Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan

Teacher: Kindergarten / Pacing Guide Week #:27
Dates: March 3
Subject: Reading
CC.K.R.F.1.b Print Concepts: Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.2c Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.6 With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...).
SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI)
Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing:
·  Opinion Writing: Friendly Letter
·  Readers notebook: pg
I can understand that spoken words are written by putting letters in a specific order.
I can write a letter for each sound.
I can identify the author and illustrator and tell what they do.
I can write and show an opinion.
/ Student Agenda:
·  Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan
Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Assessment used to determine mastery daily: If a quiz or test is given, include in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): All instructional materials are to be included in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction. / Formative Assessment:
Day 1
·  Flip Chart
·  Book : Oscar and the frog
·  Review Ee
·  High Frequency words: she, all, over, when, her, some
·  Informative writing
·  Target Skill: Sequence of events
·  Proper nouns for days and months
·  SAT 10 practice / Teacher observation, small group, large group, visuals , guided imagery, movement, brain pop jr, media, thumbs up/down, hand signals, pair talk, white boards, yes/no cards, peer tutoring
Day 2
·  Flip Chart
·  Book : Zinnias Flower Garden
·  Review Ee
·  High Frequency words: she, all, over, when, her, some
·  Informative writing
·  Target Skill: Sequence of events
·  Proper nouns for days and months
·  SAT 10 practice
/ Teacher observation, small group, large group, visuals , guided imagery, movement, brain pop jr, media, thumbs up/down, hand signals, pair talk, white boards, yes/no cards, peer tutoring
Day 3
·  Flip Chart
·  Book : Pet my dog
·  Book : Zinnias Flower Garden
·  Book: Oscar and the Frog
·  Review Ee
·  High Frequency words: she, all, over, when, her, some
·  Informative writing
·  Target Skill: Sequence of events
·  Proper nouns for days and months
·  SAT 10 practice / Teacher observation, small group, large group, visuals , guided imagery, movement, brain pop jr, media, thumbs up/down, hand signals, pair talk, white boards, yes/no cards, peer tutoring
Day 4
·  Flip Chart
·  Book : Oscar and the frog
·  Book : Zinnias Flower Garden
·  Book: Ben and Jen
·  Book: Growing Sunflowers
·  Review Ee
·  High Frequency words: she, all, over, when, her, some
·  Informative writing
·  Target Skill: Sequence of events
·  Proper nouns for days and months
·  SAT 10 practice
/ Teacher observation, small group, large group, visuals , guided imagery, movement, brain pop jr, media, thumbs up/down, hand signals, pair talk, white boards, yes/no cards, peer tutoring
Day 5
·  Flip Chart
·  Review Ee
·  High Frequency words: she, all, over, when, her, some
·  Informative writing
·  Target Skill: Sequence of events
·  Proper nouns for days and months
·  SAT 10 practice / Teacher observation, small group, large group, visuals , guided imagery, movement, brain pop jr, media, thumbs up/down, hand signals, pair talk, white boards, yes/no cards, peer tutoring
Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching.
Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson.
·  Songs/Rhymes CD
·  Brain Pop Jr
·  Rhyming Cards
·  Interactive Vocabulary cards
·  Environmental Cards
·  Fictional and Nonfictional Books
·  Discovery Education
·  Starfall
·  School Tube