like all passive numbers, “7” can hold us back from going full speed so as to notice some “things”. It can, as a passive vibe, seem like taking liver salts - i.e. nothing one wants just now. Yet, in this stance, “7” can act as a health-check; a proactive pause that benefits us later. It’s our universal parent “gently” guiding us towards greater awareness, adulthood and spiritual self.
“7” periods often finds humans worrying because they sense that more is possible. The egoic self never understands all that’s coming and “7” can magnify this loudly. Here, “7” can find us thinking too much; unable to release silent narratives. “7” is opinion; “I know”; and similar stances - positive and pleasant as well as uncomfortable. Here, “7” can manifest as “I know too much” with people imprisoned by what they’ve gleaned thus far. “7”, in this sense, can reveal how being “intellectual” can undo us at times. “7”, as such, can remind individuals to let go of all self, mind, inner narrative, etc; practice breath, patience and receiving; and remaining in faith, spiritually balanced. “7”, you see, is “knowing” that comes via connection - in its highest form, it’s a meditative download. At work; in play; during rest; even in sleep, “7” (as a spiritual vibe) speaks of more big picture awareness. “7”, having said this, can find us dosey do’ing between human and universal views. “7” is “what I know” versus the view that emerges when we connect to Divine frequencies. “7”, therefore, delivers these sorts of lessons, often as a result of stuff becoming loud(-er). If you found it difficult to turn off or stay optimistic last month, this could be why.
“7” denotes the astral and egoic realm
… being head-oriented, it aligns with those layers. As a result, a few “7”s can promote (more) telepathic or psychic experiences. Last month, a lot flew about energetically - i.e. more than usual, night and day. This, whenever we’re astrally-oriented, can see us unable to stay connected to the “right” vibes (i.e. as much as usual). Last month, a few people reported these sorts of dynamics; that, and more pessimism or mental chatter. Psychically and energetically, when we experience such things, we’re getting a sign that we’re in the “wrong” wavelengths. “7”, as a phase, can usher in a bit more headiness and a lesser ability to turn off the noise. It can also find people more linked in to telepathic dialogues with other beings/people. Such things don’t always play out in obvious ways - i.e. beyond head or neck pressure, or negative thinking. If you found yourself, last month, battling to stay in and channel good vibes, you’re not alone.
The above perspectives are interesting at any time but, together with Fire Monkey, they become heightened. In all, we only had three “7”s last month, but the year’s Chinese astrology amplified them. So did the dynamics of “2016/9” which, remember, is about healing and dealing with things. At such times, a few “7’s can magnify what anyone is silently harbouring. Fire Monkey, as an influence, can promote stances of knowing, organising and plotting (too much). One of the ways passive numbers and Fire Monkey can team up is to frustrate plans. Dynamics like cash flow, constancy, even security have featured this year, stressing and stretching people. “7”, you see, also denotes practical faith - i.e. knowing that all is well and always will be (even in difficult times). Try remembering that when “7”s magnified!
“7” also denotes a time of sabbatical - the need to withdraw and reconnect intuitively. For some, this can involve religious practice; for others, an awareness of life and how it works. To each, their own. As a period, “7” can promote the need to get more in touch with the spiritual realm. “7” can easily play out as the urge to withdraw from any rat-race. “7” can also manifest as more time; quieter weekends; chilling and meditating more often. This is noteworthy given the year “2016/9” because “6” denotes all types of healing - e.g. nurturing self and others; resting; coming back to centre; and processing well. When “6” appears, these dynamics can matter more. Astrologically, they were magnified by last month’s full moon eclipse (which was a doozie). Fire Monkey energies also highlighted these currents, with silent narratives needing to be processed and quelled. As we do such things, we often start connecting again - if you found this, I’m not surprised.
“7” can seem like a psychic tennis match…
…. with silent whirrings bouncing back and forth. Coupled with it’s tendency to highlight egoic states, this may have triggered less optimism and calm. “7”, as one’s inner voice - and/or those s/he’s caught up in - can be a manifest as a buzzy experience. It can find us unable to disengage or stay in quietness; too much can go on energetically. Here comes Fire Monkey (again), up’ing the invisible ante; promoting states where “I”m out of whack but can’t stop it. This is always a signal that we’re caught up in astral frequencies - which is human (we are, after all, partly egoic). Energetically, however, conditions like this often emerge to indicate the need for more peace and stillness. They also encourage humans to resist the urge to keep going - i.e. to stop “soldiering on” to the extreme.
Now, Fire Monkey can make the states above more elusive because it’s a doubly-energetic sign. Monkey represents Leo in Western astrology, so Fire (as an influence) figures twice this year. Fire is pure energy, helping us to co-create well but, out of kilter, it can promote too much excitement. Together, Fire Monkey and “August 2016” led some people into such wavelengths. Double Fire can mean double the reactivity (at times) and therefore, potentially, more of the “wrong” outcomes. With three “7”s last month, this was likely to emerge out of what “I” know and/or expect. “7”, you see, can help us to appreciate the models and rules we’re embracing more realistically. It tends to magnify the thoughts and wants that humans hold dear, and any tendency to beat self up.
“7”, being “I know” and a fan of mental frameworks, can find us overly-honouring the models we embrace. When life slows down notably or becomes invisibly “weird”, the words “should” and “shouldn’t” can become weapons. “7” periods can find people rallying against Source Itself, because life’s being disobedient. Here, the challenge is to become our model - one that truly fits. “7” often asks us to stop squeezing life, self, other people or Source into “clothes” that don’t fit. “7” is our ability to appreciate and allow reality to be what it actually is. No number means “roll over and do nothing” and “7” often highlights how stress can be a state of mind. Real as it can be, it’s often triggered by our perspectives and models that assert that “this” is life “should” be.
“August 2016” also brought four “8”s
…. and “8” can ask us if life’s hitting the mark. As a spiritual zone, “8” can help individuals realise where and how things aren’t as “good” as they could be. “8” can be a busy period - like Fire Monkey, it tends to bring a little more action. On invisible and mental levels; energetic or intuitive; OR in our physical world, “8” can be a whirling dervish. Energetically-sensitive people often find “8” challenging at first, because it can promote intangible stuff. At such times, “8” phases can present as “too much” to deal with (rather like a pressure cooker). As with other numbers, “8” helps us to discern and process any imbalance at hand. Often, this involves our thoughts, opinions and the models of “success” we’re currently running with.
“8” is “success” as a state and a milestone; it can see people “achieving” or reveal why they’re not. Above all, “8” often reveals what “success” means for “me” on a personal level. As a result, “8” can show us how and where we’re not truly happy, and why. It can find people realising that life, right now, isn’t so “good”; it can also see us harvesting well. “8” is “success” - material, yes; but it’s also “success” as a spiritual rhythm. Here, “8” helps people reconnect to their visions - those they’ve never sensed or ones that are blurry. “8” can help us distil (another layer) what’s right for “me” (or not). In “2016” (when processing and dealing with issues are powerful themes), such vibes can become magnified. In this sense, last month’s “8”s could have seen you feeling more squeezed to sort it out, etc. As you did so, I wouldn’t be surprised if “what’s wrong” morphed into more clarity and “what’s right”.
“7” and “8” can promote spiritual breakthroughs
“8” is also noteworthy as we begin this “September” because, this month, a few “9”s appear. As “7” and “8” surface just before “9”, this month’s six “9”s may prove telling. “7” and “8” often create the nous and ambition (i.e. energy) that we then use to forge forward. It’s possible that, in hindsight, any stillness that emerged in “August” will help us this month. A lot of numerological synchronicity has featured lately, in ways that may only make sense as at “November”. This year wants old and unproductive patterns looked at, updated, overhauled, even cleared out. It’s likely that the last two/three months have helped you to do just this. Much of spiritual development can involve one’s perceptions and “2016/9” has certainly targeted them.
Last month’s “7”s also brought insights and the chance to get wiser about self, life and how it can be. The “8”s brought mayhem (at times) and clarity about what we want, need, can be and create now. They also promoted a greater sense that life’s “okay” (even if more was possible). These numbers dared people to realise that they’re their model (i.e. not the “tv” reality). A few people realised, during “August”, that “I can do it”; “it is possible”; and that they are doing well. Last month, perceptions shifted with individuals becoming more confident about the choices in front of them. More positivity surfaced - for some, at perceptual level only (which is how “7” often introduces “8”). Clarity of concept, idea or strategic plan usually, over time, morphs into enterprise. Such vibrations can unfold at any level - e.g. in relationships; careers; dreams; and more. “August 2016” helped people to sort stuff out - at least as a kick-start to be finalised this month!
Exercises that may help you work things through…
µ any sense of pressure, discomfort, pushing, pulling or negativity is a spiritual cue. Intuitively, any dissonance flags that something, somewhere, isn’t all it can be. The egoic realm is forever short of spiritual Oneness; it offers many benefits, always via limitation. Egoic “I”, in anyone, often deflates the amount of faith or energy we feel we have to get up again; try; keep going; do, channel and become all we can (in balance). Moments like “August 2016/9” can highlight this and dare us to embrace the spiritual “more” that’s calling. If you’ve been backing away from what you know you need to be, do or learn, see if you can break through that now.
µ surrender any headiness around you - yours or other people’s (i.e. all of it). Use your breath - in through nose and out through mouth. Release full circle - 360 degrees around you (not just within your day-to-day awareness). When we’re in limit, we often focus narrowly and breath helps us release from our cages. Release all “I know” - not because you’re losing your brain; but because you’re having an enhancement. Like putting keys on table, let “it” all out of your grips just for a moment (you can have them back if you want them).