Version 8June 2007
ESPON Seminar on 12-13 June 2007
Venue: World Conference Centre, Bonn, Germany
Use of results from applied territorial research in policy making
Final Programme
12 June 2007
12.00 – 13.00 Registration and buffet lunch
Chair:Dr. Wendelin Strubelt, Vice-President and Professor, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Germany
13.00 – 13.10Welcome Address
Dr. Ulrich Hauschild, Mayor of the City of Bonn
Mr. Dieter Krell, Under-secretary, Land of North Rhein Westfalen
13.10 – 13.30Territorial Challenges for Europe – The Territorial Agenda and ESPON
Dr. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs,Germany
13.30 – 13.50Towards a TA Action Programme and the contribution of ESPON
Vitor Campos, Director-General, Directorate General for Territorial planning and UrbanDevelopment,Portugal
13.50 – 14.10Use of ESPON in European Cohesion Policy development
Patrick Salez, European Commission
14.10 – 14.30Expectations to ESPON from a user’s view
Gianluca Spinaci, Committee of the Regions, Directorate for Consultative Works
14.30 – 14.50ESPON 2013 and an enforced user oriented approach
Peter Mehlbye, Director ESPON CU, Luxembourg
14.50 – 15.30Coffee
* Session sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Germany
Chair:Thiemo Eser, ESPON Managing Authority, Luxembourg
15.30 – 15.50Experiences and lessons to learn: The researcher’s experience
Grzegorz Gorzelak, EUROREG, Poland
15.50 – 16.00Key topics for the afternoon workshops
Kai Böhme, ESPON CU, Luxembourg
16.00 – 18.003 parallel workshops:
Stakeholder use of ESPON results and demands for targeted analysis
Workshop A: Use and demand by European and National authorities
- Facilitator: Peter Jung, MC chair, Germany
- Input statements:
Patrick Salez, DG Regio
Didier Michal, France
Aileen Doyle,Ireland (t.b.c.)
Eike Ndiweni-Müller, UK
Margarita Jančič, Slovenia
- Rapporteur: Kai Böhme, ESPON CU
Workshop B: Use and demand from Structural Funds Programmes
- Facilitator: Paul Cozzi, INTERACT
- Input statements:
Eric Dufeil, DG Regio
Melody Houk, Urbact
Michel Lamblin, INTERREG IV C
Ruut Louwers, North-West Europe
Gabriele Tatzberger, ÖIR
- Rapporteur: Ernst Holzinger, Austria
Workshop C: Use and demand of regions and cities
- Facilitator: Gianluca Spinaci, Committee of the Regions
- Input statements:
Philippe Cichowlaz, CPRM (maritime and peripheral regions)
Kristiina Urpalainen, EuroMontana (mountain areas)
Roger Read, METREX (metropolitan areas)
Gérard Peltre, R.E.D.(ruralEurope)
Jean Peyrony, MOT(cross-border areas)
- Rapporteur:
Volker Schmidt-Seiwert, BBR
19.00 – openDinner on the Rhine
13 June 2007
Chair:Thiemo Eser, ESPON Managing Authority, Luxembourg
09.00 – 09.30Feedback from the 3 workshops
09.30 – 09.45Key topicsfor the workshops during the morning
Peter Mehlbye, ESPON CU, Luxembourg
09.45 – 10.15Coffee
10.15 – 12.003 parallel workshops:
Cooperation and partnership on the best use of ESPON results
Workshop D: Actions at European and transnational scale
- Facilitator: Peter Schön, BBR
- Input statements:
Olivier Baudelet, DG Regio
Ronan Uhel, EEA
Ulrich Graute, Cadses
Maria José Festas, Portugal
Clarisse Didelon, France, researcher’s view
- Rapporteur: Sabine Zillmer, IRS
Workshop E: Actions at national and cross-border scale
- Facilitator: Silvia Jost, Switzerland
- Input statements:
Sverker Lindblad, Sweden
Jens Gabbe, AEBR (cross-border areas)
Tomaž Miklavčič, ESPON Contact Point, Slovenia
Hans-Jürgen Kujath, Germany, researcher’s view
- Rapporteur: Sara Ferrara, ESPON CU
Workshop F: Actions at regional and urbanscale
- Facilitator: Hallgeir Aalbu, Eurofutures
- Input statements:
Phaedon Enotiadis, Cyprus
Sarka Puschmannova, Hradec Kralove region, Czech Republic
Mart Grisel, EUKN (urban knowledge network)
Tiziana Dell’Olmo, Region of Piemonte
Heikki Eskelinen, Finland, researcher’s view
- Rapporteur: Michaela Gensheimer, consultant
12.00 – 13.00 Buffet lunch
13.00 – 13.30Feedback from the 3 workshops
13.30 – 15.00Open discussion:
Future directions for ESPON projects on targeted analysis in partnerships
Opening statements from workshop facilitators
Farewell and departure