Math II Syllabus
Grady High School
Teacher: Dr. Giles
Email Address:
Tutorial: Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:30
This is the second in the sequence of secondary mathematics courses designed to ensure that students are college and work ready. This course requires students to: represent and operate with complex numbers; use numerical, graphical, and algebraic techniques to explore quadratic, exponential, and piecewise functions and to solve quadratic, exponential and absolute value equations and inequalities; use algebraic models to represent and explore real phenomena;
explore inverses of functions; use right triangle trigonometry to formulate and solve problems;
discover, justify and apply properties of circles and spheres; use sample data to make informal inferences about population means and standard deviations; and fit curves to data and examine the issues related to curve fitting. (Prerequisite: Successful completion of Mathematics 1)
Georgia Department of Education (
Atlanta Public Schools Student Editions (
Students are required to come to class each day with a pencil and eraser, and a notebook (1 inch 3-ring binder) with lined paper and graphing paper. It is strongly recommended that the students also bring a TI graphing calculator. The model TI – 83 or higher is recommended and works very well.
Grades will be based on the APS Scale: A (100 – 90), B (89 – 80), C (79 – 70), F (69 – 0)
and will be computed as follows:
25% Classwork:Math II has a strong focus on Unit Tasks which help students with problem solving and mathematical applications to real-life problems.
10% Homework:Homework will be assigned on most days to reinforce concepts learned in class. Homework assignments will be based on performance and completeness.
10% Project:There will be a project due at the end of the semester to demonstrate students’ mastery of a particular Unit.
10% NotebookNotes that are taken in class and out of class must be kept in a binder. The binder should be divided into 4 sections: Standard/Sponge; Notes; Classwork/Homework; Tests and Quizzes.
15% Quizzes:Quizzes will be given on a regular basis between testing periods and will cover only a few concepts. Quizzes may or may not be announced.
30% Tests:Tests will be given periodically to cover major concepts and at the completion of each unit. Tests will always be announced in advance.
IMPORTANT:All work that is to be submitted must be completed in PENCIL!! Any work that is not in pencil will receive a grade of zero.
Make-up work is allowed for excused absences only. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in missing assignments and/or to reschedule a make-up quiz or test with the teacher. Failure to make-up assignments within the allotted time will result in a maximum grade of 50%. Failure to make-up quizzes or tests will result in a zero. Absences due to school-initiated activities in which the student chooses to participate do not excuse the student from work assigned or concepts taught during the absence.
Students must show their work in order to receive full credit on a homework assignment. Late homework assignments will receive a maximum grade of 50% and must be submitted within one week of the original due date.
All work submitted for credit must be the student’s own work, except for any specifically designated group assignments. Copying of any other form will result in a zero grade and will be reported to the school administration and parents/guardians for appropriate action.
All students are expected to adhere to the following policies and expectations:
- Adhere to all policies and procedures as mandated by GradyHigh School and Atlanta Public Schools Student Handbook.
- Enter class quietly, on time, and be prepared.
- Stay in assigned seat until class ends. You will be dismissed by me; not by the bell.
- Be cooperative and quiet. Always RESPECT yourself, teachers, classroom visitors, and classmates. No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in class.
- Bring all supplies to class daily [including a positive attitude].
- At the end of the school day, see me immediately when returning from absences to receive make-up work.
- Ask questions concerning any material which you do not completely understand.
- NO Electronic Devices are allowed!
- Do NOT throw anything in the classroom.
- Do NOT touch anything on Dr. Giles’ desk.
Non-Instructional Routines
- Upon entering the classroom, immediately begin the sponge activity.
- Copy into your notebook the standard, essential question, and vocabulary for the day.
- Sharpen pencils, use restroom, and handle all other non-class related activities prior to the ringing of the tardy bell. Once you are in the classroom, remain in the classroom.
- Complete all tests, quizzes, and assignments in a timely and appropriate manner.
- Do NOT blurt out an answer to a question unless specifically called upon!
If you adhere to the above policies and expectations, you will experience:
- A pleasant and enriching atmosphere in which to learn.
- A rewarding student-student and teacher-student relationship.
- An increase in mathematical knowledge, and strengthen the likelihood of successfully completing this course and future mathematics courses.
- A higher level of critical thinking abilities and an appreciation for logical processes.
Please signbelow acknowledging that you have read the syllabus for your child’s class.Also, please provide accurate contact information sothat I can better stay in touch with you if any concerns arise. Thank you for taking the time and interest to read the syllabus, and for the opportunity to teach your child. Together, we can make your child’s experience at Grady a great one! Contact me by email or phone anytime.
Please return on/before Friday 8/12/2011. Please provide accurate information.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed)______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Parent email address:______
Parent’s home phone number:______
Parent’s cell phone number:______
Student Name (printed)______
Student Signature:______
Student Class/Period______