BIO113 Questions for review. Your most important resource is your notes.


  1. What is biology? What is science?
  2. What are the 5 characteristics that all living things share?
  3. What is the difference between homeostasis and metabolism?
  4. What is a cell?
  5. Provide at least one example of binomial nomenclature
  6. What is taxonomy?
  7. What is a mass extinction? What might have caused mass extinctions?
  8. What are the 3 domains of living organisms? What are the 4 kingdoms within the domain, Eukarya?
  9. What are the characteristics of members in the kingdom, Animalia? Provide an example of an animal useful to humans
  10. What are the characteristics of members in the kingdom, Plantae? Provide an example of a plant useful to humans
  11. What is photosynthesis? Write the reaction
  12. List 3 types of organisms in the kingdom, Fungi. Identify 2 types of fungi that have provided useful medicines to humans. How are these medicines used?
  13. What is the difference between a producer and a consumer?
  14. What is a protist (protozoa)?
  15. What is the difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell? Which are the most ancient?
  16. What domain contains extremophilic unicellular organisms?
  17. What is entailed in the process of science?
  18. What is meant by falsifiable, testable, educated guess with respect to a hypothesis?
  19. What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
  20. What is an experimental variable? controlled variables? control treatment? What is measured?
  21. How are placebos and double blind experiments used to minimize bias and preconceived notions in a scientific experiment? Why should an experiment be performed multiple times?
  22. What is the definition of evolution? Speciation? Microevolution? Descent with modification?
  23. What is a species? Provide an example of a group that has undergone much evolution in the past 40 million years and one that has undergone little
  24. What are the differences between the theory of natural selection and that of the inheritance of acquired characteristics?
  25. Who was Charles Darwin? Where did he travel? What is the name of his most famous book? About when was it written?
  26. What is the relationship between mutation, sexual reproduction, and random genetic variation?
  27. What is meant by a neutral mutation? Harmful mutation? Adaptive mutation?
  28. What is survival of the fittest? How does it lead to genetic change in a population over time?
  29. Review example of adaptations provided in lecture – snakes, peacocks……
  30. What do geological studies tell us about the age of the earth? How old is the earth?
  31. How to processes like erosion, wind, rain, and rivers affect the landscape of the earth?
  32. How are fossils formed? Why is the fossil record incomplete?
  33. Fossils covered in lecture include Hadrosauras, coelecanths, giant rodents in South America, Lucy, glyptodonts, jellyfish imprints, dinosaur footprints, and archaeopteryx
  34. What is the difference between homologous and vestigial structures?
  35. What do embryology and DNA data tell us about the relatedness of organisms?
  36. What is phylogeny?
  37. How does Pangaea compare to the position of the continents today?