Minutes of August 19, 2006 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by April Spilling at 3:10pm. Doug and April Spilling, co-presidents, conducted the meeting.
Introductions– The pond residents present introduced themselves, and told where their camps were.
Opening Remarks – Doug Spilling spoke aboutthe purpose of the Pond Association: access, stewardship, environmental health, and fostering a community around the lake.
Minutes:A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the June 17, 2006 minutes. Special thanks to Arlene Hutchinsfor mailing them out.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Kevin O’Day was unable to be at the meeting, so April Spilling gave the report. The Association’s checking account has been transferred from Mike Ida to Kevin O’Day. The balance is about $500, including $100 collected so far this year. The money is now in a money market account (with no monthly fee) and checks can be written on that account. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the report.
If you have not yet paid your $10 dues, please send them in with the form provided below.
Milfoil:It’s still out there – and there are other, still unidentified, but very healthy-looking weeds. The needed form for getting a permit to put a mat down will be posted to the website, Or you can contact Anita Demming at , work 873-2178, or home 962-4810.
Water Testing – As no one else had volunteered, April Spilling and Debbie Maxwell agreed to follow up on this training and whether we should go through CSLAP, BRASS or whomever else.
Water Level – Wayne Johnson is still working on the “Dam Operating Regime, DOR. The original agreement between DEC and the Association called for the lowering of the lake the day after labor Day, getting it down to24 inches by Oct. 1st, and 31 inches by November. Recently,DEC has been delaying for 2 weeks the beginning of the drawdown. Wayne sent in the new agreement. He will be in contact with the DEC this fall to try and speed up a response/decision. Wayne said a copy of the old agreement would be very helpful, so if you have one please contact him. People related some history including a 1968 break in the dam. When the water returned after the dam was repaired, fish and plant life was fine. Also, in 1987, the lake was reportedly drawn down far enough that water was ankle deep toward the middle of the lake. Concerns expressed about draw-downs included that in the spring many on the west end of the lake had damage from high water. Also DEC may want to just leave the gate open constantly and have no draw-downs. Our goal is to maintain the spillway level. As a point of information, “0” on the gauge in the causeway matches the spillway height.
Loon Census – Done on the third Saturday of July. April saw 2 loons. Joan reported seeing three loons.
- Freshwater “jellyfish” have been spotted in the lake. They don’t sting humans, so don’t panic. Check out for more information on these fascinating creatures.
- Lots of snails and clams are also present in the lake. Ducks eat the snails which raised the concern that too many snails would lead to too many ducks which would lead to “duck itch” So far this does not appear to be a problem.
- Is the lake tested for bacteria?
- Can we put in hydropower at the dam?
The problems remain the same: one assessor, inconsistent assessments, rising property values, and equalization discrimination. The problem is in no way unique to Lincoln Pond. Doug has talked with several of our political representatives. Theresa Sayward has been the most responsive, and is working in the legislature to look at alternatives to current funding of public schools. Betty Little has proposed that second home owners should be taxed at a higher rate than single home owners. More detailed information and charts regarding taxes are posted on the website, including a chart on property taxes nationally.
Our approach has to include both short term and long term strategies.
Short Term– Work towards fairness.
- Continue to pressure Elizabethtown, hold supervisor accountable.
- Continue to collect data.
- Continue to file individual grievances.
- Keep tabs on town and school expenditures.
- Continue contacting state representatives.
Long Term – Permanent Change
- Possible tax increase caps as inMass.
- Alternatives to property tax to fund schools.
- Form an E’Town tax reform group or join with other such groups in the area.
Lower Pond road residents thanked Wayne for all he has done. His efforts have led to more people contributing and helping out, and the road is now in better shape.
A discussion followed about the different classifications of roads. Evidently, roads can be classified as “Recreational.” The roads would then be minimally maintained by the town; that’s the case with the Kingdom Dam Road, for example. Concerns included whether this opens the roads to more outsiders. It was pointed out that there are no current controls on access anyway.
- Jim Manel and Jim Madelone’s terms were up. Also Gary Mitchell is no longer able to be a director. Wayne Johnson is continuing his term. Jim Manel has moved, so is not running again. Thanks to Jim Manel and Gary Mitchell for all their service in the past!
- Jim Madelone was reappointed. He and Wayne Johnson will represent the lower pond. Gerry Zahavi and Judy Schwarz were chosen to represent the upper pond. The directors set a meeting for Saturday, September 1st at Doug and April’s house. They plan to meet more often nd work to energize the association.
August 26 – Road Clean-Up - Meet at 9:30 at Lower Pond Wayby the causeway
August 26 – Pot Luck – Doug and April are hosting the event and provide hot dogs, burgers and drinks. Others were asked to sign up what they would bring and spread the word to other pond residents.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm.
Cut off and send in with your dues.