Minnesota FFA
2013 Nursery/Landscape Exam Key
1.Sheaths or fascicles are
- Types of cones
- Bundles of needle like leaves
- Sprays of scale like leaves
- None of the above
2.How large of a hole should you dig for planting a balled-and-burlapped narrow-leaf evergreens?
- Slightly larger than the ball of soil
- Two to three times as large as the ball of soil
- One and one-half to two times as large as the ball of soil
- Four times as large as the ball of soil
3.Which of the following does not describe a form of deciduous tree?
- Accent
- Rounded
- Open
- Pyramidal
4.What does the texture of deciduous trees refer to?
- Bark
- Ornamental use
- Foliage
- Shape
5.In landscape terms, if the mower blade is set too low and the turf is not level, the mower may ______the turf in spots.
- Scalp
- Aerate
- Slice
- Scorch
6.What is one reason midday watering of lawns in the summer is usually not recommended?
- Plant roots do not readily absorb water during the daylight hours
- Homeowners pay a premium for water if they irrigate during the day
- Much of the water is lost through evaporation
- Fast evaporation of the water from plant leaves may cause disease
7.One reason modern horticultural fabrics used in landscaping are said to be better than black polyethylene film is they:
- Prevent moisture from penetrating to deeply
- Make a better base for rock mulch
- Allow exchange of gases between soil and air
- Completely control weeds
8.Bare-root deciduous trees should be planted only when:
- Their buds are beginning to swell
- They are dormant
- They are beginning to leaf
- They are in full leaf
9.The watering system that uses the least amount of water is:
- Hand watering
- Trickle tube
- Capillary mat
- Overhead irrigation
10.In plant pathology, the virulence of an organism refers to:
- The resistance of a pathogen to pesticides
- How often a plant is inoculated
- The ability of a pathogen to cause disease
- The ability of a plant to reproduce naturally
11.An example of a non-selective weed killer is:
- Roundup
- 2, 4-D
- Dacthal
- Atrazine
12.In ______, old branches that are large and unproductive are removed.
- Thinning
- Heading back
- Renewal pruning
- Topiary pruning
13.A soil high in organic matter tends to:
- Hold a great deal of water, thereby diluting herbicides
- Absorb herbicides and cause them to be ineffective
- Grow weeds so quickly that a higher dosage of herbicides is needed
- Hold herbicide in the soil, thereby making them more effective
14.One of the most well-known diseases of roses is:
- Brown patch
- Scab
- Black spot
- Iron chlorosis
15.Which term is not a principle of design?
- Simplicity
- Proportion
- Realism
- Balance
16.Young seedlings that rot at the ground level and fall over and die are affected by:
- Mosaic
- Aster yellows
- Damping off
- Blight
17.The ______of hydrangeas can be manipulated by changing the pH of the soil.
- Leaf texture
- Flower size
- Plant shape
- Flower color
18.A ______is a natural phenomenon in which one plant secretes chemicals that inhibit root growth or seed germination of other seeds.
- Allelopathy
- Apical dominance
- Biological control
- Pheromone effect
19.Landscape plans generally include all of the following except:
- The number of each type of plant to be planted
- The mature width of the plant
- The mature height of the plant
- A north orientation marker
20.When plants are fertilized, the eggs and the ovary become:
- Fruit
- Seed cases
- Flowers
- Seeds
21.During respiration, plants:
- Rest
- Manufacture food
- Use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide just like animals
- Manufacture oxygen
22.Why is an “X” or a “dot” placed in the exact center of each landscape symbol
- Too cover the hole made by the compass
- To make the symbol more noticeable
- To identify the foliage type of the plant
- To locate the point at which the plant will be installed into the ground
23.This disease is most common of crab apples, hawthorn, and mountain ash; red to yellow pustules form on the leaves; chemical controls include Ferbam and Zineb:
- Needle cast
- Rust
- Sooty mold
- Fireblight
24.What is a disadvantage of planting potted nursery stock?
- A short planting season
- Limited selection of stock
- Encircling roots in the pot
- Only small sizes are available
25.A chemical to control apple scab is known as a:
- Miticide
- Fungicide
- Herbicide
- Insecticide
26.Provided soil moisture is not the limiting factor for seed germination, the depth at which various seeds are sown normally depends on the:
- Size of the seed
- Season of the year
- Conditions of the surface soil
- Nutrient level of the soil
27.Storage areas for bareroot nursery stock should be:
- Low temperatures and low humidity
- Low temperatures and high humidity
- Warm temperatures and low humidity
- Warm temperatures and high humidity
28.What weed is normally controlled with a pre-emergent herbicide?
- Canada thistle
- Dandelion
- Quack grass
- Crabgrass
29.Which hardiness zone includes most of the northern half of Minnesota?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
30.An advantage of using fine bladed perennial rye grass in athletic and recreational turf:
- Spreads by rhizomes
- Cuts easily (as a species)
- Good fall and spring color
- Crowns lower than bluegrass
31.The tubular lower portion of a grass leaf that surrounds the stem is called the:
- Tiller
- Sheath
- Crown
- Collar
32.The nutrient associated most with strong root and crown development is:
- Potassium
- Phosphorous
- pH
- nitrogen
33.A term that best describes the movement by wind of spray from a sprayer nozzle to a
non-target area is:
- Volatilization
- Overlap
- Drift
- Current
34.The approximate depth in the soil of correctly seeded cool season turf grass mixes:
- 1 inch to 1 1/4 inches
- 3/4 inch to 1 inch
- 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch
- 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch
35.Scientists who identify and classify plants are known as:
- Pomologists
- Taxonomists
- Horticulturists
- Taxidermists
36.Plants maintain a healthy heat and moisture balance through:
- Photosynthesis
- Respiration
- Hybridization
- Transpiration
37.The terms triploid, diploid, and haploid, refer to the:
- Number of flowers per stem
- Formation of leaves
- Number of bud breaks expected after pruning
- Number of chromosomes
38.Phototropism refers to:
- Plants dying from too much light
- How much light a plant uses within a period of time
- The bending of plants toward a more intense light
- Photographing plants
39.In the name Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’, ‘October Glory’ is a:
- Species
- Cultivar
- Genus
- Family
40.Which of the following best describes seed scarification?
- Placing seed capsules in the sun for natural curing
- Planting seeds in a nursery flat to a depth of two times the seed diameter
- Removing some of the seed coat by using a file, sandpaper, or an acid solution
- Using a dibble to spot off newly-planted seedlings