Hillingdon Interfaith Network Executive meeting
1st May 2009
Present: Duncan, Mike, Amir, Tunde, Fiona
Apologies: Elizabeth, David, Harjinder
1) Minutes of last meeting
2) Programme for 2009/2010
Breakfast meetings
it was agreed that it would be positive to continue withholding breakfast meeting as the formula seems to work. However it was felt that we needed to encourage more people to attend.
Some discussion around merits of putting together full report from each meeting and limitations of capacity to administer this task. It was agreed that perhaps a smaller leaflet with key points be put together instead and be widely distributed.
It was agreed that we would hold three meetings per year.
Network meetings
Again there was an issue around sustaining level of attendance to network meetings.
It was agreed that there needed to be a clear programme set and useful to utilise a newsletter with a monthly reminder of activities and distribute. Need to bear in mind with every invitation that it reflects “what’s in it for me”? both personally and for my community.
There was some discussion as to whether perhaps there is still some resistance/miss understanding to what interface working is all about and what is perhaps stopping people from engaging? What is our message?
It was agreed to hold three network meetings per year with with more clarity of approach.
Youth projects
it was agreed that the work with schools should continue. Also some discussion as to how network could get involved and or support the HELP project being run by Kingsborough Church.
London Week of Peace in September 2009
it was agreed that HIFN would continue to be involved in planning activity for week of peace - in particular the civic walk.
Interfaith week November 2009
it was agreed that the network would organise a series of activities/events with a focus on opportunities for faiths to share in learning about and learning from each other.
3) Grassroots funding
Duncan was a little concerned that he had received no interest as yet with regards getting a student involved in delivering this project.
Duncan and Tunde to sort out liability insurance.
4) Faith Breakfast
As Duncan would be going into hospital it was agreed that Mike would facilitate the next breakfast meeting
Fiona to liaise with Mike and finalise the agenda.
Fiona to contact David and check that he is okay to provide the breakfast.
5) Date of the next meeting
Thursday 21st May 10am – 12pm, CR9, Civic Centre