Sunday 7th January 2018


(Liturgical Colour: White

8.00pm Holy Communion (BCP)

Rev’d Jane Edwards (Preacher: Ernie Feasey)

Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6 (p.524); Matthew 2:1-12 (p.681)

9.45am Sunday Club in Church Hall

10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW)

Rev’d Jane Edwards (Preacher: Ernie Feasey)

Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

Welcome to our Services. If you are a visitor, we hope you will feel at home and part of our Church Family as we worship God together. Leaflets and our monthly magazine are available at the back of church with information about our activities. Also, please look at our website –

Please join us for refreshments after the 10am Service

The Week Ahead

Mon 8th Jan Jane’s day off

Wed 10th 9.15am Morning Prayer in Church

10.00am – 12 noon Art Club in Church Hall

Thurs 11th 10.00am Holy Communion

(Readings: 1 Samuel 4:1-11; Mark 1:40-end)

7.45pm Table tennis/Pool Club in Church Hall

Fri 12th 9.30 – 11.30am Coffee Morning in Church Hall

7.00pm – 8.30pm Choir Practice in Church

Sat 13th2.00pm Clive taking Burial of Ashes of Alan Gardiner

Sun 13thThe Second Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.00am All-age Family Service

6.30pm Holy Communion (CW)


Anglican Communion: The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New ZealandPolynesia; Co-Archbishops: Winston Halapua and Philip Richardson; for Orthodox Christians celebrating Christmas today.

Diocese: Rochester Cathedral; The Very Rev Dr Philip Hesketh, Dean

Parish: That we may offer our lives and our gifts to God in worship and service; those living in Abbey Crescent & Abbey Mount

Our Country/The World:NHS workers; for light to shine in the dark places of the world.

For healing and wholeness: Baby Miriam, Timothy Mukibi, Beverley Wilkinson, Andrew Ashby, Thelma Finch, Margaret Poole, Pauline, Christine Pierce, Shirley Petford, Fred Leany.

Those who have died:John Prichard, Rita Whipps, Paul Burton, Linda (Lulu) Smith. We pray for all who mourn.


Jane will be on Annual Leave from Monday 8th Jan to Wed 17th Jan inclusive. Any pastoral matters to Clive or Barry please; admin to Cheryl or Laura; any church or diocesan matters to Churchwardens. Thank you.

Regular weekly giving envelopes for those who have indicated they would like to use them are in the Pigeon holes. Please speak to Ian Blower if you would like to give regularly to All Saints in this way, or alternatively to give via a Standing Order to the Bank.

Friends of All Saints Church: We are looking for expressions of interest with regard to setting up this group as a separate charity to help with fund-raising for the church building and fabric. There are fliers at the back of church. You are invited to a meeting in church on Saturday 27th January 2018 at 7.00pm. Please give your name and contact details if you are interested.

Altar Flower Donations 2018: The new list for Altar flowers is now at the back of the Church. If you would like to donate money for flowers during the year please add your name and telephone number to the list. We will contact you nearer the time to collect your money. The flowers usually stay on the Altar for 2 weeks. Any queries please ask Olive at the 8.00am Service or Pamela at the 10.00am Service. Please note there are no flowers on the Altar during Lent or Advent.

Bexley Winter Shelter: Free night shelter accommodation for homeless men from 3rd January to 23rd March. To be considered for a place please phone 07434 733507, or email , or call in at TrinityBaptistChurch, Broadway Bexleyheath. Full details on poster at back of church.

Christmas Collections:

Leoa Concert: Total £720.00 divided between Leoa Choir and All Saints

Crib/Christingle: Total £418.00 for Children’s Society

Midnight Service: Total £244.20 divided between Crisis and All Saints

Dates ahead

Tues 16 Jan7.30pm FAGC meeting

Thurs 25 Jan7.45pm PCC meeting with Richard Williams, Diocesan Treasurer

Sat 27th Jan7.00pm Friends of All Saints meeting

Sun 28th JanCandlemas

Wed 14 FebAsh Wednesday 8pm Service

Charity Bowl for January & February – St JohnKikwayiChurch of Uganda

Some of you will recall the name ‘Pat The Child’ from previous updates. Some years ago All Saint’s funded the building and equipment of a school in Kampala, Uganda, for orphans which is now completely self sufficientgivingchildren the skills to have a trade and be equipped to earn a living when reaching adulthood. During this summer we received a letter, the following is an extract.

“We thank God that Pat The Child still do good work to support needy children and families from our rural communities. When your then Vicar Rev Irene Shaw visited us here in Uganda, she attended our church where our children and local community go to worship. However it is a very old and small church built 70 years ago that has now become too risky to hold services mostly during rainy periods and when the winds get high there is a fear it could fall down without warning. A campaign was started with the church congregation to build a new church. However it has not been easy to collect the required money as there is much poverty, so we have started a fund raising campaign and wonder if All Saints might wish to contribute”.

The PCC decided that in view ofpast connections, it would be really nice to make a contribution to help with the rebuilding of the Saint JohnKikwayiChurch. The roof is the next priority, and then inside aSanctuary, Pulpit and Pews. It is nice to support an overseas project when we know where the money is going and what it will be spent on. Iwould therefore commend this charity Bowl to you and would ask for yourdonations over the next two months. Many thanks.Chris Martin