Reappraisal of the role of Thoth-Hermes
Thoth,(original name Theanor),was a member of theAtlanteanhigh priesthood; but alsohighborn, on hismother’s side.He was therefore accustomed to the way of government and control in the caste system of Atlantis. The royal or nobilitycaste comprised of the pureNordic divine race, whilst the high priesthoodcaste just below it was selected from among various races according to intelligence and was specially educated. The high priesthood exercised a control on the king,like a Senate, to safeguard against absolute power, butitexceeded its role, as the moreknowledgeable caste, andtried to dominate government, as technocrats, and reduce the king to a puppet.
Theanor’sfather was Thotme, (birth nameGomorian), a high-rankingpriest in Atlantis,a leader of adissidentfaction; (the high priest was Quarion).His mother was Dandel, queen Atalanta’s sister. King Elessar disapproved of the marriage and disfavored both Gomorian and his son Theanor, also a dissident. After the first phase of the destruction of Atlantis, in which the main urban areas were destroyed, the survivors fled Atlantis, the various castes to different destinations. For his court’s escape,king Elessar had a flying ship equipped so that, unlike other regulation flying ships, it could go beyond the limits of Atlantis. Theanor found out about it from hismotherand he commandeered the ship and flew witha band of followers to Khem/Egypt. As the leader of the surviving high priesthood, he adopted the rank-name ‘Thoth-88’ of planetary high priest and tried to establish his own autonomous domain, contesting Calicastia’s authority in the area; (Calicastia-99 is the planetary prince).
The‘Life (Jhwh/Zeus*)project’or‘Adamite*project’,was startedaround 9000 BCE in the valley of Uzbek Fergana (in Central Asia); a projectmeant to limit humans to a slow-evolving666 Fire technology, hoping that they would mature before becoming extremely destructive. Lucifer also established a system of subconscious control, (the Matrix), using the computational genius of the Grays, who wereemployed by the666 Titan Iapetosto promote and control the Fire technology. One of the Great Old Ones, from beyond Lucifer’s System, was the first high priest (theHermes-353) of theproject.Lucifergave him the name Cthulhu-999, a rank name of planetary system Archangel, authorizing him to make his own plans for theproject, yet under his supervision. For this, he assigned Satan as Cthulhu’sattaché/overself, to report on the project’s progress and Cthulhu’s plans.
[*The patriarch of theAdamitesis called‘Zeus’, a‘living (human)god’; ‘ζηωη’ is Ionian for‘Life’.‘Adam’is not the name of a man buta Chaldean word for ‘fire-red’;the Ionian/Adamiteequivalent is‘Phoenix’. Cain and Abel are spiritual types; the Dragon and the Lamb. In Genesis, the patriarch of the Eden Adamitesis Seth. Thoth’s name for Cthulhu was Rwanem(HorAmen).]
After a very long life,Rwanemgot wise of the Matrix and freed himself from it. He realized that Lucifer’s plan was never going to work. Disregarding the authority of the Heavenly Father,(Lucifer’s fault),humanswould not respect hierarchy and could not mature properly; especially under subconscious control. Rwanem also freed his closest disciples and introduced them topsychictechnology; levitation, teleportation, mental remote control etc. WhenThoth heard of Rwanem’ssuperior skills,he invited him to visit Egypt. Impressed by Rwanem’swisdom,he became his disciple. Rwanem trusted Thoth with hissoftwarepackage, to the degree that Thoth became hissoftware twin; (notpersonality twin). Subsequently, theAdamitepriesthoodwas infiltrated by dissidents,mainly NordicAtlanteans from Egypt, who abused these higher skills and practiced blackwizardry, (the dark side of the Force), to subdue the Adamites and become theirmasters; (these were theSeth Lords alluded to in ‘Star Wars’). At first, the Graysalso used theirhigh tech openly, including spaceships andcities-in-orbit, on which thedissidentsalso built weaponry. (Both technologiesare described in the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, which inspired G. Lucas with ‘Star Wars’.)
Thoth persuaded Rwanem that Calicastia had to be replaced and then informed the latter thatRwanem was planning his replacement. Informed that the projectdeviated from its intended course, Lucifer sent instruction to Calicastia to contain the situation. After failing to place Rwanem under oath of fealty, as member of his administration, Calicastia decided to get rid of him, with all rebelAdamitesand dissidents; and Thoth went along (!).
Thoth told Rwanem that Calicastiawas planning hisdemise and together they arranged for Rwanem’stemporary departure. (Like Jesus 7300 years later, Rwanem believed that he would be returning soon; he did not suspect that he would be bound in limbo indefinitely).In the arrangements,Thoth was left in charge of the project as Rwanem’s substitute; as Hermes.He undertook to look after any newassignments and help with any plansthey brought with them.(Thoth had his own secret plans in mind. Controlling theproject,he could replace most of the Adamites (nowdisfavored) with his favorite Atlantic-Nordic race and Calicastia with hischoice on the planetary throne, under his control.)
Using all thewizardrythey could muster and theirstrongest bindingspells, Thothand Calicastia fashioned a long dagger, in the shape of a cross, with a pentalpha at the center of its cross-guard and the name ‘Cthulhu’ written on its blade, with which Rwanem was stabbed through the heart while asleep, to bindhis spiritindefinitely. Thoth secretly added hisown witchcraft, to place Rwanem’sspirit under his control; (thus, he could influenceRwanem’splans for the End). Thoth’swizardry includes codes through which hekeeps tags on those bound in limbo (inAiA), so that he can call them out of thisNetherworld prisonat any time under his wing and under his control. [Controlling Rwanem’sspirit, Thoth could also control all Rwanem’sreincarnations.] Archives show the murder dagger stuck permanently in an effigy of Rwanem, used as a voodoodoll, in the same way that images of Jesus, with the name sign ‘JNRJ’, are perpetuallycrucified.
After Rwanem’smurder, Calicastia moved east to MtKaila, now in Tibet. In Genesis, Nod the land of Cain’sexile refers to Tibet, the Himalayas and India, where Calicastia is venerated as Lord Shiva. (Hestill keeps the swastika as hismark and his dominions in peace).
Conjuring terrible sandstorms, Thoth’swizards destroyed the Adamite colony in Central Asia; (first destruction of Zion). Thoth moved some survivors west to a new cradle (Eden) in NE Anatolia of Asia Minor, around today’s Erzurum. Thoth’s plan was to protect a small remnant of theAdamites, to preserve the Adamite bloodlineand, by infusing it into his favorite AtlanticNordic race,(alluded to in ‘Star Wars’ as the Sith Lords), revive the Atlantis project (phases 2 & 3) all over the World under hisstewardship.For this reason, he made it appear in Genesis that all racesdescended from Adam through Seth.
Calicastia wanted to place the Egyptiandissident group under a tighter control by granting the chrism of theRed dragon to its highest initiate, Orpheus, who was flirting for Calicastia’s favor. By cooperating with Calicastia in getting rid of Rwanem,Thoth outsmarted Orpheus and received the chrism of theRed Dragon himself. Hethought that he could use the Chrism to his own advantage to maintain the autonomy of his domain, as Calicastia’s vassalin the Middle East, but this placed him under oath of fealty to Calicastia; though he never intended to honor this oath.He added two dragonsto the wings of the caduceus andthen droppedthe wings, leaving onlythe dragons on hishieratic staff, as carried by his high initiates, the wizard priests of the Dryads and the Druids, as well as the high-ranking clergyof the Greek Orthodox Church. Ever since,Thoth-Hermesplayed a doublegame, representing both Jhwh and Calicastia; (but also serving his own plans all along).
Thothchristened his companion Mermek, (Atlantic name Arak-Thuron), as Christ and had him appointed at the head of Shambala-353, aSenate of high mystics behind Calicastia’s administration. Hermes thought that hismastery ofwizardryand having hisChristat the head of theLodge-Senate would give him an advantage until the finalplans arrived. Hermes had several of hishighinitiates also accepted in Shambala, including one by the name ‘Rohan’; (either named after Rwanem or, most probably,Rwanemhimself under cover and under Hermes’ control).
[Satan assigned an alternative project to Mermek, who was to replace Calicastia, as part of the deal; this was part of Thoth’s plan when he colluded in Rwanem’smurder.
What was to be mere troubleshooting, the ‘Life project’ evolved into a conspiracy for the replacement of Calicastia by Mermek; Mermek’saspiration ever since he came to Earth. (Mermek was the Prince of the destroyed 5th planet Nebadon and the patriarch of the Nordicdivine race; he saw the Adamites as a rivaldivine race that had to be eradicated); a divine race has a distinctgene marker.]
After the Flood,intended to destroy Eden, Ptahappeared in Khem; he founded Memphis, (Hikuptah-Aegyptos, henceEgypt). He was the builder of the great pyramids,under Satan’s supervision; not as burial placesbut as chambers for high initiation, that of Khufu(Cheops) housing a Mercury-pool star-gate in a depression beneath it. Itsdefault destination address was Lucifer’s throne, in the White city, on Illurania, a planet of Sirius. [Luxor-Thebes was founded by Ionian immigrants, worshipers of Amon-Zeus, after their exodus from Asia Minor around 2750].
Zeus guided Noah’s firstborn* Japheth (with the Adamite language) west to Asia Minor and beyond the Aegean. Rwanem(under Hermes) initiated the Abrahamproject while Mermek moved the Nordic warriors, (the Danaans, Aryans and Hittites), against all other Adamites.Hermes broughtAbraham’s descendants for a while to Egypt. He also renamed Jacob to ‘Israel’ in order to placehim andhis descendants under the oldergods, Isis-Ra-El. The Hyksos, the vanguard of the Hittites, reduced them to slavery, greatly diluted with darker racesof slaves, wrongly considered today as ‘typical Semites’, descendants of Adam through Seth! (The Seth/Adamites are fair-skinned blue-eyedredheads; i.e. Phoenicians/Hellenes).
[*In the Greek Septuagint Bible, Genesis 10.21,to Shemfather of the children of Eber is in the dative case whilst of Japheth the eldest is in the genitivecase; Japhethwas the firstborn].
With all other Adamitesdestroyed or dispersed and the Israelites racially diluted, Hermes kept track of a thin line of Adamites, to receive under his control any new appointments that would bring new plans* for theproject. (*Any new planswould come through the Adamitebloodline, with itsdistinctgene marker.Hermeshas no authority to issue any plans; neither is he deemed worthy in Lucifer’s eyes to have direct access to these plans.)
Having received the Hermic initiation at Memphis, Moses was commissioned by Jhwh to lead the Exodus of the Israelites, now greatly diluted with older darker races, but Moses did not enter Canaan because he considered himself contaminated.
Most of what transpired with the Israelites was Hermes’ work in the name ofJhwh. He devised the name ‘Israel’ and made up that unlikely story of Jacobwrestlingall night with god El. Ever since, the word ‘Israel’ means ‘wrestles El’. In the process of history,Rwanemrenamed them ‘Jews’, (Jeus in Middle English), via the evolution of the name ‘Judah’; the reason why Jacob chose Judah as his successor instead of his firstborn Reuben. Thus, the process was set up for the succession of El by Zeus. [El is Saturn; hence, Israel’s sanctification of Saturday. Out of El (Israel),Zeus (theJews)was born. Saturn (Greek Mythology),or theRedDragon(Revelations 12), tried to swallow upZeusorJesus.] Ever since, Rhea-Jerusalem and her children, (the Jews), have been persecuted, first by the Romans(the Red Dragon in Revelations 12)andthen by theChristians(the ‘beast rising from the sea’ inRevelations 13).Hermesshielded Israelbut did not (or could not)shield theJews. [The state of Israel*, established bythosethat persecutedthe Jewsfor centuries, is the subtlestenemyof theJews; aTrojan horse, ‘born of Trojan blood and German heart’ (Nostradamus V74), to destroy any sympathy for the Jewsdue to theholocaustand prepare a new universalpersecutionof theJews. It is also a renewal of the old wrestling between El and Zeus.] (*The names ‘Judea’and ‘Zion’were rejected).
In late 8th century BCE, the Assyrians conquered the ten tribes and dispersed many of them in Central Asia. In 620, Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judea and carried many Judeans to Babylon.Zeus, having lost Ionia/Greece to Mermek (the Danaans*), used hisdevotee King Cyrus, a descendant of the ‘Great Ionians’, (refugees of the Trojan war), to establish a new Covenant with the Jews.[*TheNordic Dragons adopted theIonian Zeusbut turnedhisreligionto reptilian; (see ‘Cadmus’ C).]
Shambala, (headed by Christ),decidedto punish the Persian Prince by destroying his Empire. Hermes stepped forward and undertook the job, despite the disagreement of the majority of theLodge. Driven byMermek/Christ, his symbiote-overself, Alexander targeted the Adamites, from Thebes in Greece, Miletus, Lycia-Phoenike and Tyreto Central Asia and the Indus River. Hermes expected the final plans to come through the Abraham project and so he kept a close watch over Judea until these plans arrived.
Rwanemincarnated as Lamar the EsseneTeacher of Righteousness*, under Hermes’ watchful eye, and prepared theJesus-888 mission: to reveal the prophecy of the End. Hermes used Jesus to block Calicastia’s use of the ritual power of the Cross, (that helearnt from Hermes), and to transfer Jesus’ software packagetoChrist(Jesus’ symbiote-overself);after this, Judeawas destroyedand the Jews dispersed; (sixth destruction of Zion). (Lamarwas executed by order of Antiochus IV in 165 BCE).[*See ‘Dead Sea scrolls’].
Jesus’ biological father was the EsseneEzekiel, ordained Zeramas, the Hermichigh priest of the temple ofIsisat Petra(where Mary was a novice) and his spiritual father Hermes; (born in 18 BCE).
After he joined the Essenes, Jesus attended Memphis and graduated as high initiate.Hermes monitored Jesus’22-year mission and officiated over his crucifixion; Jesuswent along.Christ left Jesus’ body with a copy of Jesus’ software just beforethe crucifixion. Jesus was crucified in the spring of 30 CE at the age of 47 years and 8 months. (John the Baptist was born in 61 BCE; 43 years older).
The Greeks that visited Jesus before the last supper(John ch.12, 20-23) were threeHermichigh mystics, whom he knew from before. They brought him a gold colored potion, a potion taken in Hermichigh initiations, to take for the crucifixion. It took Jesusto a deepcataleptic coma, (as in allhigh initiations),during which specialized angels carried out a transformationof his body. (It was these mystics that moved away the gravestone and resuscitated him. The Angel that the ladies saw in the open grave was one of them).
Jesus lived the rest of his incarnate life, incognito to the wider public, supporting hisfellowship, mainly in Ionia, from where he ousted Paul. (It was during this time that he visited Lucifer’s throne for the Revelations prophecy). After Jerusalem was destroyed, he diedso that theCounselorwould come.Before he left, he appeared to John, with messages to his Ionian bishops and the Revelations. Though in his messages Jesus promised to return soon, (while some of the bishops were still alive), he was trapped in limbo by the perpetual crucifixionritual. At first, this was practiced by the Romans at crossroads and squares as an anathema for the Jews and the followers of Jesus and then brought into the churches as the central theme in Christianity.
The first followers of Jesus were Jews andgod-fearing sympathizers that also called themselves‘Jews’. After three centuries of fierce persecutions by the Romans, Hermes establishedChristianity through hisDryad priestess Helen and her son, (his own spiritual son),Constantine I, under the death banner of the cross. Ousted from Heavens, (Shambala), Christ, now as Jesus-Christ (priest-king), declaredhimselfautocrat in the West, independent fromHermes. Thelatter moved Constantine II with some Celts to the British Isles, where he established the Mother cult of the Druids;hisexclusivealternative. Ever since, there has been a struggle in the Church between the spirit of Jesus (in theGospels) andChrist; (the ‘beast rising from the sea’ in Revelations 13).
Jesus was boundinlimbobyhaving his imagepermanently nailed to the cross. Every Jew and everybody with the name ‘Jesus’ is subjected to thisvoodoo. Only an incarnate with the name ‘Jesus’ that identifies with Jesus can free Jesus from this limbo. For this reason, the name ‘Jesus’ was removed from the list of given names of the Greek Orthodox and, in extension, all European Christians; (until the Spanish started using it).
With Jesusbound in limbo, Christ,(now with a copy of Jesus’software and exclusive use of the ritualpower of the Cross-777), usedthe Nordic warrior race to extendChristianity into anEmpire under the death banner of the cross, through conquering, rapine, genocide, slavery, colonialism and economic exploitation of the rest of the World, till today. This is a rogueSith Empire established on the ashes of the trueSeth, (the true Adamites), who for 9000 years, from the destruction of their colony in Central Asia to the Jewishholocaust, have been systematically exterminated or thinned out.