The Sheep, Sheepdog & Evil Shepherd (Study Questions)
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Chap. 1 pg 11 thru 25
- After reading the description of the three behaviors (sheep, sheepdog & shepherd). Give some examples of how we as original people have become all 11-13
- Does the sheepdog know his master? Why or why not? Pg 13
- What promise did Yakub make to his followers that is today’s reality? Pg 15-16
- What is the purpose of Deut.23:20? Pg17
- As sheepherders herd sheep to graze in fields, what fields have we been herded to graze in? pg 19-20
- Why is it not in our enemies’ interest to allow us to see THLF properly? Pg 20-21
- Sheep depend heavily upon their sight eventhough they hear well. How is this good or bad as it relates to us? Pg 22
- Are there any parallels to our training here in north America to that of the sheep; If so elaborate? Pg 24-25
- The most important basic rule is to keep the dog on the other side of the sheep. Why do you think this benefits the evil shepherd? Pg 25-26
Domestication- Population of organisms to accentuate traits that are desirable to the cultivator or tamer(Wikipedia)
(Websters 10 edi.) To adapt(animal or plant) to life in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans.
Correction- A euphemism for punishment(Wikipedia)
(Websters)- Bringing into conformity with a standard (rebuke, punishment)
The Sheep
Chap. 2
The Power of the Poison Book
- By what means or strategy did the enemy (Jews) use to gain authority over us? Pg. 27-36
Mythology - Their body of stories that they tell to explain nature, history, and customs (Wikipedia)
An allegorical narrative, a popular belief or assumption. (Webster’s 10 edition)
Influence- occurs when ones emotions, opinions, and behavior is affected by others(Wikipedia)
The power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways. SWAY or MODIFY (Webster’s 10 edition)
Chapter 3
A New Historical Paradigm
1. What is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (THEM) correcting by giving us “The Theology of Time & Message to the Black Man? Why was it necessary? Pg37-46
2. Dr Ridgely gives us a glimpse into deep sciences. What purpose does this serve? Pg. 47-53
3. What system or culture was introduced by the Kurgan European that is still dominant today? How long ago? Pg. 53-55
- William Foxwell Albright was a leading archeologist who viewed the Bible as a historical document that caused his students/researchers to search the Holy lands based on his premise. Did their search prove Mr. Albright correct? Elaborate. Pg.60-72
- Since the “6 day war” and expanded occupation of Palestinian lands, has there arisen any archeological evidence that the land truly belongs to Jews? Do you know of examples wherein Jews used the same tactic to start other conflicts as the one employed to start the “6 day war”? Pg 72-74
- The world is in a 6 thousand year old box. If so, what (figuratively speaking) comprises its walls? Pg 75-78
- Is it safe to say that the Bible has historical truths that are covered over by fictional characters? Elaborate. Pg78-81
- From whom did the Jews steal the practice of circumcision and what purpose has this theft served? Pg81-89
- Malcolm X was not loved by Jews at the time of his assassination. Who have the Jews used as a sheepdog to do their bidding? Pg 91-94
- From what mixed group of people did the Jews emerge and what god did they worship? Pg 95
The Sheep, Sheepdog, & Evil Shepherd
Chapter 4
Stolen Identity
- Who is the biblical story of Esau and Jacob actually describing? Pg 104-108
- Why did Christianized-Jews produce half-breeds? Pg.111
- Who are the modern day “mesticos”? How can they be identified? Pg. 112-114, 116, 120
- What has Ezra done that has given Jews their religious zeal? Pg 119-122, Aryandes pg 135, 137
- Biblical scholars say Noah had three sons; Shem, Ham, & Japheth. They say Blacks are from ham, Whites from Japheth and Jews from Shem. According to Mr. Koestlers book, who are Jews descended from and why is this significant? Pg122, pg 138-141, appendix F
Tactic – A conceptual action implemented as one or more tasks. (Wikipedia)
(Webster’s 10th Edition) 1. A device for accomplishing an end 2. A method of employing forces in combat
The Sheep, Sheepdog, and Evil Shepherd
Chap. 5
Money and Banking
- Military science is one of the sciences that the enemy would never teach us according to THEM. Where is the battlefield that most don’t even know exists? Pg. 143-145
- When our people started producing for self, what was the response of whites? Pg 146-147, Appendix pg. 174-175
- What was the philosophy of Joel Spingarn? Do we practice this philosophy today? Pg. 147-148
- In relation to black people, what position did the NAACP and W.E.B Dubois hold? Give examples. Pg 148-152
- From 2001 thru 2012, how much money (total) went towards bank bailouts and theft? With 400 million total people in America, what does this total for each person? How much per person for the fifty million originals? Pg.152-153, Appendix pg. 163
- How many people control the Federal Reserve System? (Talk about 1%) pg. 154-155, Appendix pg. 172, 181-183, 203-206
- Could smooth round rocks theoretically ever be considered money? 156-160, Appendix pg. 191-192
- What is the most powerful force in the universe according to Einstein? pg. 161-162, Appendix pg. 164
Something to consider
If you had your choice of having two million five hundred thousand dollars today or 1 penny to start that doubled in value everyday for thirty days, which would you choose?
Chapter 6
Persecution of the Jews
- How has scapegoating black people benefited the Jews? Pg 207-208 How long has this been practiced? Pg. 210
- In 1985 MLF warned of the stranglehold of the Jewish lobby on the government. How have Jews made firm their grip on government? Pg 209-211.
- What is the Sabbatical year and how is it practiced today? Pg 213-215
- What is the Jubilee? Pg 213, 216
- What is the reason behind the somewhat cyclic persecution of the Jews? Pg 218-228, 230
- Dr Ridgely has paralleled the seven year cycles with actual pogrom events to illustrate the approximate nearness in time. With this knowledge why is it still nearly impossible to beat them at their own game? pg 218-219, Pg 230-240
The Sheep, Sheepdog, and the Evil Shepherd
Chap. 7
- What happened that caused the dollar to lose its value? Pg. 241-242
- In reading the dollar collapse predictions, what is the general reason for collapse that seems to rear its ugly head throughout the predictions? Pg. 244-247
- What purpose do business cycles serve in general? More specifically, what is being accomplished with the Joseph Schumpeter Juglar Cycle? Pg. 247-249
- What drives stocks higher and what brings stocks down? Pg.252-253
- Dr Ridgely exposes the hidden cycle of 2625 days in his letter to the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan. I see a lot in the numbers from our lessons/teaching, what do you see? Pg.254-260
- To what purpose has 9/11 served the enemy? Pg.264-267
Derivative – A contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity (Wikipedia)
The Sheep, Sheepdog, and the Evil Shepherd
Chap. 8
- What are some modern day money corrals that we fall victim too? Pg 273
- What character flaw was/is present in common people that help the stock market (corral) to steadily attract new victims? Pg. 273-275
- What follows the expansion of credit and why? Pg 281-283
- What did the bankers propose to be the solution to a vulnerable U.S. economy? Pg 292
- Who benefits from war? Explain Pg 293-295
- What is an IPO an example of from earlier in this chapter? Pg 301-303
- Do bankers benefit only when a stock increases in value? Please explain. Pg.305-310
- Who did not benefit from TARP? Pg 316
- Is there evidence that foreign economies and the U.S. economy are connected? Pg 318-322
Speculation – The practice of engaging in risky financial transactions in an attempt to profit from fluctuations in the market value of a tradable good. (Wikipedia)
Currency debasement – The practice of lowering the value of money
The Sheep, Sheepdog, and Evil Shepherd
Chap 9
- The first 5 pages describe the wide fluctuations in the length of intervals of boob/bust cycles. What does Dr Ridgely believe is the reason for the wide fluctuations? Pg 332
- In addition to fleecing the people through financial collapses, what key legislation in favor of Jews was enacted as a result of financial collapse? Pg 332-333
- What is Dr. Ridgely showing us by comparing the biblical interval to other mathematical intervals? Pg. 336 & pg. 342
- Donald Trump’s prediction of collapse lines up with Dr Ridgely’s timeline of collapse. What is the fundamental reason that both are likely to be correct? Pg 343
- Why do corporations acquire other corporations? Pg 344-345
Average Deviation – the mean number derived from absolute deviation. Example. The number of pens have been 2, 4, & 6. This averages to 4. Then subtract each number of pens relative to the average. 2-4=2, 4-4=0, 6-4=2. Then average the sums of 2,0,2 and you’ll get 2+0+2=4 = 4 = 1.33
3 3
1.33 is the average deviation. This may help in understanding table 5 thru 10.
The Sheep, Sheepdog & Evil Shepherd
Chapter 10
- Why does the evil shepherd want to kill The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? Pg.347
- The Jews have a secret knowledge of mathematical cycles and ancient Egytian writings, yet they rely on two tools to control the economy. What are the tools? Pg.348-349
- How can a cooperative corporation benefit us more than a publically traded corporation? Pg. 349-350 pg. 373-376
- Just like Yakub set up four laborers to help him carry out his work, his children set up four types of laborers also. Who are they in the modern time? Pg. 352
- After Jews rob the people, what do they use their ill-gotten gains for? Pg.354
- What are some reasons that Dr Ridgely gives to look for the game and not the name? pg. 354-357
- What have we done with Jewish influence and financial backing that prevents our unity today? Pg.357-360
Communalism – A system that integrates communal ownership and federations of highly localized independent communities.