1.  All safety signage MUST be positioned around the range with a 50 metre buffer from furtherest shooting distance to be shot on that round.

2.  All safety equipment (min. dress -closed in shoes, adequate sun protection) must be worn on the range.

3.  No broad heads or bows over 60lb to be shot on the range.

4.  Never point a loaded bow at another person.

5.  Never shoot an arrow vertically, as you may hit yourself or another person.

6.  Never shoot an arrow until you have been signalled to do so by the D.O.S. (Director of Shooting or the Range Master)

7.  No-one is allowed to be in front of the shooting line.

8.  Arrows should only be nocked on the shooting line and pointed in the direction of the targets.

9.  Two whistle blasts signals the archer to the shooting line, followed by a single blast within 10 seconds to commence firing.

10.  When you have completed shooting, move immediately from the shooting line and place bow within the designated area.

11.  Three consecutive whistle blasts will signify all archers have completed firing and arrows may be retrieved. Leave your bow behind the firing line in the designated area.

12.  Elect one person from your group to pull arrows, and ensure all persons are off to one side during this operation.

13.  Lost arrows are to be retrieved within three minutes of search time, or left to be retrieved when the D.O.S. lets you do so – generally at the end of the round.

14.  If a person or animal enters the safety zone when shooting is about to commence or while shooting is in progress, a continuous whistle blast or horn is sounded –
ALL SHOOTING MUST CEASE – If bow is at full draw it should be pointed at the ground and let down.

15.  Archers should always be aware of the danger associated with their bow.

16.  No archer should shoot while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

¨  I acknowledge that I have read, understood and will comply with the stated
Townsville Target Archers Range Rules..

¨  I have read the Archery Australia Code of Conduct.

Name (Please Print): ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………