TheAssessed andsupportedyear inemployment (Adults)
Templateforexternal moderation partnership summary report
This template can be used tocollate and summarise the external moderation partnership process over an agreed period. Itconsists ofa summary, a breakdown ofthe outcomes ofmoderation and an action plan. Once completed, it can provide a report forthe external moderation partnership process and a report forthe national moderation panel.
Name ofthe partnershipDate ofpanel/external moderation partnership process
Name ofthe individual completing the form
Job role
Names ofparticipants and their employers in external moderation process or attach attendance list.
Number ofassessments moderated
Number of assessments confirmed
WithdrawalsfromASYE (Please givedetailsfor each withdrawalacross the partnershipincluding timescales andoutcome)
Have actions recorded in last external partnership moderation report been completed?
Has there been any feedback from the national moderation panel tothe external moderation process since the last report?
Part 1 qualitychecklist / Number
Yes / Number
No / Reasons ifNo / Number / Comments
All relevant1parts ofrecord of support and progressive assessment and critical reflection log. / Record ofsupport and progressive assessment not fully completed.
NQSW’s critical reflection log is
not fully completed.
Part 2 review ofassessor’s decision / Number
Yes / Number
No / Reasons ifNo / Number / Commentsandactionsforeachno decision
There is clear evidence ofan accurate, valid and robust assessment decision. / Clear evidence forassessor’s recommendation not provided – give details.
Evidence is inconsistent with assessor’s recommendation.
Any other reason – please specify.
Additionalinformationcollected / Summary ofareas covered andactionsplanned
Organisational or support issues
identified (Part 1) / This text will disappear once you start typing. Comments relating to supervision, workload relief and the learning and support programme can be inserted here – please group or categorise the comments and record numbers
Employment or capability issues
identified / This text will disappear once you start typing. Comments from external moderation process participants relating to employment contracts and fails across the partnership can be inserted here - this can be a standing agenda item
Feedback identified for the internal moderation process foreach organisation (Part 1 and 2) / This text will disappear once you start typing. Provide a summary of the feedback given to all internal moderation processes participating in the external moderation process. This may include comments on the overall standard of assessment within their organisation and suggestions for improvement.
Exemplars identified to share
(Part 3)
Feedback to assessors (Part 3) / This text will disappear once you start typing.Please provide a summary of the feedback given to assessors; grouping the comments and recording numbers in each category (good, average, poor), please include all comments particularly any that were deemed of poor quality or not sufficiently accurate, valid and robust assessment decisions.
1Some parts of the record of support and progressive assessment and the critical reflection log may not be completed if the internal moderation process is in a transitional phase or
it includes reviewing and monitoring NQSWs’progress duringASYE.
Action planAction agreed / Details of actions, timescales and lead responsibility