Link Community Development Ethiopia (LCDE) is an international NGO working in the education sector in SNNPRS, Wolaita Zone.LCDE is re-registered in Ethiopia as an International NGO with Charities and Societies Agency with Registration Number 1017. LCDE’s first education sector intervention in Ethiopia began in 2008 in three woredas of Wolaita Zone, SNNPR. However, currently LCDE works in four woredas of Wolaita Zone with a focus in education sector.
More information on our intervention and impact is available in our website on:
LCDE hereby invites eligible audit firms (Grade A and/or Grade B) to submit their bids for auditing of its active project’s accountsfrom January -December 2017. Qualified audit firms that fulfill the below listed criteria are invited to participate.
Competitors are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received by LCDE in accordance with the instructions, terms, and conditions described in this RFQ. Failure to adhere with instructions described in this RFQ may lead to disqualification of an offer from being considered.
Audit report on the accounts as per the standards set by Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia,
Associated management letter,
Charities and societies agency compliance report
Assessment ofemployee’sincome tax, 2% withholding tax deductions and other tax related compliances
Technical and financial proposal, among other requirements, should include the following;
Quotations: Quotations presented in response to this RFQ must be inclusive of all related costs and should clearly state mode of payment. The audit firm should indicate the total amount of payment in Ethiopian Birr. Offers must remain valid for not less than thirty (30) calendar days after the offer deadline.
Evaluation: The award will be made to a reasonableoffer and/or whose offer follows the RFQ instructions, meets the eligibility requirements, least bidder, presents technically-acceptable methodology that shows profile of members of the audit team to be assigned this particular task and specifies the total time required to complete the task with detailed schedule.
Payment and Award: The award and payment resulting from this RFQ is anticipated to be in the form of a Service Agreement. This award is subject to the Project’s terms and conditions as stipulated under the project’s grant agreement.
The audit firm should be registered with the Office of the Auditor General/Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia and classified in “Grade A and/or B” category;
Must have solid experience in international NGO with a focus in the education sector
Must produce evidence of adequate and well experienced audit team
Must provide renewed certificate of professional competence from the office of the Federal Auditor General/Accounting and Auditing Board of Ethiopia,
VAT registration certificate, trade license renewed for the year 2010 (EC) and tax payer registration certificate (TIN)
Organizational profile including other relevant documents showing the firms working experience in auditingINGOs
Registered Certified Chartered Accountants/Certificate of professional competency;
A schedule or detailed audit plan, that includes expected audit start and completion date;
Two (2) referees from similar INGO organizations for which the offerorto enquire about the audit firm’s pastperformance on similar scale and/or scope oftask.
Interested and qualified audit firms are required to submit their Technical and Financial /Cost Proposals ithin 5 successive working days from the first day of this announcement on the Reporter Newspaper.
Please note that the auditing taskcommenceswithin two days of finalizing the bid proceduretherefore the deadline for submitting draft and final audit report and the associated management letter is 10th of March 2018.
Link Community Development Ethiopia reserves the right to accept or reject all or parts of the bids!