West Chester University

Joel M. Ressner Scholarships



1. Complete the attached application and the personal statement. Please type all the information requested.

2. Email the completed application form with the personal statement to Dr. Jingqiu Hu at , no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 28, 2017. Incomplete scholarship applications will not be considered. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. on February 28, 2017 will not be considered.

5. Questions pertaining to this scholarship application should be directed to Dr. Hu

6. Please note that your application will not be considered if the information is not completed correctly and accurately on the application.

7. Your application information will be confidential within the three person committee (Dr. Hu, Dr. Moran and Dr. Townsend). Your application is considered to be permission for the committee to review your academic record.

West Chester University Department of Chemistry

Joel M. Ressner Scholarships Application

Full Name _______________________________________________________________________________________

First Middle/Maiden Last

Check One ___Incoming Freshman ___Freshman ___Transfer ___Sophomore ___Junior ___Senior ___Graduate

Please check the scholarship(s) for which you are applying:

___ Joel M. Ressner Scholarship in chemistry

___ Joel M. Ressner Scholarship for minority students in chemistry

Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________________State:_________________Zip:___________________

Telephone: ____________________________________ County: ____________________________________________

Campus Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________________State:_________________Zip:___________________

Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________________________

West Chester University ______________________________________________________________________________

Declared Major Credit Hours Completed GPA

Number of credits transferred to WCU:

Current Extracurricular/Community Activities Your Participation/Offices Held

_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________

If you are applying for Joel M. Ressner scholarship for minority students in chemistry, please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an “X” in the appropriate line.

_____American Indian or Alaska Native


_____Black or African American

_____Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


_____Two or more races

Other Sources of Financial Aid/Student Loans that you have been awarded:



Please describe how your education is funded and how this scholarship would help.

Please describe your service to the Chemistry Department or the University.

Please include your essay on the next page and limit your statement to no more than 500 words.

________YES, I agree that should I be the recipient of a scholarship WCU and WCU Foundation have my permission to share and use my name and image in publications.

________NO, I do NOT agree that should I be the recipient of a scholarship WCU and WCU Foundation have my permission to share and use my name and image in publications.

Whether you give your permission or not will have NO bearing on the decision of the committee as to whether you are awarded a scholarship or not.



Signature Date