Page 1 of 6Integrated Course Outline of Record Form B
Submitted by: / Bil Bergin / Date: / 14-Jul-2010
(select from this list) / Department
(select from this list) / Subject
(select from this list) / Course Number / Title
Computer Information Systems / CIS / CSIS / 114A / SQL Programming - Level 1
History – M / HIST / HIST / 151 / History and Appreciation of Dance
Dance – M
DAN / DAN / 100 / History and Appreciation of Dance
Course Number:a) 001-069 Non-Degree credit, b) 070 and higher: Degree credit, c) 070-079 are intended for students with learning disabilities, d) 100 or higher: Transfer credit (please clickherefor the transfer form).
Title: If this course is having a subject or number change, the course author must include after the Course Title (formerly {Subj}{Course Number}) i.e. Technology in the Classroom (formerly CDE 160).
Each lecture unit requires 1 hour per week of class time, and 2 hours per week of study outside of class.
Each laboratory unit requires 3 hours per week of class time.
Lecture Units/Hours
1 unit – 16-182 units – 32-36
3 units – 48-54
4 units – 64-72
5 units – 80-90 /
1 unit – 48-542 units – 96-108
3 units – 144-162
4 units – 192-216
5 units – 240-270 / Lecture Units / Lab Units / Total Units
3 / + / 0 / = / 3
Lecture Hours / Lab Hours / Total Hours
48-54 / + / 0 / = / 48-54
Maximum Enrollment: / 30 / Enter number / TOP code
(choose only 1) / 0707.10 / (click here for TOP code website)
Pass/No Pass ONLY / YesNo / Yes or No
(usually No)
Canbetaken / 1 / time(s) for credit(max 4) (More detailed information on course repeatability can be foundhere).
(If more than 1, justify with one of the following)
Because the course content differs each time it is offered …
… and the student who repeats it is gaining an expanded educational experience because skills and proficiencies are enhanced by supervised repetition and practice within class periods
… and the student who repeats it is gaining an expanded educational experience because active participatory experience in individual study or group assignments is the basic means by which learning objectives are obtained.
Stand Alone Course Check box if Stand Alone course.
A Stand Alone course is a non-degree applicable credit course or a degree applicable credit course which is not part of a degree or state certificate and is not approved in one of the GE areas. If a course is only approved in an employment concentration certificate, it is considered Stand Alone.If course is Stand Alone, indicate in Stand Alone field on Form A1.
AA/AS Degree General Ed Breadth Area(s): / D2
Courses should be appropriately placed on the General Ed pattern, please select one or more areas fromthis list. In the box below, justify placement for each general education area indicated using the general education definitions and student learning outcomes found here.
Area D2: This course is designed to meet the objectives for local area D2 (Language and Rationality/Communication and Analytical Thinking) because it focuses on promoting critical thinking using computer (programming) languages. It supports each of the student learning outcomes for D2 through the course focus on SQL computer programming. These SQL program solutions come about after carefully thinking logically and critically, identifying and analyzing real and potential problems, and developing, evaluating and testing possible solutions and outcomes.
Catalog Description:(Please do not refer to transferability or degree, certificate, or employment concentration applicability. Please only describe the course). (75 words or less in gray box below).
This course introduces the SQL programming language and covers all of the features of the language that are needed to create and maintain single-table database systems. SQL features that will be covered include: language syntax, data query language (DQL) elements, data manipulation language (DML) elements, and basic data definition language (DDL) elements. No prior programming experience required.
To count words, select only the words within the catalog description, then go to Tools, and to Word Count. Careful! If you select the entire box that the words are within, it won’t give an accurate count.
Schedule Description: (Please do not refer to transferability or degree, certificate, or employment concentration applicability. Please only describe the course). (25 words or less in gray box below).
Students will use SQL to create and maintain single-table database applications. Instruction will include hands-on activities with IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, MySQL, and/or Oracle database systems.
To count words, select only the words within the catalog description, then go to Tools, and to Word Count. Careful! If you select the entire box that the words are within, it won’t give an accurate count.
Need for the course: (For more information on demonstrating need, clickhere)
The CIS department offers courses that are designed to help students transfer, as well as to prepare them for employment in the computing and information technologies disciplines. This course is part of our database and programming certificate series and is also designed for working professionals who are looking to upgrade their skills. It will introduce our students to the preeminent modern database programming language.
Prerequisites go through a separate approval process. See Forms E1-E5 for details.
(For further clarification, contact the Prerequisite Subcommittee)
Corequisites go through a separate approval process. See Forms E1-E5 for details.
Recommended Preparation:
Recommended Preparation goes through a separate approval process. See Forms E1-E5 for details.
Other Enrollment Criteria:
See Forms E1-E5 for details.
Learning Objectives:(please number each objective and express in behavioral terms)
Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to do the following:
1.Prepare an explanation/analysis of the generic systems development life cycle (SDLC) model and SQL’s role in the implementation phase.
2.Describe the history of the SQL programming languages and the role of standard bodies in its evolution and development.
3.Describe the classification scheme for SQL statements (DQL, DML, DLL, DDL); and evaluate and categorize SQL programs into the ontology.
4.Prepare, code and test SQL statements that use character, numeric, and/or temporal functions.
5.Prepare, code and test SELECT statements that incorporate regular expressions.
6.Prepare, code and test SQL programs that use subqueries.
7.Prepare, code and test a SQL program that incorporates group functions.
8.Prepare, code and test SQL programs that use DML commands (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
9.Create base schema objects with DDL.
10.Analyze technical information, as well as listen effectively to, communicate orally with, and prepare memos, reports and documentation for a wide range of audiences.
11.Investigate and assess new sources of information and learning opportunities to stay abreast of emerging information and computing technologies.
12.Prepare a list of career paths related to the program of study, as well as any qualifications and/or professional certifications that may be associated with those careers.
Course Content: (please number the outline of main topics and subtopics)
1.Computers and programs
a.What is computer science
b.Hardware basics
c.Programming languages
d.Database programming and fourth generation languages
2.Simple select statements
a.SQL statement classification scheme
b.Select – from
3.Conditional selection of rows
a.Select – from –where
b.Comparison operators
c.Comparison conditions
d.Special operations
e.Boolean operators
f.Rules of precedence
4.Single row functions
a.String / character functions
b.Numeric functions
c.Temporal functions
5.Sorting and ordering output
6.NULL s
a.Nested queries
8.Aggregate functions
a.Simple table creation
d.Simple View creation
e.Create view
f.Drop view
11.Life-Long Learning
a.Web Resources
b.Relevant Publications
c.Other Educational Opportunities
12.Career Options
a.How this course relates to standard job classifications
b.Relation to industry and vendor certification paths
c.Overview of technical skills
d.Overview of soft skills
Methods of Instruction:(please number and be reflective of a variety of learning styles)
Methods of instruction may include, but are not limited to the following:
1.Lecture on the key course components for example, classification scheme for SQL statements, as well as the form and function of database programming languages, simple select statements, conditional selection of rows, subqueries, and NULLs.
2.Guided discussion on data modeling language (DML) and data definition language (DDL) statements, educational paths, and career options.
3.Guided practice and hands-on activities writing SQL programs that use aggregate functions, simple row functions, and conditional selections of rows.
4.Pair and small-group problem solving and discussion on using subqueries, single row and aggregate functions, DML and DDL statements in SQL programs.
Methods of Evaluation:A student's grade shall be determined by the instructor using multiple measures of performance related to the course objectives. Methods of evaluation may include but are not limited to the following:
1.Tests that demonstrate mastery of course objectives. For example: multiple choice questions to demonstrate understanding of SQL program elements and SQL syntax.
2.Participation in guided discussion topics on SQL programming stylewill be evaluated on contribution, suitability (applicability to the topic at hand), and content. In regard to written participation activities, evaluation might also consider completeness (were all ‘talking points’ [label names, indentation, case usage] addressed in the response) and presentation (spelling, grammar, and format).
3.Homework assignments that demonstrate the student can read and track the logical flow of SQL programs using the SQL processing model. Homework assignments will be evaluated on correctness (is the SQL processing model being applied correctly to the problem), and presentation (spelling, grammar, formatting, correct illustration of the model).
4.Student programming projects that demonstrate the ability to write SQL Programs to solve problems.Programming assignments will be graded on completeness (were each of the functional specifications addressed), correctness (were each of the functional specifications correctly implemented), and documentation and testing (was the test ‘suite’ adequate for the problem, did the documentation include program and user id, along with an IPO / flowchart or other suitable program design model, does the code abide by demonstrated coding conventions).
Examples of Assignments:Students will be expected to understand and critique college level texts or the equivalent. Reading and writing, as well as out of class assignments are required. These assignments may include but are not limited to the following:
Example Assignment 1:
Using the movies database:
1.What are the names for the least expensive movies in the collection? Show both the title of the film and the cost.
2.What are the names of the movies that cost within $2 of the most expensive film(s)?
3.Using the count function, how many films are there in the collection that cost within $2 of the most expensive film(s)?
Example Assignment 2:
NULLs | Subqueries | Any | All …
Reminder: read the Project Guidelines document for instructions on how to format and submit your assignments.
1.How many records in the database have NULL values in any of these columns: genre, purchase date, year.
2.For each of the films in the comedy genre, show the title and cost of the movie. If the cost of the movie is NULL, show that cost as 0.
3.What was the cost for the most expensive movie(s) in the collection?
4.What is the name of the most expensive film(s)? (In other words: what films have a cost equal to the cost of the most expensive movie?)
5.What are the names for the least expensive movies in the collection? Show both the title of the film and the cost.
6.What are the names of the movies that cost within $2 of the most expensive film(s)?
Textbook (s): The required college-level textbooks may include, but are not limited to the following:
Required (1):
Joan Casteel, Lannes Morris-Murphy / Oracle 10g: SQL
Author / Title
Cengage Learning / 9781418836290 / 01/2006
Publisher / ISBN / Publication Date
Required (2):
Joe Celko / Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties
Author / Title
Elsevier Science & Technology Books / 9780123820228 / 11/2010
Publisher / ISBN / Publication Date
Required (3):
Author / Title
Publisher / ISBN / Publication Date
Supplemental (1):
Author / Title
Publisher / ISBN / Publication Date
Supplemental (2):
Author / Title
Publisher / ISBN / Publication Date
Supplemental (3):
Author / Title
Publisher / ISBN / Publication Date
REV 5/10