Parish Council Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2012

Present: Mark Deitz, Sally McClean, Mayra Meyers, Brendan Combs, German Amortegui, Georgie Bricker, Teri Dwyer, Fr. Augustin Lopez, Bobby Browning, Eileen Donahue, Ursula Boesch, Marty Piper, Kevin Muha, Bo Fitzpatrick, Lee DePont, Fr. Jim Meyers, Karen Sachs, Fr. Charlie Cortonovis

1.  Fr. Jim Meyers began the meeting with an opening prayer.

2.  Meeting Minutes from February 27, 2012 were approved.

3.  Fr. Augustin led a robust discussion on the Neocatechumenal Way. There was a lot of new opinion within the Church that Sally mentioned. German supported the opinions when he read from the Holy Father’s speech on January 20, 2012 where he mentioned this was a “gift.” Fr. Jim offered the opinion that there has been too much literature that is changing to embrace this for now, so we need to table it for a future time.

4.  German reported that on May 27th, the Hispanic Council will host another “festival of countries.”

5.  Karen mentioned the upcoming election plans to replace the outgoing members of the council. These elections should be held on the 19th of May. Eileen Donahue volunteered to chair this committee.

6.  Marty advised on the pizza dinner being a success, as well as mentioning upcoming events: RCIA reception on April 7th, Confirmation reception on April 21st, Coffee and Donuts on April 29th and Communion on May 5th.

7.  Karen reported on her continued support of the parishes’ vocations.

8.  Teri reported that the roof of the Duffy Center has been replaced and shades to block direct sunlight have been installed in the school. Teri also mentioned that this was the last year for Terranova testing and the school would be taking Scantron testing next year. Teri also mentioned that upcoming were events such as the “girls night out” and “spring fling.” Also, the students that have been studying art would be having an “art tea” to include art and poems.

9.  Myra presented the issue of fair trade coffee (see attached).

10.  Lee mentioned that CYO basketball had ended the year successfully. She also mentioned that the women of St. Raphael’s were planning an upcoming meeting on May 6th. She also mentioned that sodality was going to be helping with the May Crowning and after the 10am mass, there would be an art and essay contest.

11.  Fr. Meyers discussed the support of October’s theme of “right to life” with displaying one or many crosses. The group narrowed this down to one cross being the appropriate, supportive display.

12.  Fr. Charlie shared that confessions were large in number during Holy Week. Bishop Holly was going to participate in the confirmation mass on April 21st. Fr. Charlie also mentioned that all religious education groups and classes have been met in person up to date. Fr. Charlie mentioned an upcoming initiative to have a father’s group represent the parish and let the group know that on May 15th, there would be a discuss of the real definition of marriage in Maryland.

13.  Fr. Jim Meyers concluded with a closing prayer.