123 Elm Street, Ourtown, USA Page 18 of 18
Home Inspection Report
123 Elm Street, Ourtown, USA
Inspection Date:
Prepared For:
My Client
Prepared By:
A-Pro Home Inspections
12 Ervin Drive
Yardville, NJ 08620-2308
609/585-6838 Fax
Report Number:
Michael Elko
NJ Lic. # 24GI00060800
© 2007 A-Pro Home Inspections
Table Of Contents
Home Inspection Report 1
Report Overview 3
Structural / Foundation 5
Elevation Survey 6
Roofing 7
Exterior 8
Electrical System 10
Heating System 12
Cooling System 13
Insulation / Ventilation 14
Plumbing System 15
Interior 16
Appliances 18
This confidential report is prepared exclusively for My Client
© 2007
123 Elm Street, Ourtown, USA Page 18 of 18
Report Overview
This is a well built 6 year old (approximate age) home. As with all homes, ongoing maintenance is required and improvements to the systems of the home will be needed over time. The improvements that are recommended in this report are not considered unusual for a home of this age and location. Please remember that there is no such thing as a perfect home.
For your convenience, the following keys have been used in this report.
· Major Concern: Denotes an improvement recommendation that is uncommon for a building of this age or location and /or that needs immediate repair or replacement.
· Safety Issue: Denotes an observation or recommendation that is considered an immediate safety concern.
· Improve: Denotes a typical improvement recommendation that is common for a building of this age and location that should be anticipated or budgeted for over the short term.
· Monitor: Denotes an area where further investigation by a specialized licensed contractor and/or monitoring is needed. Repairs may be necessary or desired. During the inspection, there was insufficient information or the observation was beyond the scope of the inspection. Improvements cannot be determined until further investigation or observations are made.
Note: Observations listed under “Discretionary Improvements” are not essential repairs, but represent logical long-term improvements.
The following is a synopsis of the potentially significant improvements that should be budgeted for over the short term. Other significant improvements, outside the scope of this inspection, may also be necessary. Please refer to the body of this report for further details on these and other recommendations.
Sloped Gable Roofing
· Improve: Minor repairs to the asphalt composite shingle roofing are recommended. Damaged or missing roofing material should be repaired. Nails backing out in various locations should be re-nailed and sealed. All roof penetrations should be examined and sealed as necessary.
· Improve: The rear masonry porch is cracked on the corner near the house. Repairs are recommended.
· Improve: The vents for the bathroom exhaust fans on the right side of the house have broken or missing flaps. It is recommended these damaged vents be repaired or replaced.
Water Heater
· Improve: The Temperature and Pressure Relief (TPR) Valve serving the water heater is leaking slightly. Replacement of this leaky valve is recommended.
· Improve: The toilet in the ½ bathroom on the 1st floor is loose. Repairs are recommended.
· Safety Issue: The tension bars which hold the window up when opened were not functioning properly on the several of the windows. It is recommended that these tension bars be replaced or repaired. Windows marked with orange dots.
Smoke Detectors / Fire Safety
· Safety Issue: A fire extinguisher with an ABC rating should be installed in / or near the kitchen for safety.
All components designated for inspection in the ISHIâ Inspector Standards are inspected, except as may be noted in the “Limitations of Inspection” sections within this report. The ISHI® Inspector Standards can be found at the end of this report and are made part of the inspection.
This inspection is visual only. A representative sample of building components is viewed in areas that are accessible at the time of the inspection only. No destructive testing or dismantling of building components is performed.
It is the goal of the inspection to put a homebuyer in a better position to make a buying decision. Not all improvements will be identified during this inspection. Unexpected repairs should still be anticipated. The inspection should not be considered a guarantee or warranty of any kind.
Please refer to the pre-inspection contract for a full explanation of the scope of the inspection.
It is strongly recommended that a Homeowner’s Warranty or service contract be purchased to cover the operation of Appliances, the Electrical System, the Air Conditioning System (s), Heating System(s), and the Plumbing System. Contact your A-PRO representative for further details and special pricing with this inspection.
Verification of compliance with current or past Building Code and/or Zoning Regulations or requirements is outside the scope of this inspection.
Please refer to the ISHI® Inspector Standards and the inspection authorization and agreement for a full explanation of the scope of the inspection.
Dry weather conditions prevailed at the time of the inspection. The estimated outside temperature was 70 degrees F. Occasional rain has been experienced in the days leading up to the inspection.
Structural / Foundation
description of structural / Foundation components
Foundation: ·Poured Concrete ·Basement Configuration
Columns: ·Steel
Floor Structure: ·I-Joist·Plywood Subfloor
Wall Structure: ·Wood Frame
Ceiling Structure: ·Truss
Roof Structure: ·Trusses ·Waferboard Sheathing
Attic Method of Inspection: ·Entered - Inaccessible Areas
structural / Foundation component observations
Positive Attributes
The construction of the home is considered to be good quality. The materials and workmanship, where visible, are above average. No major defects were observed in the accessible structural components of the house. The span of all visible joists appears to be within acceptable limits. The building exhibits no evidence of substantial structural movement.
recommendations / observations
· Monitor: Some unevenness in the roof sheathing was observed. This condition is common where prefabricated roof trusses are used, and spaced two feet apart. The sheathing sags between the trusses.
Wood Boring Insects
· Monitor: This home is situated in an area know for termite activity. Termites can do a substantial amount of damage to the wood structural components of a home. Several steps can be taken to reduce the risk of a termite problem. Any form of wood/soil contact should be avoided. Controlling dampness in the soil around the perimeter of a home, including below porches and in crawl spaces, is recommended. Preventative chemical treatment, performed by a licensed pest control specialist, may also be advisable. See Wood Destroying Insect Report.
limitations of structural / Foundation component inspection
As prescribed in the inspection authorization and agreement, this is a visual inspection only. Assessing the structural integrity of a building is beyond the scope of a standard home inspection. A certified Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) is recommended where there are structural concerns about the building. Inspection of structural components was limited by (but not restricted to) the following conditions:
· Structural components concealed behind finished surfaces could not be inspected.
· Only a representative sampling of visible structural components were inspected.
· Furniture and/or storage restricted access to some structural components.
· Damage due to insects that is not identified in this report may have occurred. Damage not found or concealed by storage, insulation, finishes or any other means may not be listed in this report.
· Insulation obstructed the view of some structural components in the attic.
Please refer to the ISHI® Inspector Standards for a full explanation of the scope of the inspection.
Elevation Survey
No significant movement observed. Continued monitoring recommended.
Not to Scale
description of roofing System
Roof Covering: ·Asphalt ·Composite Shingle
Chimneys: ·Metal
Gutters and Downspouts: ·Aluminum ·Downspouts discharge above grade
Method of Inspection: ·Viewed with Binoculars from Ground
roofing observations
Positive Attributes
The steep pitch of the roof should result in a longer than normal life expectancy for roof coverings. The installation of the roofing materials has been performed in a professional manner. The quality of the installation is above average.
General Comments
In all, the roof coverings show evidence of normal wear and tear for a home of this age and location. A qualified roofer should be consulted to undertake the improvements recommended below.
recommendations / observations
Sloped Gable Roofing
· Improve: Minor repairs to the asphalt composite shingle roofing are recommended. Damaged or missing roofing material should be repaired. Nails backing out in various locations should be re-nailed and sealed. All roof penetrations should be examined and sealed as necessary.
· Monitor: The roofing is considered to be in good condition. Typical maintenance should be expected.
· Monitor: The rubber-plumbing vent flashing should be carefully monitored. The material of this flashing is extremely vulnerable to leakage.
Gutters & Downspouts
· Improve: Downspout(s) that discharge onto the roof should be extended to discharge directly into the gutters below. This condition, if left unattended, can result in premature deterioration of the roofing adjacent to a downspout.
· Improve: The missing downspout elbow on the right rear corner of the house should be repaired promptly.
Discretionary Improvements
Covering the gutters with a protective mesh may help to avoid congestion with leaves and debris.
As a preventative measure, it may be wise to redirect all downspouts so they discharge at least five (5) feet from the house.
limitations of roofing inspection
As prescribed in the inspection authorization and agreement, this is a visual inspection only. Roofing life expectancies can vary depending on several factors. Any estimates of remaining life are approximations only. This assessment of the roof does not preclude the possibility of leakage. Leakage can develop at any time and may depend on rain intensity, wind direction, ice build up, etc. The inspection of the roofing system was limited by (but not restricted to) the following conditions:
· The entire underside of the roof sheathing is not inspected for evidence of leakage.
· Evidence of prior leakage may be disguised by interior finishes.
· The chimney inside the structure was not visible at the time of inspection.
· The interior of the chimney is not part of the inspection.
· Portions of the roof were viewed from the ground using binoculars. Some sections of the roof could not be viewed.
· Some sections of the roofing surface were concealed from view.
· A chimney was not entirely visible during the inspection of the roofing system.
Please refer to the ISHI® Inspector Standards for a full explanation of the scope of the inspection.
description of exterior
Wall Cladding: ·Vinyl Siding
Soffit and Fascia: ·Vinyl ·Aluminum
Window/Door Frames and Trim: ·Wood ·Vinyl ·Metal
Driveways: ·Concrete
Walkways and Patios: ·Concrete
Porches, Decks, and Steps: ·Concrete ·Wood
Overhead Garage Doors: ·Steel
Lot Grading: ·Level Grade
Retaining Walls: ·None
Fencing: ·Vinyl
exterior observations
Positive Attributes
The exterior siding that has been installed on the house is relatively low maintenance. Window frames are clad, for the most part, with a low maintenance material. The aluminum and vinyl soffits and fascia are an excellent feature of the exterior of the home. The auto reverse mechanism on the overhead garage door responded properly to testing. This is an important safety feature that should be tested regularly. Refer to the owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer for more information. The driveway and walkways are in good condition. The garage of the home is completely finished. The landscaping is considered to be good quality. Freeze resistant hose bibs (exterior faucets) have been installed. This is a nice convenience.
General Comments
The exterior of the home shows signs of normal wear and tear for a home of this age and construction. A qualified contractor should be consulted to undertake the improvements recommended below.
recommendations / observations
Exterior Walls
· Monitor: Prior repairs to the siding were noted.
· Improve: Minor damage to the siding should be repaired or replaced as needed.
· Improve: Vegetation growing on or within 6 inches of exterior walls in various locations should be kept trimmed away from siding, window trims, and the eaves.
· Improve: The exterior wood trim surfaces of the home should be prepped and painted as needed and any rotted wood replaced or repaired.
· Improve: Algae or mold growth was observed on the siding and trim in several places. Cleaning the siding is recommended.
· Monitor: The garage floor slab has typical cracks. This is usually the result of shrinkage and/or settling of the slab.
Lot Drainage
· Improve: The grading should be improved to promote the flow of storm water away from the house. This can usually be accomplished by the addition of top soil. The ground should slope away from the house at a rate of one inch per foot for at least the first ten feet. Ideally, at least eight (8) inches of clearance should be maintained between soil level and the top of the foundation walls.
· Improve: Covers should be provided for basement window wells to prevent storm water from accumulating within the well.
· Improve: The rear masonry porch is cracked on the corner near the house. Repairs are recommended.
· Improve: It is recommended that a railing be installed on the rear porch and steps for added safety.
· Improve: The rear patio appears to be level or sloping toward the house. If the patio settles so water is directed toward the house, replacing the patio may become necessary. It is recommended that the opening between the patio and the house be sealed.
· Monitor: The driveway surface has some minor spalling in several places. If this condition worsens, repairs would become necessary.
Discretionary Improvements
Cleaning of the siding may be worthwhile.
It would be wise to install a smoke detector in the garage.
limitations of exterior inspection
As prescribed in the inspection authorization and agreement, this is a visual inspection only. The inspection of the exterior was limited by (but not restricted to) the following conditions:
· A representative sample of exterior components was inspected.
· The inspection does not include an assessment of geological conditions and/or site stability.
· Landscape components restricted a view of some exterior areas of the house.
· Storage in the garage restricted the inspection.
· The detached building was not inspected.
· An inspection of the pool is outside the scope of this inspection.
Please refer to the ISHI® Inspector Standards for a full explanation of the scope of the inspection.
Electrical System
description of ELECTRICAL System
Size of Electrical Service: ·120/240 Volt Main Service - Service Size: 200 Amp
Service Entrance Wires: ·Underground ·Aluminum
Main Disconnect: ·Breaker – 200 Amp ·Located: In Main Panel